Annunaki Video Proof

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Psalms of The Annunaki IV

A hymn to Ninimma (Ninimma A)

Segment A

1-18. You are the seal-holder of the treasury of the ....... You are the caretaker of the great gods, you are ....... Ninimma, you are the lady of all the great rites in the E-kur. Lady, you are the ...... of Enlil, you are the heavenly scribe. You ...... the tablet of life.
1 line fragmentary You who bring the best corn are the lady of the E-sara. The surveyor's gleaming line and the measuring rod suit you perfectly. You can hold your head high among the great princes. You are ....... You are ......, the cherished one.
1 line fragmentary ......; you are exceptional in wisdom. ...... joy ....... My lady, you were exalted already in the womb; you are resplendent like the sunlight. You are suited to the lapis-lazuli crown (?); you are the heavenly ....... ...... adorned with loveliness .......
1 line fragmentary
approx. 10 lines missing

Segment B

1-11. ...... like a strong (?) ....... ...... of the E-kur ...... lady ....... ...... the forceful one of Nanna....... You are profoundly intelligent, one who knows everything. You are the shining light which fills the exalted sanctuary. You are she who ...... by Enlil. You are ....... You are ....... You are most apt for the holy susbu rites and lustration rites.
1 line unclear
Ninimma of the holy divine plans, it is sweet to praise you!

Segment C

1. You are .......

cir-gida to Ninisina (Ninisina A)

1-14. ...... who has taken her seat on an exalted dais, ......, imbued with awesomeness, an amazing sight, ...... Ninisina, joyously fresh, ......, gathering up the divine powers, she announces the rites. ...... Ninisina ...... with intricate skill. ......, ministering with intricate skill, she gathers up the divine powers; Ninisina, ministering with intricate skill, she gathers up the divine powers. She takes in her hands the august divine powers. She attaches the incrustations to the great garment, while speaking favourable words. She tests the surgical lancet; Ninisina sharpens the scalpel. She has made perfect the divine powers of medicine, and hands them over to her son, the king of Jirsi, the kindly Damu:
15-26. "My son, pay attention to everything medical! Damu, pay attention to everything medical!" He takes the bandages and wipes them; he treats the bandages with embrocation, and softens the plaster that had been put on them. He mops up the blood and suppuration, and places a warm hand on the horrid wound. My lady, the midwife of the mothers of the Land, is the chief doctor of the black-headed; Ninisina, the daughter of An, hands this all over to her son, the king of Jirsi, the kindly Damu:
27-35. "My son, pay attention to everything medical! Damu, pay attention to everything medical! You will be praised for your diagnoses." Holy Ninisina performs for him her role as incantation priest, which Enki bestowed on her from the princely abzu. Because of the anxiety and intestinal disease which pursue mankind, this person writhes like a snake on scorching ground, hissing like a snake in waste ground, always calling out anew: "My heart! My stomach!"
36-45. My lady performs the incantations perfectly. Ninisina speaks the incantation formula over them and they become better. She performs the incantation with ghee, and pours it into her great bowl, bringing it along in her cooling hands. She makes the illness leave this person's body like wind. Like a raging fire of esparto grass, it dies out of its own accord. The personal gods of mankind stand before her pleading and praying; at their request, holyNinisina intercedes before An and Enlil for them at his highest cult place:
46-51. "The evil demons and the evil demonesses who beset mankind, Dim-me and Dim-meawho enter by night, Namtar and Asag who will not leave a man alone, stand before the man. He is robbed of sleep (?). His god who smites all
1 line unclear
52-60. That man calls a dream interpreter, wishing to have knowledge of the future. The man for whom the demonic illness has been too great utters pleas to holy Ninisina, utters prayers to her: "My lady, I come to do homage to you!" Then your incantation descends onto the man, and you will treat him like a youth who has a protective deity. Afterwards, when you have stretched out your finger over him, he will himself praise you fittingly and call upon your name favourably!
61-73. My lady searched intensively on her own (?), concerned herself with things that otherwise one does not bother with, directed her attention to things that otherwise one does not do. Proudly she ...... the rank of Mistress, and my lady took away all the divine powers established for it. At that time, the jewellery of cuba stones did not exist; no jewellery of cubastones was worn on the neck. Ninisina invented it: it was she who ploughed with the cubastones, she who made them into seeds. For (?) the goddess, the great mistress of heaven, she invented the jewellery of cuba stones. Radiating terrifying splendour as she grasped it, she placed it joyously on her head.
74-82. To create offspring for thousands of young women, to make things in order like a potter, to cut the umbilical cord, to determine destinies, to place a hand on the door of the Nijin-jar (a part of Ninisina's temple at Isin) , ......, to let the human child scream loud and long after it is received in the embrace, to turn its belly downwards and to turn it upside down, to ...... the office of Mistress, to treat it quickly, to wash ...... -- after she has made all these great divine powers appear gloriously, and my lady has spoken praise ...... in addition, Ninisinapraises herself fittingly:
83-89. "I am the lady, the youthful woman, the great strength of Enlil! I am the beautiful woman Ninisina, daughter of holy An! My father An the king, shepherd of the gods, sat me in the Land on a holy dais. My mother Urac, the lady of the gods, had momentous sexual intercourse with An, relaxing in the holy bedchamber; my place of engendering by holy An was a holy place."
90-104. "My house is the house of Isin, the cosmic border of heaven and earth, a fragrant cedar forest whose perfume does not diminish; its interior is a mountain established in plenteousness. Before the land of Dilmun ever existed, my house was created from a date palm. Before the land of Dilmun ever existed, Isin was created from a date palm. Its dates are like a great linen garment that hangs on a tree, heaped up into piles. The Anuna, the great gods, eat together with me. My house is a place of healing, full of opulence, the place of the formation of the Land. At night it shines to me like the moonlight; in the noonday heat it shines to me like the sunlight. My husband, Lord Pabilsaj, the son of Enlil, lies inside with me ......, enjoying his rest there. My watercourse is the Kir-sig watercourse, which produces plenty for eating, which spreads out over the wheat; in it the flowing water always rises high for me. Its banks make syrup and wine grow there, and make their produce rich for me."
105-120. "The heart of the Great Mountain Enlil became fearsome: he frowned at the enemy land, and cursed the rebel land. My father Enlil despatched me to the rebel land, the enemy land that he had frowned at -- me, the young woman, me, the strong heroine -- I went there. I made the shepherd of the rebel land there grasp Enlil's words well in his ears. He became frightened at me and became silent (?) in my presence. Then he was consigned to oblivion. Now no one knows him there in the destroyed city, no one finds the shepherd there in his pastures. After I had destroyed it like water, drowned it like the harvest, after I had grabbed him as a threshing sledge grabs barley, after I had set him ablaze like esparto grass, I struck him with the mace and killed him. I announced the news to my father Enlil in Nibru."
121-135. "I am the lady who sits upon terrifying divine powers! I am she who is endowed from holy heaven with the office of incantation priestess! I am she who withdraws the first fruits from the palace, I am she who has received the divine powers from the most elevated dais. I am mighty, I am the forceful one of An and Urac, I am the great lady of the gods! My terror is fearsome as it weighs on the Land; my terrifying splendour burdens all the foreign lands. No man anticipates my commands. I am the lady, I am heroic, I am youthful, I am the powerful one of the Land! The heavens fold themselves in my presence like a mourning garment; the earth is more and more submerged as if by the water of a flood when I am present. I am the neck-stock of the Land which grips mankind. I am she who hastens like a north wind storm into the midst of the people! I am she who hears prayer and pleading!" Praise be to holyNinisina.
    136. A cir-gida of Ninisina.

cir-namcub to Ninisina (Ninisina B)

1-15. Softened with the finest oils, softened with the finest oils -- for her let the finest oils be brought! So that she can be softened with the finest oils, let flowing oil be brought for her. For my beautiful ......, who is luxuriance, for my lady NinsirsirAma-ugu-kuku, for my lady sitting in wine, for Ninisina sitting in wine, to make the fire blaze in the sky; for my lady bathing like a swallow, let cedar oil and cypress oil, and cedar oil, the aromatic which is beloved of the gods, and cimgig oil, and ...... oil, and holy cow's butter and dairy cow's milk, and ghee brought from the holy cattle-pen and milk brought from (?) the sheepfold, oils wafting up into the heart of heaven like aromatic resins, and ligidba plant oil and white cedar oil -- let them all glisten on her!
16-24. May she dribble with aromatic cedar resin upon her throat, with white cedar oil on her breasts, with oil on her eyes! Let the finest oils be sprinkled for her! May her neck be made to dribble with aromatic cedar resin! May the finest oils be sprinkled for her on her combed pubic hair and the hair of her head! May the finest oils besprinkle the lustrous nape of her neck as it turns! May the finest oils wash her hands and feet and her rich and fruitful parts! May her limbs and her perfect features lie in the oil! May the woman drip with oil as a cow that has been stood in the water!
25. 24 lines.
    26. A cir-namcub of Ninisina. (lines 25 and 26 are written as one line in source)

Ninisina's journey to Nibru: a cir-namcub to Ninisina (Ninisina C)

14 lines missing
1 line fragmentary ...... escorts her to ....... She sails on the Euphrates, amid the holy reed-shoots; ....... She moors the boat at Kar-jectinaEnki .......
19-25. Humbly she ...... Enlil's house. She ...... food offerings ...... of Enlil. She slaughters cattle and sheep ...... Enlil. ...... greets her from his eternal royal offering-place; ...... his shining ...... upon her. Joyfully .......
1 line fragmentary
35 lines missing

A hymn to Ninisina (Ninisina D)

Segment A

1-7. Lady, surpassing with august divine powers, with head high, full of awesomeness, beloved daughter of great AnNinisina, born of Urac, from the great womb ...... a great destiny, grandiloquent counsellor of her own father, good stewardess of E-kur! Beautiful ......, glory of the holy throne-dais, merciful, ...... of the black-headed! Holy Ninisina, making everything manifest! My lady, ...... in a white garment and cloak! The impressive course of your outstandingly great deeds, which surpass description, is praised.
8-18. Your own father ...... holy An has assigned to you supreme divine powers ....... Lady, ...... mercy, who ...... man, who lets ...... stand up (?), you brought ...... from the womb. Your medical skills heal a man, ...... a man. Lady who benefits a man ...... with her incantations, and gives ......! Sores ...... a man's body, her spells ....... A pin at her (?) throat, ...... on her (?) body. Lady, the plant of life ....... The dying man ....... Nintilmud, ...... man ...... shining ....... He is entrusted (?) into the good hands of his god, ......
1 line fragmentary
approx. 40 lines missing

Segment B

2 lines fragmentary Isin, the city ....... The wicked ....... Ninisina ....... Egal-mah, the throne-dais ....... The two of them ....... The king summoned by name ....... Ninisina ....... ...... desire .......
1 line fragmentary Isin ...... its offerings and gifts ......, ...... chair for you ....... ...... enter Nibru. ...... rightly ....... ...... the gods ......
4 lines fragmentary Ninisina, exalted child of An, ......, it is sweet to praise you.

An adab to Ninisina (Ninisina E)

Segment A

1-6. I will praise the greatness of the ...... who was engendered vigorous by great An -- holyNinisina, who brought youthful power from the womb, who was brought up sitting on the holy knees of Urac; who was copiously given divine powers of ladyship, and who is girded with fearsomeness and awesome radiance: Ninisina.
7-12. I will praise the greatness of ...... my Ninisina, who was engendered vigorous -- holyNinisina, who brought ladyship from the womb, who was brought up sitting on the holy knees of Urac; who was copiously given divine powers of ladyship, and who is girded with fearsomeness and awesome radiance: Ninisina.
13-20. The lord wise in all matters, the Great Mountain, Father Enlil, the foremost among theAnuna gods, looked favourably on her who offered him salutations in all humility. The respected god ...... the office of accountant ...... lapis lazuli ...... who provides the great gods with food, ...... Ninisina, ...... the rank of lady ...... her greatness.
21-28. The lord wise in all matters, the Great Mountain, Father Enlil, the foremost among theAnuna gods, looked favourably on Ninisina offering him salutations in humility. The respected god ...... the office of accountant ...... lapis lazuli ...... who provides the great gods with food, ...... Ninisina, ...... the office of ladyship ...... her greatness.
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

6 lines fragmentary
    7. Sajara.
8. Lady ......!
    9. Its jicgijal of the sa-jara.
10-12. Good woman ......, Ninisina ...... of Enlil ...... made ...... august.
    13. Its uru.
    14. An adab of Ninisina. (lines 13 and 14 are written as one line in source)

Ninisina and the gods (Ninisina F)

Segment A

unknown no. of lines missing
1-5. They ...... stood around her. The holy and pure divine powers befit Ninisina, lady of the great divine powers. Her divine powers are divine powers bestowed on her by An. The Great Mountain Enlil determined a fate for her.
6-15. Having left the temple of Enlil, she entered Eridug, the pleasant place, and took her seat in the abzu shrine. Her father, Enki, seated her upon his knees. He truly cherished Ninisina -- as soon as ...... took a fancy to jewels of cuba stone, they were hung around the neck ofNinisina; as soon as she took a fancy to a white linen garment, he dressed the daughter of holy An in it. Lord Nudimmud determined a fate for her.
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-2. She lay down with him on ...... and spent time joyously with him.
3-9. "...... with your beloved spouse, Lord Pabilsaj, ...... your chosen ......!" This is what the Great Mountain Enlil determined as her fate for ...... perfect with the great divine powers, the fifty divine powers, ...... perfect ...... adorned with jewels of cuba stone, the lady whose great name .......
10-12. In the shrine of NibruDur-an-ki, the place of Enlil, she is ...... indeed.
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

1-10. ...... she is indeed ....... In ......, the ...... of An, ...... she is indeed Jatumdug. In ......, her ...... that reaches the heavens, she is indeed ......, the firstborn child. In ...... Jirsu, the shrine which first brought forth the seed of mankind, my lady is indeed Mother Bau. In ...... Umma, in the Ceg-kurcaga, ...... she is indeed ....... In ......
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment D

1-2. In ......, a dragon lying in wait for men, a ...... sticking out its tongue at everybody, my lady is indeed Nungal.
3-11. My lady entered Lagac. With her beloved spouse, Lord Pabilsaj, she ...... the holy city, her chosen place. All the ...... were drinking and enjoying ....... She gave them ....... She lay down with him on ...... and spent time joyously with him.
12. ...... Ninisina, it is sweet to praise you.
    13. ...... of Ninisina.

A hymn to Ninkasi (Ninkasi A)

1-4. Given birth by the flowing water ......, tenderly cared for by NinhursajaNinkasi, given birth by the flowing water ......, tenderly cared for by Ninhursaja!
5-8. Having founded your town upon wax, she completed its great walls for you. Ninkasi, having founded your town upon wax, she completed its great walls for you.
9-12. Your father is Enki, Lord Nudimmud, and your mother is Ninti, the queen of the abzu.Ninkasi, your father is Enki, Lord Nudimmud, and your mother is Ninti, the queen of the abzu.
13-16. It is you who handle the ...... and dough with a big shovel, mixing, in a pit, the beerbread with sweet aromatics. Ninkasi, it is you who handle the ...... and dough with a big shovel, mixing, in a pit, the beerbread with sweet aromatics.
17-20. It is you who bake the beerbread in the big oven, and put in order the piles of hulled grain. Ninkasi, it is you who bake the beerbread in the big oven, and put in order the piles of hulled grain.
21-24. It is you who water the earth-covered malt; the noble dogs guard it even from the potentates (?). Ninkasi, it is you who water the earth-covered malt; the noble dogs guard it even from the potentates (?).
25-28. It is you who soak the malt in a jar; the waves rise, the waves fall. Ninkasi, it is you who soak the malt in a jar; the waves rise, the waves fall.
29-32. It is you who spread the cooked mash on large reed mats; coolness overcomes .......Ninkasi, it is you who spread the cooked mash on large reed mats; coolness overcomes .......
33-36. It is you who hold with both hands the great sweetwort, brewing it with honey and wine.Ninkasi, it is you who hold with both hands the great sweetwort, brewing it with honey and wine.
1 line fragmentary You ...... the sweetwort to the vessel. Ninkasi, ....... You ...... the sweetwort to the vessel.
41-44. You place the fermenting vat, which makes a pleasant sound, appropriately on top of a large collector vat. Ninkasi, you place the fermenting vat, which makes a pleasant sound, appropriately on top of a large collector vat.
45-48. It is you who pour out the filtered beer of the collector vat; it is like the onrush of theTigris and the EuphratesNinkasi, it is you who pour out the filtered beer of the collector vat; it is like the onrush of the Tigris and the Euphrates.

An adab to Ninlil (Ninlil A)

1-10. Ninlil, comprehensively replete with numerous divine powers! Equal to the Great Mountain; deciding destinies with Lord Nunamnir; suited to the Great Lion; pre-eminent over heaven and earth! Joyous princess (?), lady with the princely divine powers; conveying terror; wise with advice! Mother Ninlil, whose speech is a storm (?), you are a pleasure to Enlil's heart -- he has embraced you! Overseeing everything, Lord Nunamnir loves (?) you. You occupy a holy dais, Mother Ninlil; you provide the ...... of prosperity. All the great lords and sovereigns have paid homage to you. Riding in princely style under a broad shelter in coolness, MotherNinlil, you are the goddess who provides the divine powers of joy and prosperity.
    11. Sa-gida.
12. Ninlil, you are more majestic than the other great gods, you are elevated with great and terrifying divine powers.
    13. Its jicgijal.
14-26. ...... equal to the great gods,
1 line fragmentary
approx. 6 lines missing
1 line fragmentary Mother Ninlil, righteous woman of Enlil, you dwell in the Ki-ur. In his heart filled with pleasure at your joyous divine powers, he has embraced you. The Enki and Ninkideities have perfected their divine powers throughout all countries for you. My lady, your speech is majestic -- take pleasure in your E-kur!
    27. Sa-jara.
28. Good woman, Mother Ninlil, you ride across heaven and earth.
    29. Its jicgijal.
30-32. My lady, unique and outstanding goddess throughout heaven and earth! Mother Ninlil, majestic lady, unique and outstanding goddess throughout heaven and earth! In his heart filled with pleasure at your joyous divine powers you are his beloved, ...... into the future.
    33. Its uru.
    34. An adab of Ninlil. (lines 33 and 34 are written as one line in source)

cir-gida (?) to Nincubur (Nincubur A)

Segment A

1-5. Lady, good seed of the Land, minister of An! Minister of An, Mother Nincubur! From the interior of heaven, An bestowed upon you (?), and Enlil destined as your (?) fate, that you should take a lapis-lazuli sceptre in your hand and proceed in front of An.
6-10. As if you were a fecund ewe caring for its lambs, a fecund goat caring for its kids, or a fertile bearing mother caring for her children, through your powers folds are erected and pens are fenced off. In the folds erected through your powers and in the pens fenced off through your powers,
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-8. "I will soothe hearts, I will soothe spirits. I will appease the Anuna gods ....... I, who am to serve -- I, the tutelary deity, who am to serve ......, I will make the young lady, Inana, born in the shining mountains, rejoice. I, the lady, ......, will make her rejoice. I will soothe hearts, I will soothe spirits. I will appease the Anuna gods ......." This is how the lady celebrated in Akkil.
    9. A cir-gida (?) of Nincubur.

A hymn to Nincubur (Nincubur B)

1-10. The servant (cubur), the wise suppliant, ...... the servant, the wise suppliant, the ...... ofAkkil, the wise suppliant has taken her seat in her city Akkil. The servant has taken her seat inAkkil. The servant ......, Nincubur, ...... Nintur, the servant ......, Nincubur ...... to An.
11-23. For Father Enlil, lord of all the lands; for Ninlil, lady of Ki-ur, the majestic place; for Enki, the bull of Eridug; for the good woman, ...... Damgalnuna; for Acimbabbar in Urim; for Ningal in her Agrun-kug; ...... the Great Mountain Enlil; for ......, Ninurta, for ...... Ninhursaja, for youthfulUtu in the shrine of E-babbar ......, for ...... Ninirigal, for Inana in ZabalamEnlil ...... the great gods .......
    24. Sa-gida.
25-30. Servant, as you took your seat on the lofty dais, Nincubur, as you took your seat, as you took your seat on the dais like Father Enlil, as you took your seat like Enlil and Ninlil, (you said:) "I, like my mother, I, Kaka, will ride high in joy like my mother! I, Nincubur I, Kaka, will ride high in joy like my mother."
31-40. My faithful minister of the E-ana, my Nincubur of the E-ana, (you said:) "I, the august minister of the universe, I, Nincubur of the universe, the faithful minister of the Anuna gods,Nincubur of the Anuna gods, the faithful minister, the personal god of the Land, Nincubur, the personal god of the Land, the faithful minister, the mother of the Land, Nincubur, the mother of the Land, ...... I will ride high in joy."
    41. ...... of Nincubur.

tigi to Nintur (Nintur A)

1-12. Lady Aruru of the house Kec, born in the mountains, the pure place! Nintur, supreme mother of all lands, Mother Nintur, Lady Aruru of the house Kec, born in the mountains, the pure place! Nintur, supreme mother of all lands, has appeared with the hair-raising fearsomeness of a lion. She has given birth to the en priest, has given birth to the lagar priest. On the holy throne-dais, Nintur has given birth to the king. Nintur has appeared with the hair-raising fearsomeness of a lion. She has given birth to the en priest, has given birth to the lagarpriest. On the holy throne-dais, Nintur has given birth to the king.
13-18. Nintur has placed upon his head the ...... that excels all; ......, who has established giving birth in joy. Mother NinturNintur, has placed upon his head the ...... that excels all;Nintur, who has established giving birth in joy.
    19. Sa-gida.
20-35. Forceful lady with the nobility of heaven and earth, ...... born ...... Nintur! ......, which the prince has put in the abzu, she who has contended with the Great Mountain EnlilNintur, forceful lady with the nobility of heaven and earth, ...... born ...... Nintur! ......, which the prince has put in the abzu, she who has contended with the Great Mountain Enlil! The cow cries aloud to her about her calf and, because of her distress, Mother Nintur looks for him, MotherNintur, the august lady of Kec, she who has contended with the Great Mountain Enlil. The cow cries aloud to her about her calf and, because of her distress, Nintur -- Mother Nintur -- looks for him, Mother Nintur, the august lady of Kec, she who has contended with the Great Mountain Enlil.
36-43. When Mother Nintur sat upon the throne-dais on the holy seat of joy, the seat from which she has made everything numerous, it was then that the highest divine powers, which are golden, the glory of the numerous people -- the en priesthood and the kingship -- were created for Enlil. When Nintur, Mother Nintur, sat upon the throne-dais on the seat of joy, the seat from which she has made everything numerous, it was then that the highest divine powers, which are golden, the glory of the numerous people -- the en priesthood and the kingship -- were created for Enlil.
    44. Sa-jara.
    45. A tigi of Nintur.

cir-gida to Ninurta (Ninurta A)

Segment A

1-8. The warrior, the lordly son of EnlilNinurta, the fierce bull, fit to be a prince, the hero manifest in E-cu-me-ca, the glory of E-kur, the rigorous judge, king, ...... of the gods, the butting bull, placing his foot on the rebel lands, Ninurta, the lord of E-cu-me-ca, has taken his seat on the throne-dais of An.
9-17. Like the new moon he comes forth over the people. Like Nanna he is ...... in heaven and earth. He holds in his hand a sceptre of shining precious metal, and the true crown of An is placed on his head. Like Utu he comes forth over the cypresses; like Nanna he stands over the high mountains. {The lord in the courtyard} {(1 ms. has instead:) The lord, the king}, ......, the king who was born in the women's chambers in the mountains, second in rank ......
at least 6 lines missing

Segment B

1-9. ...... playing ......, ...... roaring ......, in the remote ...... Lord Ninurta ...... all the divine powers ...... ornament of cuba stone, Inana ......, beautiful charms ....... The lord of the great place of An, ....... ...... in the abzu constantly, the lord, the foremost one of the house of the excellent divine powers ......, greeting Enki in the abzu shrine.
10-22. August wisdom filling the Land like the abzu, ...... of his pure house, ...... he tends carefully, ...... he calls. {The house of cedar ......} {(1 ms. has instead:) The lord ......}. He pours light over the fields. The lord with the holy mouth (?) standing on the high mountains, the light keeping guard over ......, present constantly every month in the great shrine, Uta-ulu, lord of the gods, great hero of An's, great lord of Enlil'sNinurta, august son of E-kur, lordly son of his own father, your praise is sweet!
    23. A cir-gida of Ninurta.

Ninurta's journey to Eridug: a cir-gida to Ninurta (Ninurta B)

Segment A

1-7. The hero ...... coming forth from the E-kurNinurta ...... coming forth from the E-kur,
1 line fragmentary ...... Ninurta, the son of Enlil,
1 line fragmentary in order to instruct ......, Ninurta went from the place of Enlil to Eridug.
8-13. To determine a destiny of abundance, to improve ......, to see that vegetation should grow lushly in the spacious land, to see that the cow-pens and sheepfolds should be heavy with butter and cream to make the shepherds rejoice, the warrior Ninurta went to Eridug.
14-28. To see that the Tigris and the Euphrates should roar, to see that ......, to see that the subterranean waters should be terrifying, to see that in the lagoons the carp and the goat-fish ......; to see that in the reed thickets mature and fresh reed, first fruits, ......; to see that the numerous animals, the creatures of the plain, the ......, the stag, the deer, the great ......; to see that ......; to see that the living creatures should not diminish, to see that ......; to see that the divine powers of Sumer shall not be forgotten, nor the divine plans of all the lands altered; to see that ......, to see that faithfulness will prevail (?), Ninurta, the son of Enlil, in order to make judgments ......
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-4. As the king went to the abzu, he prepared the way for him; as Ninurta went to Eridug, he prepared the way for him. He made the roadway festive for him, he ...... for him. He madeNinurta joyful in the abzu, in Eridug.
5-9. When the king arrived at the abzu, the day was spent in abundance and the night in celebration; when Ninurta arrived at Eridug, the day was spent in abundance and the night in celebration. The firstborn son of An presented him with divine powers for a lifetime; the lord of all divine powers restored the ancient divine powers to their places for him. The good days ofSumer were to come, ...... Enki.
10-17. As a king, Ninurta, the son of Enlil, wore a crown and ......; as a lord, he tied on the shining headgear and held abundance in his hands. He came forth radiantly, raised his head high in the abzu, in Eridug. A youth who is the glory of the E-kur ......, he is the ...... of kingship; he is the prayer of heaven and earth. With An and Enki he sits joyfully in the courtyard .......
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

1 line fragmentary Ninurta, you are the great wall of Sumer. You are respected because of your heroism.
4-6. Lord who renders true judgments, son of Enlil, linen-clad, god of the determining of fates, suited for lordship, king of (?) the holy lustration rites, an expert in divination, you are indeed suited for the holy throne-dais!
7-19. Ninurta, who together with An determines the destiny in the abzu, in Eridug, what you say takes the breath away; the fate you determine is immutable. Just as (?) for your statements, so also for your determining of fates, the heroic gods of the abzu salute you. O king, just as (?) you raise your head in the abzu, so, Ninurta, may you raise your head in Eridug! The Anuna gods speak in praise of your heroism. King, ...... the E-kurNinurta, ...... theE-kur; ...... great ...... its house. Dragon, lion, its abundance .......
20-30. At the word of Enlil, you rise up (?), warrior Ninurta. Your kingship's fearsomeness and awesome radiance covers the rebellious lands. Warrior, you harrow and you fortify the Land. From the heart of the mountains you bring down silver and lapis lazuli, the treasures of the mountains ......, to your father Enlil. On the horizon ....... At evening ......, ...... companion ....... Lord who destroys the foreign lands, who always claims (?) victory, Ninurta you are the warrior of Enlil; you are authoritative in heaven, warrior .......
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment D

1-7. He gave ...... to you. He gave ...... into your hands. ...... the fifty great divine powers, the pure cleansing rites; fifty is the number of the divine powers of the E-igi-cu-galam ......, in which you determine the fates; fifty is the number of the divine powers of the hall of the evening meal, where your table is erected. No one can declare the great divine powers; no one ...... the good divine powers.
8-14. Your city is august; your house is august. Your divine powers are august; your lustration rites are august. The commands of your kingship are august; the cry of your heroism is august. Ninurta, the son of Enlil, ...... is august. When you come forth from the house of ......, your tall shadow hangs over the Land; from the south as far as the highlands, it covers the Land like a garment.
15-20. Your grandeur pleases EnlilNinurta, your grandeur pleases Enlil. It pleases him that you give firm commands ....... It pleases him that you determine fates ....... It pleases him that you make the royal throne firm. It pleases him that you .......
    21. It is a cir-gida of Ninurta.

A hymn to Ninurta (Ninurta C)

1 line fragmentary ....... ......, lordly son of Enlil, ....... ......, hero who appears in glory, who ....... ...... in Enlil's house ....... ...... no one ....... ...... of E-kur, the rebel lands ....... ......, lord ....... ......, captain, ....... ...... king of Urim, ....... ......, king of Adab ....... ......, king of ....... ...... E-kur.......
1 line fragmentary ...... of Ninlil ....... ...... to the ...... of Enlil ....... ...... heaven and earth, the mother who bore ....... ...... Enlil ....... ...... of the hero .......
1 line fragmentary ...... Zababa ....... ...... hero .......
20 lines missing
42-48. ...... favourable before Ninurta, the great governor of Enlil, and Ninnibru, the beloved child of An.
4 lines missing
May ...... the beloved spouse, Ninnibru, the great queen, be favourable towards you.
49-57. Ninurta, lord of the gods, glory of E-cu-me-ca, speaks most generously in praise: "My father Enlil!" Ninurta ...... himself like a lion: "I am the hero belonging to Enlil, I am he who controls the affairs of Nibru. ......, and do not let the birds escape. I am a man after the heart of my father Enlil, and I am the hero beloved by my mother Ninlil. I was born in the mountains; I am strong in the mountains."
58-63. Ninurta, before whose roaring the mountains tremble, hurricane, south storm that flashes with lightning, you belong to Enlil! May it therefore ......, may Ninurta's city, the shrineNibru -- therefore ....... He is indeed its beloved, is indeed its beloved; the lord is indeed the beloved of E-kur.
64-75. You desire everything in your heart, you wish for everything valuable in your heart. Hero, Enlil's right arm, youth without rival! NinurtaEnlil's right arm, youth without rival, grandly heaping up ...... with the fifty-headed ......, letting no enemies escape from the mountains! Wild raging lion, overpowering the enemy, Ninurta, wild raging lion, overpowering the enemy -- who like a foul moving storm ...... the rebel lands and territories! Hero, first choice of his father, LordNinurta, first choice of his father! He is the hero, he is the hero, the hero who does not let the mountains escape! He (?) is the hero! He is Ninurta who does not let the mountains escape!
76-86. He is great in his anger (?)! He (?) alone is a hero! No superior god raises himself against him! King who is great in heaven, great on earth, lordly in the east! Ninurta who is great in heaven, great on earth, lordly in the east! Mighty hero Ninurta! Praise be to FatherEnlil! Praise be to the ...... of intelligence, the lord who decides destinies, to Father Enki! ......Anuna gods ......, favourable before Ninurta, the great governor of Enlil, and Ninnibru, the beloved child of An.

tigi to Ninurta (Ninurta D)

1-6. "I will fell trees, I will strike down forests. Let my mother know it. I, Ninurta, will fell trees, I will strike down forests. Let my mother know it. I will clear them away like an ...... axe. Let my mother know it. I will strike down ...... walls like a huge axe. Let my mother now it. I will make their troops tremble like ....... Let my mother know it. I will devour them like storm and flood. Let my mother know it."
7-13. The warrior, ...... in furious battle, smashes heads. The lord curses the disobedient, rebellious lands: "I will ...... battering ram, I will ...... your venom. I will destroy (?) your city gate ......, and reach your ....... I will ...... shield on (?) your tower, and reduce it to a pile of dust. I will ...... your ......, like a city cursed by Enlil. I will ...... you into ruin mounds, like a city hated byNinurta."
    14. Sa-gida.
15-32. O king, given strength by Enlil, conquer the foreign lands! Lord Ninurta, given strength by Enlil, conquer the foreign lands! Lord, first choice of An, given strength by Enlil, conquer the foreign lands! Lord Ninurta ......
4 lines missing
6 lines fragmentary Young woman Ninnibru, lady ....... Lord Ninurta, my king ....... Ig-alim, my king ....... Cul-cagana, my king .......
    33. Sa-jara, to be played with the hands (?).
    34. A tigi of Ninurta (?).

balbale to Ninurta (Ninurta F)

1-21. Good semen, good seed, king chosen by Enlil! Very good semen, very good seed,Ninurta, chosen by Enlil! My king, I shall call upon your name. Ninurta, I am your man, your man; I shall call upon your name. My king, ewes give birth to lambs, ewes give birth to lambs, ewes and rams are born; I shall call upon your name. My king, goats give birth to kids, goats give birth to kids, buck-goats are born; I shall call upon your name. My king, cows give birth to calves, cows give birth to calves, cows and breed-bulls are born; I shall call upon your name. My king, she-asses give birth to foals, she-asses give birth to foals, donkeys ...... are born; I shall call upon your name. My king, humans give birth to children, humans give birth to children. Ninurta, king .......
22-31. Through the king, flax is born; through the king, barley is born. Through him, carp floods are made plentiful in the river. Through him, fine grains are made to grow in the fields. Through him, carp are made plentiful in the lagoons. Through him, mature and fresh reed are made to grow in the reed thickets. Through him, fallow deer and wild sheep are made plentiful in the forests. Through him, macgurum trees are made to grow in the high desert. Through him, syrup and wine are made plentiful in the watered gardens. Through him, life which is long is made to grow in the palace.
    32. A balbale of Ninurta.

cir-namcub to Ninurta (Ninurta G)

1-16. King, your headdress hangs loose upon your neck, your kingship is gloriously manifest! Hero Ninurta, your headress hangs loose upon your neck! Hero Pabilsaj, your headress hangs loose upon your neck! Hero Ninjirsu, your headdress hangs loose upon your neck; your kingship is manifest! Your kingship exists in the heavens, exists on the earth. You sit with Enkiupon the holy throne-dais.
17-37. The hero, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities, batters at the rebel lands. The hero Ninurta, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities, the hero Pabilsaj, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities, the hero Ninjirsu, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities, batters at the rebel lands. A king, a storm beating down from above: you are an unrivalled lord. Hero, you are the towering wall of your city; may your august name be invoked! Hero Ninurta, you are the towering wall of your city. Hero Pabilsaj, you are the towering wall of your city. Hero Ninjirsu, you are the towering wall of your city; may your august name be invoked!
38-57. Since the day it was so decreed, your donkey-foals have ...... gardens and mec trees.Cakkan, the lord of donkeys, has positioned them at your feet. Hero, your awesomeness is spread over the mountains; your grandeur covers all foreign lands. Hero Ninurta, your awesomeness is spread over the mountains. Hero Pabilsaj, your awesomeness is spread over the mountains. Hero Ninjirsu, your awesomeness is spread over the mountains; your grandeur covers all foreign lands. Since the day it was so decreed, your donkey-foals ...... gardens andmec trees. Cakkan, the lord of donkeys, has positioned them at your feet.
58-75. You have taken your place upon the throne-dais of Nibru, where you sit with FatherEnlil. You are the heroic son of Father Enlil. He made you stand in service in E-kur. You have taken your place upon the throne-dais of Lagac. Speak to holy Mother Nance, so she will cast her protecting arms over you like Utu! May she indicate your station for you! May she who has no fear of your splendour embrace your limbs! May my lady of the beneficent divine powers, with the ornaments of cuba stone about her neck, ......
1 line missing
76-87. The hero is most precious; his word is august. He is the sun of the Land; the discloser of great counsel in E-ama-lammaNinurta is most precious. Pabilsaj is most precious. Ninjirsuis most precious; his word is august. He is the sun of the Land; the discloser of great counsel in E-ama-lamma.
88-101. Hero, on the battlefield the cities of the foreign lands have dedicated (?) a house to you: E-ama-lamma, a house of sanctuary (?). Ninurta, a house of sanctuary (?), Pabilsaj, a house of sanctuary (?), Ninjirsu, on the battlefield the cities of the foreign lands have dedicated (?) a house to you: E-ama-lamma, a house of sanctuary (?). It is a most distant forest whose edges are widespread (?). Its extent is indeed with the king, E-ama-lamma. It is a forest, a most distant boat moored on the mountains.
102-110. If someone diminishes its borders, that man cuts off the house of his father at its borders, E-ama-lamma. If someone, though a stranger to his father, diminishes its borders, that man cuts off the house of his father at its borders, E-ama-lamma.
    111. Its jicgijal.
112-133. The hero is a powerful force; may his storm leave no rain behind! The hero Ninurta is a powerful force. The hero Pabilsaj is a powerful force. The hero Ninjirsu is a powerful force; may his storm leave no rain behind! My king is the pillager of cities for his father. O his valour! The hero Ninurta is the pillager of cities for his father. The hero Pabilsaj is the pillager of cities for his father. The hero Ninjirsu is the pillager of cities for his father. O his valour! My king, ...... the mountains, you ....... Hero Ninurta, before you the land swells (?) as if .......
134-164. My king, you covered the edge of the sea with rays of light. On that day from the gold (?) of Harali you are Ena-tum. From the cornelian and lapis lazuli of the land of Meluha you are Ena-tum. From the ducia stone of the land of Marhaci you are Enakam. From the silver of fifteen cities you are Enakam. From the copper and tin of Magan you are Enakam. From the bronze of ...... you are Enakam (?). From the silver of Dilmun you are Ena-tum. From the im-kalaga clay of the mouth of the hills you are Enakam. From the gypsum of the shining hills you are Enakam.
10 lines missing or fragmentary
165-171. House of the rebel lands! Ah you! You! Ah me! Me! House of the rebel lands, when will your clay return to its abzu? House of the rebel lands, when will your reeds return to their reedbeds? House of the rebel lands, when will your beams return to their forests?
172-183. The enemy ...... on the wall, and pays homage. My king, if only he knew your outstanding strength! Hero Ninurta, if only he knew your mighty awesomeness! If only he knew your devouring of men like a lion! If only he knew your ...... like a dragon! If only he knew your ...... kid and lamb like a lion!
    184. Its kicu.
    185-186. A cir-namcuba of Ninurta.

A hymn to Ninurta

1-2. Ninurta, son of Nunamnir, ......, lord, ...... youthfulness.
unknown no. of lines missing

A hymn to Nungal (Nungal A)

1-11. House, furious storm of heaven and earth, battering its enemies; prison, jail of the gods, august neck-stock of heaven and earth! Its interior is evening light, dusk spreading wide; its awesomeness is frightening. Raging sea which mounts high, no one knows where its rising waves flow. House, a pitfall waiting for the evil one; it makes the wicked tremble! House, a net whose fine meshes are skillfully woven, which gathers up people as its booty! House, which keeps an eye on the just and on evildoers; no one wicked can escape from its grasp. House, river of the ordeal which leaves the just ones alive, and chooses the evil ones! House, with a great name, nether world, mountain where Utu rises; no one can learn its interior! Big house, prison, house of capital offences, which imposes punishment! House, which chooses the righteous and the wicked; An has made its name great!
12-26. House whose foundations are laden with great awesomeness! Its gate is the yellow evening light, exuding radiance. Its stairs are a great open-mouthed dragon, lying in wait for men. Its door jamb is a great dagger whose two edges ...... the evil man. Its architrave is a scorpion which quickly dashes from the dust; it overpowers everything. Its projecting pilasters are lions; no one dare rush into their grasp. Its vault is the rainbow, imbued with terrible awe. Its hinges are an eagle whose claws grasp everything. Its door is a great mountain which does not open for the wicked, but does open for the righteous man who was not brought in through its power. Its bars are fierce lions locked in stalwart embrace. Its latch is a python, sticking out its tongue and hissing. Its bolt is a horned viper, slithering in a wild place. House, surveying heaven and earth, a net spread out! No evildoer can escape its grasp, as it drags the enemy around.
27-31. Nungal, its lady, the powerful goddess whose aura covers heaven and earth, resides on its great and lofty dais. Having taken a seat in the precinct of the house, she controls the Land from there. She listens to the king in the assembly and clamps down on his enemies; her vigilance never ends.
32-39. Great house! For the enemy it is a trap laying in wait, but giving good advice to the Land; fearsome waves, onrush of a flood {that overflows the river banks} {(1 ms. has instead:) which never stops raging, huge and overflowing (?)}. When an individual is brought in, he cannot resist its aura. The gods of heaven and earth bow down before its place where judgments are made. Ninegala takes her seat high on its lapis-lazuli dais. She keeps an eye on the judgments and decisions, distinguishing true and false. Her battle-net of fine mesh is indeed cast over the land for her; the evildoer who does not follow her path will not escape her arm.
40-47. When a man of whom his god disapproves (?) arrives at the gate of the great house, which is a furious storm, a flood which covers everybody, he is delivered into the august hands of Nungal, the warden of the prison; this man is held by a painful grip like a wild bull with spread (?) forelegs. He is led to a house of sorrow, his face is covered with a cloth, and he goes around naked. He ...... the road with his foot, he ...... in a wide street. His acquaintances do not address him, they keep away from him.
48-54. Even a powerful man cannot open up its door; incantations are ineffective (?). It opens to a city in ruins, whose layout is destroyed. Its inmates, like small birds escaped from the claws of an owl, look to its opening as to the rising of the sun. Brother counts for brother the days of misfortune, but their calculations get utterly confused. A man does not recognise his fellow men; they have become strangers. A man does not return the password of his fellow men, their looks are so changed.
55-61. The interior of the temple gives rise to weeping, laments and cries. Its brick walls crush evil men and give rebirth to just men. Its angry heart causes one to pass the days in weeping and lamentation. When the time arrives, the prison is made up as for a public festival; the gods are present at the place of interrogation, at the divine river ordeal, to separate the just from the evildoers; a just man is given rebirth. Nungal clamps down on her enemy, so he will not escape her clutches.
62-74. Then the lady is exultant; the powerful goddess, holy Nungal, praises herself: "An has determined a fate for me, the lady; I am the daughter of AnEnlil too has provided me with an eminent fate, for I am his daughter-in-law. The gods have given the divine powers of heaven and earth into my hands. My own mother, Ereckigala, has allotted to me her divine powers. I have set up my august dais in the nether world, the mountain where Utu rises. I am the goddess of the great house, the holy royal residence. I speak with grandeur to Inana, I am her heart's joy. I assist Nintur at the place of child-delivery (?); I know how to cut the umbilical cord and know the favourable words when determining fates. I am the lady, the true stewardess ofEnlil; he has heaped up possessions for me. The storehouse which never becomes empty is mine; ......."
75-82. "Mercy and compassion are mine. I frighten no one. I keep an eye upon the black-headed people: they are under my surveillance. I hold the tablet of life in my hand and I register the just ones on it. The evildoers cannot escape my arm; I learn their deeds. All countries look to me as to their divine mother. I temper severe punishments; I am a compassionate mother. I cool down even the angriest heart, sprinkling it with cool water. I calm down the wounded heart; I snatch men from the jaws of destruction."
83-94. "My house is built on compassion; I am a life-giving (?) lady. Its shadow is like that of a cypress tree growing in a pure place. Birtum the very strong, my spouse, resides there with me. Taking a seat on its great and lofty dais, he gives mighty orders. The guardians of my house and the fair-looking protective goddesses ....... My chief superintendent, Ig-alim, is the neck-stock of my hands. He has been promoted to take care of my house; ....... My messenger does not forget anything: he is the pride of the palace. In the city named after (?) Enlil, I recognise true and false. Ninharana brings the news and puts it before me. My chief barber sets up the bed for me in the house imbued with awesomeness. Nezila arranges joyous {(1 ms. adds:) and valued (?)} occasions (?)."
95-105. "When someone has been brought into the palace of the king and this man is accused of a capital offence, my chief prosecutor, Nindimgul, stretches out his arm in accusation (?). He sentences that person to death, but he will not be killed; he snatches the man from the jaws of destruction and brings him into my house of life and keeps him under guard. No one wears clean clothes in my dusty (?) house. My house falls upon the person like a drunken man. He will be listening for fanged (?) snakes in the darkness of the house. My house gives birth to a just person, but exterminates a false one. Since there are pity and tears within its brick walls, and it is built with compassion, it soothes the heart of that person, and refreshes his spirits."
106-116. "When it has appeased the heart of his god for him; when it has polished him clean like silver of good quality, when it has made him shine forth through the dust; when it has cleansed him of dirt, like silver of best quality ......, he will be entrusted again into the propitious hands of his god. Then may the god of this man praise me appropriately forever! May this man praise me highly; may he proclaim my greatness! The uttering of my praise throughout the Land will be breathtaking! May he provide ...... butter from the pure cattle-pen, and bring the best of it for me! May he provide fattened sheep from the pure sheepfold, and bring the best of them for me! Then I will never cease to be the friendly guardian of this man. In the palace, I will be his protector; I shall keep watch over him there."
117-121. Because the lady has revealed her greatness; because she has provided the prison, the jail, her beloved dwelling, with awesome radiance, praise be to Nungal, the powerful goddess, the neck-stock of the Anuna gods, whose ...... no one knows, foremost one whose divine powers are untouchable!

cir-gida to Nuska (Nuska A)

Segment A

2 lines missing or fragmentary You who bundle together the divine powers, ...... the divine powers, articulate ...... house of the king ......, who give instruction throughout the breadth of heaven and earth, adviser of the Land, Nuska! The Great Mountain Enlil has summoned you to his divine powers. He has made long life issue gloriously in heaven and earth for you who were fathered by Lord Nunamnir; you are his beloved lord. He has entrusted the princely divine powers of the E-kur, the august shrine, the holy divine powers, the august and most complex divine powers, the divine powers of the father, of the Great Mountain to you. LordNuska, summoned by the Prince! He has truly installed you Nuska as leader of the assembly, and has truly installed you to make most brilliant the holy precinct and the pure lustrations, to position the holy vessels, to perfect the divine powers of his status as Enlil, and to amplify the great divine powers.
15-26. The Great Mountain has entrusted you with organising the divine plans of heaven and earth, throughout the breadth of heaven and earth, setting on their course the great decisions and perfecting the cultic ordinances, Nuska, good lord of Enlil! Impressively strong minister ofEnlil, wielding the holy sceptre, pre-eminent leader of the gods, who broadens heaven and earth, good minister, lord of the great words, honourable son of An, with broad chest, endowed with great strength by the Prince, perfecting the divine powers of all that is great! Cup-bearer who makes the holy copper bowls shine, lord of the divine powers of the offering-table, you of great terrifying splendour! Temple cleaner, cita priest of the abzu, you sprinkle the temple courtyard! Great ......, working industriously on the Holy Mound to prepare best butter and best milk, reciting ...... to cool the ...... with incantation formulae, to perfect the holy prayers, making ...... shine, hurrying about, organising food offerings,
approx. 11 lines missing

Segment B

4 lines fragmentary E-kur ....... The great divine powers ......
2 lines fragmentary The great divine powers ....... Nuska ....... E-kur ....... Nuska .......
3 lines fragmentary
approx. 7 lines missing

Segment C

2 lines fragmentary Your verdicts are great verdicts, ....... Important lord, wise ....... My god, ...... like the rainbow ......, in Ubcu-unkena, ......, the great gods of heaven and earth ......
3 lines fragmentary Hero, you have the ...... sceptre ......
3 lines fragmnetary
...... has declared a name for you.
9 lines fragmentary
approx. 4 lines missing

Segment D

1-10. to him with broad wisdom, understanding everything, concentrating on the whole world. In the august sanctuary he has indeed given to Nuska the mattock, the plough that opens up the cultivated fields, the furrows, speckled barley, the grain pile and the granary heaped up to the maximum, ......, years of plenty, delight, ......, abundance and life until distant days. Mighty man, with heroic arms, hurrying to battle, covering the Land, throwing fire at the enemy, burning ...... the wicked, trampling underfoot opponents from the mountains, the insubmissive lands! Bulls with fat forelegs, sheep with long fleece, and great food offerings, are brought before you, Nuska, lord beloved by An.
11-24. You make truly perfect your divine powers which are bound to the foreign lands, and you make very great your divine powers of enormous importance, Nuska, great lord, son ofAn. May you be praised appropriately. You who make the holy princely cita vessels look especially fine, who search out decisions, august in heaven and earth, protective deity of E-kur, glory of E-kur, who make great verdicts, decision maker in heaven and earth, lord who identifies the great claims, arms wielding a battle net over the enemy but which lead the just correctly! Hero who bears all the great terrifying divine powers, who covers the earth with awesome splendour like a mighty storm -- An be praised for your very great eminence! Your own father has declared your fame: immensely complex lord who has taken his seat, who perfects the divine powers, lion of the far distance, lion standing by, leader of the assembly,Nuska, it is sweet to praise you.
    25. A cir-gida of Nuska.

cir-gida to Nuska (Nuska B)

1-6. ......, Enlil decreed your birth in the E-kurNuskaEnlil decreed your birth in the E-kur! Lord Nudimmud, the king of prosperity, honoured you in the abzu. Good minister, I shall praise you! Nuska, majestic minister of Enlil, your praise is good and most sweet. My king, I shall praise you in song!
7-14. You are the light of the good shepherd Enlil, and you have been given a majestic name by Ninlil. You have been given wisdom by Enki. You were born to Enul and Ninul, and so you are united with the lordly seed. You are the E-kur's song. You are a minister fit for his king:Nuska, you are the man of Enlil's heart.
15-25. You are the wise one among the Anuna gods! You are pre-eminent in just speech! You are the good minister of Father Enlil! You do not alter what you have spoken justly. You are the light of the shining ....... You have been given authority ....... You have been looked on favourably by Enlil. You are an adornment of the household of Enlil.
3 lines fragmentary
approx. 30 lines missing
4 lines fragmentary You make pleasing the offering table of Nintur. You issue orders forEnnugi. You ...... life for the king. You ...... over the single path of heaven and earth.
64-71. At the command of the household of Enlil, you ...... the great divine powers, you ...... the good divine powers, you are the good provider of the majestic divine powers, you make manifest the everlasting divine powers; you are clothed in the divine powers of ba garments and linen garments; you make the princely divine powers prosper, you perfect the multitude of the divine powers.
72-76. The Anuna, the great gods, all honour you with due praise: "Minister, you are endowed with princely strength ...... the lustration rites. You gladden Father Enlil's heart!" Praise be toNuska, the leader of the assembly!
77-78. Praise to Nisaba, the righteous, glorious woman who consults with An!
    79. A cir-gida of Nuska.

balbale to Cara (Cara A)

29 lines missing
1 line fragmentary ...... great radiance ....... Cara, the song praising you befits you. Cara, your divine powers are most precious; Father An, who has engendered you .......
34-45. Your own mother, holy Inana, has let you sit with her on the holy ....... ...... she is the Mistress. She has let you ....... She has called you by a good name. ...... joyfully in your ....... ...... dwells ......; the lord shines forth in its midst.
1 line fragmentary Cara, you ......, praying in the good and holy ....... ......, the princely son, grandiloquent ...... holy ......, coming forth like the sun from the shrine E-mah.
    46. A balbale of Cara.

A hymn to Cul-pa-e (Cul-pa-e A)

Version A

1-9. Hero, who shines forth like moonlight over the upper city! Hero Cul-pa-e, who shines forth like moonlight over the upper city! Eminent and famous Cul-pa-e, who shines forth like moonlight over the upper city! Lord of great divine powers, god who appears in glory, Cul-pa-e, of great divine powers, god who appears in glory, lordly in battle, who makes vegetation grow tall in the Land! Lord who raises his great arms, battle-club that smashes all enemies! Pre-eminent brother-in-law of Father Enlil, good youth! Enlil has named your august name.
10-18. Lordly with weapons in the thick of battle! Owner of the rebel lands, lordly in the rebel lands, my king, you are an august god! You are an august god, and your wife is an august queen. You are beloved by Ninhursaja. You are a hero before whom the gods are very fearful. Hero Cul-pa-e, lordly in heaven and on earth, my ......, may your name be truly called upon in all the foreign lands! My king, may your greatness be truly called upon in all the foreign lands!
19-30. August ......, rising flood, storm which approaches mankind! People tremble (?) in prayer before you like frightened birds. Rising ......, imbued with awesomeness, no one ...... you. Of terrifying appearance, endowed with fearsome splendour, you are imbued with great awesomeness. You are a hurricane that approaches mankind, a great ...... that sweeps men down, ...... that ...... mankind! In the mountains you measure the fields like a ....... ...... emitted from heaven, without compare, ......, who brings daylight to the mountains, ......, battering ......, ......, who flashes like lightning.
31-40. Falling upon mankind like a ...... bird of grief, a namtar demon with no hands or feet, suited (?) to the night, prowling at night like a namtar demon, ......, shaped like a ...... -- you, hero Cul-pa-e, are the lord of orchards and gardens, plantations and green reedbeds, of the quadrupeds of the wide high desert, of the animals, the living creatures of the plains. An, king of the gods, has put them in your hands; he has put them in your hands, and you are their lord. Hero Cul-pa-e, they cannot escape your clutches.
41-48. It is his food that anyone who has food eats; it is his water that anyone who has water drinks. And so people no longer call upon the name of their personal gods, but ...... in every mouth the name of him who is their only god. The hand ...... of his god ....... He does not ...... the hand, he does not ...... the mouth. He takes away ....... ......, he gives you your .......
49-61. You are the throne-bearer of An and Enlil, the fierce constable of the gods, and the table-steward of Enlil. You do not ...... these people what you have placed. He brings (?) to you ....... ...... that he has handed you. ......, after you have ...... from above; the heavy ...... cover ...... like a garment. ......, after ...... has said ......, ......, he addresses a prayer to you. After he has declared his ...... of lament to you, he calls (?) to you like a ...... of a boat in an inundation, and raises ...... to you.
62-85. You make him shine like gold, and polish him like bronze, then you restore him to the benign hands of his god. ...... shining, and lifts his head proudly. ...... appears gloriously in the Land.
5 lines fragmentary ......, you release ...... for your beloved. ......, you place ...... for your little ones. ......, you release ...... for your little ones. ......, you release ...... for your great ones.
2 lines fragmentary ...... on the fifteenth day.
4 lines fragmentary You are the merciful king of the foreign lands ......, looking mercifully .......
1 line fragmentary

Version B (fragment of a divergent version)

uknown no. of lines missing
6 lines fragmentary ....... like Cul-pa-e. My king ...... may he call your name.

A hymn to Utu (Utu B)

1-6. Emerging ...... below and gazing upwards, Utu, great physician, father of the black-headed, wearing a lapis-lazuli beard in the E-babbarUtu, great hero, focus of the assembly, king, bison running over the mountains! Utu, bison running over the mountains!
7-12. A young wild cow ......, a young gazelle (?) caught in a trap, Utu, the son born with the city to Ningal in the E-nun-ana, a bull, a cedar fed with water thriving among cypresses, holy (?), patient-hearted, playful, radiating light, he is iridescent radiance!
13-21. Then, as my king comes forth, the heavens tremble before him and the earth shakes before him. After he has left the palace he ....... The heavens ....... May the bolt of heaven ....... The stars ...... are awe-struck. His mother ...... in the streets. She spreads her protection towards Utu. He has raised his head over the mountains; he is indeed their king!
22-26. Utu who decrees judgments for all countries, the lord, the son of Ningal, who renders decisions for all countries, the lord who is highly skilled at verdicts, the son of Enlil, highly knowledgeable and majestic Utu, the son of ...... -- Utu has placed the ...... on his head.
27-32. The lord, the son of Ningal, holds the 50 ...... in his hand and thunders over the mountains like a storm. He has lifted his head over the Land. My king Utu, you cross the shining mountains, the shining mountains like an eagle! He has lifted his gaze over the mountains.

cir-namcub to Utu (Utu E)

1-7. Whoever has eaten good bread has also drunk good beer, in the house where the righteous man has filled the bowls with liquor -- the lord of the storehouse, the Great MountainEnlil; the lady of the storehouse, the great mother Ninlil; youthful Utu, lord of the mountain;Cerida, youthful leader of battle; the Enki and Ninki deities; Enmul and Ninmul.
    8. 1st kirugu.
9-18. Unto distant days, indeed forever, stand by the righteous man who gives you bread, O exalted one, O exalted one, O exalted one -- elalu! Unto distant days, indeed forever, stand by the most righteous of men who gives you bread, O lord of the storehouse, Great MountainEnlil! O lady of the storehouse, great mother Ninlil! O youthful Utu, lord of the mountain! OCerida, youthful leader of battle! O exalted one, O exalted one, O exalted one -- elalu!
19-23. May the righteous man have a long life, indeed forever! May the most righteous of men have a long life, indeed forever! Stand by him, O exalted one, O exalted one, O exalted one --elalu!
    24. 2nd kirugu.
25-33. Auamma! -- in the house -- uliliAlliliamma! -- in the house -- ulili! Pour out beer for him, pour out liquor for him, O minister, pour out liquor for your lord, O Nuska, pour out liquor forEnlil! Beer has now been poured out: let me give you this beer to drink. Liquor has now been poured out: let me give you this liquor to refresh yourself. O lord, eat and drink! May it be acceptable (?) to you! O Enlil, eat and drink! May it be acceptable (?) to you!
34-40. As you eat, flax comes into being, grain comes into being. As you drink, early floods come into being in the rivers. As you eat, mottled grain comes into being in the fields. Accept what the righteous man has brought to you! Accept the flour that the most righteous man has brought to you! He has paid homage to you. He says to you "Eat", he says to you "Drink".
    41. 3rd kirugu.
42-50. The beer for the bur-gia offerings has been filled to overflowing. Among the offerings of the house, at the place where the huge bowls have been stood under the heavens, where bread has been offered by pure hands, at the house where the righteous man has offered prayers, where the most righteous of men has offered prayers, where the god of the man has offered prayers, where Lord Enki has offered prayers, there the righteous man has filled to overflowing the beer for the bur-gia offerings.
51-58. The righteous man, the most righteous of men, has filled them to overflowing. O lord of the storehouse, Great Mountain Enlil, he has filled them to overflowing. O lady of the storehouse, great mother Ninlil, he has filled them to overflowing. The most righteous of men has ...... the bowls with your beer. May this bronze vessel increase his long life. When Nibruhad been fully built, when ...... had been ......, when the brickwork of this house had been ......, the living spouse ......, the seed of the house, the seed .......
    59. 4th kirugu.
60-66. Gaze upon him, gaze upon him! O Utu, gaze upon him, gaze upon him! O wild bull of the E-babbar, gaze upon him, gaze upon him! O bearded one, son born to Ningal, ......, gaze upon him! When you gaze upon the bulls in the cattle-pen, bulls fill the cattle-pen. When you gaze upon the sheep in the fold, sheep fill the fold. When you have gazed upon the man, .......
    67. 5th kirugu.
68-73. For you, I will clear away from the malt the droppings of the little birds. For you, I will clear away from the grain the droppings of the rodents. For you, I will clear away from the grain ears the beaks of the locusts. May the lord eat this produce -- he has eaten ....... May the hero, youthful Utu, drink -- he has drunk ....... May youthful Utu ...... -- he will give it to me to eat; may he ...... -- he will give it to me to drink.
    74. 6th kirugu.
75-79. The beer ...... your seat in the brewery. Over your brewing vats ....... The good minister ...... the gala priest. The minister of the good house ....... Youthful Utu .......
    80. 7th kirugu.
81-84. When the heart ......, the precious seed ....... The holy offerings ....... Youthful Utu .......
    85. 8th kirugu.
86-110. Ulili ......! Enlil .......
2 lines missing
21 lines fragmentary
    111. ...... kirugu.
    x. (This composition is inscribed on a tablet whose colophon specifies it as a cir-namcub of Utu)

cir-namcub to Utu (Utu F)

17 lines fragmentary Youthful Utu ......, calf of the wild cow, calf of the wild cow, calf of the righteous son, Utu, royal brother of Inana! He who brings thirst to streets and paths (?), Utu, he of the tavern, provided beer, youthful Utu, he of the tavern, provided beer.
24-30. (Inana speaks:) "My brother, awe-inspiring lord, let me ride with you to the mountains! Lord of heaven, awe-inspiring lord, lord, let me ride with you to the mountains; to the mountains of herbs, to the mountains of cedars, to the mountains; to the mountains of cedars, the mountains of cypresses, to the mountains; to the mountains of silver, the mountains of lapis lazuli, to the mountains; to the mountains where the gakkul plants grow, to the mountains; to the distant source of the rolling rivers, to the mountains."
31-34. "My brother, come, let me ....... My brother, the midst of the sea ...... my eyes. My brother, women ....... Utu, women ......."
35-38. "I am unfamiliar with womanly matters, with ....... I am unfamiliar with womanly matters, with sexual intercourse! I am unfamiliar with womanly matters, with kissing! I am unfamiliar with sexual intercourse, I am unfamiliar with kissing!"
39-43. "Whatever exists in the mountains, let us eat that. Whatever exists in the hills, let us eat that. In the mountains of herbs, in the mountains of cedars, in the mountains of cedars, the mountains of cypresses, whatever exists in the mountains, let us eat that."
44-49. "After the herbs have been eaten, after the cedars have been eaten, put your hand in my hand and then escort me to my house. Escort me to my house, to my house in Zabalam. Escort me to my mother, to my mother Ningal. Escort me to my mother-in-law, to Ninsumun. Escort me to my sister-in-law, to Jectin-ana."
50-56. For those who venture forth single-handed, who venture forth from a man's house, for those who venture forth from a man's house, who venture forth single-handed, Utu: you are their mother, Utu, you are their father. Utu, as for the orphans, Utu, as for the widows, Utu: the orphans look to you as their father, Utu, you succour the widows as their mother. With you .......
    x. (This composition is inscribed on a tablet whose colophon specifies it as a cir-namcub of Utu)

A hymn to Sadarnuna (Sadarnuna A)

Segment A

1-3. The just woman dwelling among the great divine powers is the lady unsurpassed in ladyship! Sadarnuna, the just woman of far-reaching and just counsel, is the beloved of An!
4-8. The great authority (?), the majestic quay, made fitting for the Ec-mah by Enul and Ninul, the just woman has erected her majestic dais in the courtyard of Enlil. As she stands in the holy storehouse Ec-mah, the ...... place, she conveys terrifying awesomeness. The beloved offspring of An the king, as she is worthy of the Pada-nunus (?), ...... the Ec-mah (?).
9-15. In his E-melem-huc conveying great awesomeness, ...... fear, serving the great gods of heaven and earth, her spouse, the assembly leader Nuska, .......
4 lines fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1 line fragmentary Enlil (?) .......
1 line fragmentary The heart of Ninlil .......
5. Sadarnuna, ...... praising you is sweet.

A hymn to Kusu (Kusu A)

1-8. O angry great butting bull! O torch! O great bull of Enki, standing aggressively, coming forth from the abzu, the pure place! O Gibil (the god of fire) , ...... the palace and hall, as he radiates great awesomeness, his countenance ......! O Nun-bar-ana, angry avenger (?) ......, bringing forth the great torch from the abzu, lifting his head with the noble divine powers!
9-19. O antler-like horn of a mountain goat! Cedar, cypress, juniper and boxwood, white wool and black wool, white birch and black birch, a string of apples tied to a long string of figs, butter flowing from the holy cattle-pen and sheepfold ...... in the oven and purified by the torch, ...... reeds are tied up and lit .......
2 lines fragmentary
20-26. In their ...... Kusu has consecrated the ......, she has purified the oven. ......, she has filled the ...... purified ....... Kusu has then put numerous bulls and numerous sheep into the great oven. Kusu has then put numerous bulls and numerous loaves into the great oven.
27-33. Destiny, prosperity -- the wood of destiny, wood of prosperity, and the reeds of destiny, reeds of prosperity, adorn the holy cattle-pen. Through the wool from a fair lamb and the wool from a fair kid, Gibil, the foremost, the right arm, lifting his head to heaven receives water from the holy teats of heaven.
34-39. This water consecrates the heavens, it purifies the earth. It purifies the cattle in their pen. It purifies the sheep in their fold. It purifies Utu at the horizon. It purifies Nanna at the zenith of heaven. Thus may it cleanse, may it cleanse the ...... of the house.
40-41. From Eridug (?) praise to lady Kusu, the princess of the holy abzu, .......

The temple hymns

1-7. O E-unir (House which is a ziqqurat), grown together with heaven and earth, foundation of heaven and earth, great banqueting hall of EridugAbzu, shrine erected for its prince, E-du-kug (House which is the holy mound) where pure food is eaten, watered by the prince's pure canal, mountain, pure place cleansed with the potash plant, Abzu, your tigi drums belong to the divine powers.
8-15. Your great ...... wall is in good repair. Light does not enter your meeting-place where the god dwells, the great ......, the beautiful place. Your tightly constructed house is sacred and has no equal. Your prince, the great prince, has fixed firmly a holy crown for you in your precinct -- O Eridug with a crown placed on your head, bringing forth thriving thornbushes, pure thornbushes for the susbu priests (?), O shrine Abzu, your place, your great place!
16-23. At your place of calling upon Utu, at your oven bringing bread to eat, on your ziqqurat, a magnificent shrine stretching toward heaven, at your great oven rivalling the great banqueting hall, your prince, the prince of heaven and earth ...... can never be changed, the ......, the creator, the ......, the wise one, the ......, Lord Nudimmud, has erected a house in your precinct, O E-engura (House of the subterranean waters), and taken his seat upon your dais.
24. 23 lines: the house of Enki in Eridug.
25-33. O ......, shrine where destiny is determined, ......, foundation, raised with a ziqqurat, ......, settlement of Enlil, your ......, your right and your left are Sumer and Akkad. House of Enlil, your interior is cool, your exterior determines destiny. Your door-jambs and architrave are a mountain summit, your projecting pilasters a dignified mountain. Your peak is a ...... peak of your princely platform. Your base serves heaven and earth.
34-37. Your prince, the great prince Enlil, the good lord, the lord of the limits of heaven, the lord who determines destiny, the Great Mountain Enlil, has erected a house in your precinct, O shrine Nibru, and taken his seat upon your dais.
38. 13 lines: the house of Enlil in Nibru.
39-46. O Tummal, exceedingly worthy of the princely divine powers, inspiring awe and dread! Foundation, your pure lustration extends over the abzu. Primeval city, reedbed green with old reeds and new shoots, your interior is a mountain of abundance built in plenitude. At your feast held in the month of the New Year, you are wondrously adorned as the great lady of Ki-ur rivals Enlil. Your princess, Mother Ninlil, the beloved wife of Nunamnir, has erected a house in your precinct, O E-Tummal (Tummal House), and taken a place upon your dais.
47. 8 lines: the house of Ninlil in Nibru.
48-56. O E-melem-huc (House of terrifying radiance) exuding great awesomeness, Ec-mah(Magnificent shrine), to which princely divine powers were sent from heaven, storehouse ofEnlil founded for the primeval divine powers, worthy of nobility, lifting your head in princeship, counsellor of E-kur, parapeted buttress, your house ...... the platform with heaven. The decisions at its place of reaching the great judgment -- the river of the ordeal -- let the just live and consign to darkness the hearts that are evil. In your great place fit for pure lustration and the rites of icib priests, you dine with Lord Nunamnir.
57-59. Your prince, the prince who is the counsellor of Enlil and worthy of Ec-mah, the udugdemon of E-kur, the leader Nuska, has erected a house in your precinct, O house of Enlil, and taken his seat upon your dais.
60. 12 lines: the house of Nuska in Nibru.
61-68. O E-me-ur-ana (House which gathers the divine powers of heaven) standing in a great place, the just divine powers which the warrior ......, strength of battle, heroic mace, carrier of the quiver, mighty bustling brick building, your foundation is eternal. Founded by the primeval lord, with decisions which belong to the princely divine powers, holy soil filling the mountain, lifting your head among the princes, magnificent house, the wonder coming from you is like the sun whose glow spreads. E-cu-me-ca (House which ...... the divine powers), Enlil has instilled your name with terrifying awesomeness.
69-75. Your prince, the great ......, the warrior whose strength is boundless, the great ruler forEnlil, the noble who rivals heaven and earth, the provisioning (?) seal-keeper of Father Enlilwho makes the great divine powers perfect, the ......, the leader for Father Enlil, the foremost, the lion engendered by the Great Mountain, who destroys the hostile lands for Enlil, LordNinurta, has erected a house in your precinct, O E-cu-me-ca, and taken his seat upon your dais.
76. 15 lines: the house of Ninurta in Nibru.
77-85. O E-ja-duda (House, chamber of the mound), ......, crown of the high plain, holy place, pure place, house, your foundation is a great princely mooring pole. Du-saj-dili (Singular mound), your lady, the singular woman who keeps the chamber and the dais full, gladdens your platform in princely style. Your princess who avoids anger and is exceedingly wise, the princely daughter who prospers together with the Great Mountain, Cu-zi-ana, the junior wife of Father Enlil, has erected a house in your precinct, O Du-saj-dili, and taken her seat upon your dais.
86. 9 lines: the house of Cu-zi-ana in Ja-gi-mah.
87-95. O mighty Kec, form of heaven and earth, arousing terror like a great horned viper, house of Ninhursaja, built in a terrifying place! Respected Kec, your interior is a deep interior while your exterior is tall. Great lion ...... on the high plain and roving about on the plain, great hill established by incantations, twilit interior in which moonlight does not shine, Nintur has made you beautiful -- O house Kec, your brickwork and your moulding of it! Your terrace! Your exterior, a lustrous suh crown, and your building of it!
96-99. Your princess, the silencing princess, the true and great lady of heaven -- when she talks heaven trembles, when she opens her mouth a storm thunders -- Aruru, the sister ofEnlil, has erected a house in your precinct, O house Kec, and taken her seat upon your dais.
100. 13 lines: the house of Ninhursaja in Kec.
101-108. O Urim, bull standing in the wet reeds, E-kic-nu-jal (House sending light to the earth (?)), calf of a great cow, ...... light of holy heaven, ......, trap laid in a nest, Urim, container feeding all lands, you are a shrine in a pure place, earth of An -- O house of Suen, at your front a prince, at your back a ruler, your dining hall with adab songs, your great, holy banqueting hall with cem and ala drums! The light coming from you and your true lordship is a precious destiny.
109-117. Jipar, princely shrine of the holy divine powers, shining like the ...... sun, E-kic-nu-jal, beaming moonlight which comes forth in the Land, broad light of midday which fills all lands, house, your platform is a great snake, a marsh of snakes. Your foundation is the abzu, fifty in number, and the engur, seven in number, a shrine which looks into the heart of the gods. Your prince, the prince who makes decisions, the crown of the wide heaven, the sovereign of heaven, Acimbabbar, has erected a house in your precinct, O shrine Urim, and taken his seat upon your dais.
118. 17 lines: the house of Nanna in Urim.
119-128. O E-mu-mah (House with a magnificent name), rising mountain of heaven, your holy sides and your great foundation are a precious destiny. Interior full with princely divine powers, a beaming light which shines, shrine with your back to the blue sky and your prominent front to all people, in the Land it represents a binding agreement and a single track. Magnificent river with open mouth gathering together your ...... divine powers, your base is great in awesomeness, a righteous hill grown in a broad place. Your lofty dwelling-place of magnificence with all the divine powers of princeship, ......, shouting ......; house of celebration, your platform gladdens the settlements.
129-133. House, your prince Culgi has made it great and most princely. The perfect and magnificent ......, the mighty and great wind, adorned with the divine powers, determining destiny, Culgi of An, has erected a house in your precinct, O E-hursaj (House which is a hill), and taken his seat upon your dais.
134. 15 lines: addition: E-hursaj of Culgi in Urim.
135-139. O city, ...... from the abzu like barley, cloudy plain, taking the divine powers from its midst, Kuara, your foundation and just banqueting hall, the lord who does not hold back his goods stands ready for admiration. The Seven Sages have enlarged it for you from the south to the uplands.
140-145. Your prince, the most precious prince Asarluhi, the most precious one, is a warrior, born a noble prince, a leopard who seizes prey. He is like an onrushing storm battering the rebel land. As long as it remains disobedient, he pours spittle upon it. Asar-alim-nuna, the son of the abzu, has erected a house in your precinct, O house Kuara, and taken his seat upon your dais.
146. 11 lines: the house of Asarluhi in Kuara.
147-156. O E-gud-du-car (House with numerous perfect oxen) of holy nir stone in which its sovereign sits, raising a magnificent door decoration for the princely son, whose best fine oil is holy and well-prepared, Ja-bura (Chamber of bowls), holy cattle-pen pasturing cows withmunzer plants, your prince is a great wild bull, an elephant rejoicing in its own strength, a wild cow growing horns and and delighting in its shining horns. The incantation priest of opposed languages who put clouds in the sky, the storm which roars in the sky, as the sunlight giving ...... to the earth, Ningublaga, the son of Nanna, has erected a house in your precinct, O Ki-abrig, and taken his seat upon your dais.
157. 10 lines: the house of Ningublaga in Ki-abrig.
158-167. O shrine, great sanctuary founded at a cattle-pen, small shining city of SuenKar-zida (Pure quay), your interior is a mighty place, your foundation is holy and clean. Shrine, your jipar is founded in purity. Your door is of strong copper set up at a great place. Lowing cattle-pen, you raise your horns like a bull. Your prince, the lord of heaven standing in joy, ...... at midday and ......, Acimbabbar, has erected a house in your precinct, O Kar-zida, and taken his seat upon your dais.
168. 10 lines: the house of Nanna in Gaec.
169-177. O house which comes forth from heaven, resplendent in Kulaba, shrine E-babbar(Shining house), shining bull, lift your neck to Utu who ...... in the sky! Your shining horns are aggressive, holy and lustrous. Bearing a beard of shining lapis lazuli, ......, your prince, the mighty sunlight, the lord who ...... the true word, who lightens the horizon, who lightens the sky's ...... vault, Utu, the sovereign of E-babbar, has erected a house in your precinct, O houseLarsam, and taken his seat upon your dais.
178. 9 lines: the house of Utu in Larsam.
179-185. O Enegir, great libation pipe, libation pipe to the underworld of Ereckigala, Gudua (Entrance to the nether world) of Sumer where mankind is gathered, E-gida (Long house), in the land your shadow has stretched over the princes of the land. Your prince, the seed of the great lord, the sacred one of the great underworld, given birth by Ereckigala, playing loudly on the zanaru instrument, sweet as the voice of a calf, Ninazu of the words of prayer, has erected a house in your precinct, O house Enegir, and taken his seat upon your dais.
186. 7 lines: the house of Ninazu in Enegir.
187-196. O primeval place, deep mountain founded in an artful fashion, shrine, terrifying place lying in a pasture, a dread whose lofty ways none can fathom, Jicbanda, neck-stock, meshed net, shackles of the great underworld from which none can escape, your exterior is raised up, prominent like a snare, your interior is where the sun rises, endowed with wide-spreading plenty. Your prince is the prince who stretches out his pure hand, the holy one of heaven, with luxuriant and abundant hair hanging at his back, Lord NinjiczidaNinjiczida has erected a house in your precinct, O Jicbanda, and taken his seat upon your dais.
197. 10 lines: the house of Ninjiczida in Jicbanda.
198-203. O house with the great divine powers of Kulaba, ......, its platform has made the great shrine flourish. Green fresh fruit, marvellous, filled with ripeness, descending from the centre of heaven, shrine built for the bull, E-ana (House of heaven), house with seven corners, with seven fires lifted at night-time, surveying seven pleasures (?), your princess is on the pure horizon.
204-208. Your lady Inana who ......, who adorns the woman and covers the man's head with a cloth, the one with a lustrous ...... suh crown, the dragon of Nijin-jar, the queen of heaven and earth, Inana, has erected a house in your precinct, O E-ana, and taken her seat upon your dais.
209. 11 lines: the house of Inana in Unug.
210-219. O house where lustrous herbs are strewn upon the flowery bed, the bed-chamber of holy Inana, where the lady of the plain refreshes herself! Brick-built E-muc (House which is the precinct) is flowery and holy, its ...... clay established for him who tends the ewes on the high plain. Your ...... house of Arali (House which is the nether world) gives shade (?) to the shepherd. Your prince, a raging lion on the plain, the cuba jewel of the Mistress whose breast is holy and marvellous, the lord who is holy Inana's husband, Dumuzid, the sovereign of E-muc, has erected a house in your precinct, O Bad-tibira, and taken his seat upon your dais.
220. 10 lines: the house of Dumuzid in Bad-tibira.
221-228. O E-igizu-uru (House, your face is mighty), with plenty coming from within, your well-stocked chamber is a mountain of abundance. House, your fragrance is a mound of vines. Your true minister is a leader in heaven. House, your princess is prominent among the gods, the true minister of E-ana who holds a holy sceptre in her hand. Nincubur, the true minister ofE-ana, has erected a house in your precinct, O E-akkil (House of lamentation), and taken her seat upon your dais.
229. 8 lines: the house of Nincubur in Akkil.
230-235. O city, founded upon a dais in the abzu, established for the rites of icib priests, house where incantations of heaven and earth are recited,
4 lines fragmentary
236-238. ...... lustration water in the holy heaven and on the pure earth. Ningirim, the lady of the shining lustration water, has erected a house in your precinct, O house Murum, and taken her seat upon your dais.
239. 9 lines: the house of Ningirim in Murum.
240-248. O E-ninnu (House of 50), right hand of Lagac, foremost in Sumer, the Anzud bird which gazes upon the mountain, the car-ur weapon of ...... Ninjirsu, ...... in all lands, the strength of battle, a terrifying storm which envelops men, giving the strength of battle to theAnuna, the great gods, brick building on whose holy mound destiny is determined, beautiful as the hills, your canal ......, your ...... blowing in opposition (?) at your gate facing towards Iri-kug, wine is poured into holy An's beautiful bowls set out in the open air.
249-254. Whatever enters you is unequalled, whatever leaves endures. ......, terrifying facade, house of radiance, a place of reaching judgment which Lord Ninjirsu has filled with great awesomeness and dread! All the Anuna gods attend your great drinking-bouts.
255-261. Your prince, a raging storm which destroys cities in hostile lands, your sovereign, a terrifying wild ox which will manifest its strength, a terrifying lion which smashes heads, the warrior who devises strategies in lordship and attains victory in kingship, the mighty one, the great warrior in battle, the lord without rival, the son of Enlil, Lord Ninjirsu, has erected a house in your precinct, O E-ninnu, and taken his seat upon your dais.
262. 22 lines: the house of Ninjirsu in Lagac.
263-270. O Iri-kug (Holy city), shrine of holy An, which caused the human seed to come forth, called by a good name, within you is the river of ordeal which vindicates the just man. E-jalga-sud (House which spreads counsel far and wide), storehouse which eternally possesses silver and lapis lazuli, E-tar-sirsir, from which decisions and the divine powers come forth, where the hero performs obeisance, your princess, the merciful princess of the Land, is the mother of all lands. The lady, the great healer of the black-headed who determines the destiny of her city, the first-born daughter of holy An, the maiden, Mother Bau, has erected a house in your precinct, O house Iri-kug, and taken her seat upon your dais.
271. 8 lines: the house of Bau in Iri-kug.
272-281. O house, wild cow ......, city which appears in splendour adorned for the princess,Sirara, great and princely place, your ...... by the shrine, your lady Nance, a great storm, a mighty flood, born on the shore of the sea, who laughs on the foam of the sea, who plays on the water of the flood, who ......, Nance, the ...... lady, has erected a house in your precinct, O house Sirara, and taken her seat upon your dais.
282. 10 lines: the house of Nance in Sirara.
283-292. O E-ab-caga-la (House which stretches over the midst of the sea) built in a holy place, Gu-aba, your interior produces everything and is a well-established storehouse. Holy shrine, wild cow for which everything endures, your princess is Ninjagia, the magnificent ...... stewardess, the mighty ...... of Father Enlil, who takes counsel with Lord Nunamnir. Born in ......, ...... in the flood of the sea, like her ...... father a controller of the pure sea, holy Ninmarkihas erected a house in your precinct, O house Gu-aba, and taken her seat upon your dais.
293. 10 lines: the house of Ninmarki in Gu-aba.
294-301. O house Kinirca, suited for its lady, ......, beautiful as a hill, standing by the ziqqurat, house, ......, place resounding loudly with happiness, house, your princess is a storm, riding on a lion, ....... Exalted in holy song and antiphony, singing with a loud voice, the child, the true wild cow, taken care of at the holy breast of the mother who begot her, Dumuzid-abzu, has erected a house in your precinct, O shrine Kinirca, and taken her seat upon your dais.
302. 7 lines: the house of Dumuzid-abzu in Kinirca.
303-310. O E-bur-sigsig (House with beautiful bowls) set up under heaven, mighty banqueting hall, fulfilling (?) the commands, abundance of the midst of the sea in ......, at whose holy ...... there is entreaty and joy. The faithful man has enlarged E-mah (Magnificent house), the house of Cara, for you in plenty. Your house E-mah -- whose prince is the princely son of the Mistress -- continues (?) in good fortune, an area of abundance and well-being.
311-313. The one who arranges the hair at the nape of the neck, with the gaze of a wild cow,Cara, who ...... good things, the son who allots the divine powers to his mother, has erected a house in your precinct, O house Umma, and taken his seat upon your dais.
314. 11 lines: the house of Cara in Umma.
315-320. O E-cerzi-guru (House clad in splendour) dressed with ornaments of cuba stone, great awesomeness, Nijin-jar of holy Inana, adorned throughout with the divine powers which are true, Zabalam, shrine of the shining mountain, shrine of ...... dawn, which has resounded with pleasure (?), the Mistress has founded your good banqueting hall for you in pleasure (?).
321-326. Your lady Inana, the ......, the singular woman, the dragon who speaks hostile words to ......, who shines in brightness, who goes against the rebel land, through whom the firmament is made beautiful in the evening, the great daughter of Suen, holy Inana, has erected a house in your precinct, O house Zabalam, and taken her seat upon your dais.
327. 12 lines: the house of Inana in Zabalam.
328-345. O house inspiring terror like a great lion, making as clear as day the decisions for those on the high plain, house of Ickur, at your front is abundance, at your rear is celebration. Your foundation is a horned bull, a lion. Holy staff, teat of heaven with rain for fine barley, the pilasters of your house are a wild bull with outspread horns, your ......, foundation and wall rising high, ......, thick cloud, ...... snake, ...... moonlight, ...... Ickur, a sweeping flood, ...... a storm and seven raging winds, ......, blowing raging winds, ...... running from the ......, splits the ...... hillside, diorite, stones and .......
2 lines missing
1 line fragmentary
346-350. The ......, the seed of the Land, the ......, the ...... prince, the canal inspector of heaven and earth, the ...... living, the numerous people, the ......, Ickur, has erected a house in your precinct, O house Karkara, and taken his seat upon your dais.
351. 23 lines: the house of Ickur in Karkara.
352-361. O ......, bolt founded by An,
4 lines fragmentary
1 line missing
1 line fragmentary
approx. 2 lines missing
...... has erected a house in your precinct, O ......, and taken a seat upon your dais.
362. 10 (?) lines: the house of ...... in .......
2 lines missing
1 line fragmentary An has ...... your platform. E-mah (Exalted house), house of the universe, suited for its lady, your front inspires great awesomeness, your interior is filled with radiance. Mother NinturEnlil and Enki have determined your destiny. E-suga (Joyous (?) house) which ......, life of the black-headed, An has given you the magnificent divine powers from the interior of heaven. As in KecNinhursaja has blessed your priests maintaining the shrine in the holyuzga precinct. House with great divine powers, a pure platform and cleansing lustration, Acgi, the god of Adab, has erected a house in your precinct, O Adab, O house situated at a canal, O house Adab, and taken his seat upon your dais.
378. 15 lines: the house of Ninhursaja in Adab.
379-391. O Isin, city founded by An which he has built on an empty plain! Its front is mighty, its interior is artfully built, its divine powers are divine powers which An has determined. Shrine which Enlil loves, place where An and Enlil determine destinies, place where the great gods dine, filled with great awesomeness and terror: all the Anuna gods attend your great drinking-bouts. Your princess, the mother, the Mistress adorned with jewels of cuba stone, who maintains the holy place's Nijin-jar, who binds the suh crown on the nugig priestess, who causes the seven teats to flow for the nubar priestess, has resounded with seven pleasures (?).
392-394. Your lady, the great healer of the Land, Ninisina, the daughter of An, has erected a house in your precinct, O house Isin, and taken her seat upon your dais.
395. 16 lines: the house of Ninisina in Isin.
396-405. O Kazallu, your crown reaches to the centre of heaven, shining, ...... an object of admiration. Your prince is the seed of a bull, engendered by a wild bull in ......, a magnificent ...... with sparkling eyes, a lord with the teeth of a lion, who snatches the calf with his claws, who snatches ....... ...... who snatches ......, the ...... who gives strength to the ......, the great lord Numucda, has erected a house in your precinct, O Kun-satu (Threshold of the mountain), O Kazallu, and taken his seat upon your dais.
406. 10 lines: the house of Numucda in Kazallu.
407-414. O E-igi-kalama (House which is the eye of the Land), your foundation is firmly laid, growing hill which stands broadly on the earth, ...... the enemies' land,
3 lines fragmentary
approx. 1 line missing
...... has erected a house in your precinct, O ......, and taken a seat upon your dais.
415. 8 (?) lines: the house of Lugal-Marda in Marda.
416-423. O Der (Akkadian name; a Sumerian name is unknown) , taking extreme care of decisions, ......, on your awesome and radiant gate a decoration displays a horned viper and amuchuc embracing. Your prince, a leader of the gods, fit for giving counsel and grand speech, the son of Urac who knows thoroughly the true divine powers of princeship, Ictaran, the ...... sovereign of heaven, has erected a house in your precinct, O E-dim-gal-kalama (House which is the great pole of the Land), and taken his seat upon your dais.
424. 8 lines: the house of Ictaran in Der.
425-435. O E-sikil (Pure house) whose pure divine powers are supreme in all lands, whose name is high and mighty, magnificent dwelling of the warrior, holy house of Ninazu, house of the holy divine powers! House, your divine powers are pure divine powers, your lustration is a cleansing lustration. The warrior refreshes himself in your dwelling. Ninazu dines on your platform. Your sovereign, the great lord, the son of Enlil, is a towering lion spitting venom over hostile lands, rising like the south wind against enemy lands, snarling like a dragon against the walls of rebel lands, a storm enveloping the disobedient and trampling on the enemy.
436-446. When he strides forth, no evil-doer can escape. When he establishes his triumph, the cities of the rebel lands are destroyed. When he frowns, their people are cast into the dust. House, your prince is a great lion from whose claws the enemy hangs. Your sovereign is a terrifying, mighty storm, the vigour of the battle, in combat ...... like a ...... with a shield on his lofty arm, a net over the widespread people from whose reach the foe cannot escape. When the great lord is resplendent, his magnificence has no equal. The true seed born of the Great Mountain and Ninlil, your sovereign, the warrior Ninazu, has erected a house in your precinct, O E-sikil, O Ecnunna, and taken his seat upon your dais.
447. 22 lines: the house of Ninazu in Ecnunna.
448-455. O house built in plenitude, Kic, raising its head among the princely divine powers, established settlement, your great foundation cannot be scattered. Your plinth is a vast oppressive cloud floating in the midst of the sky. Your interior is a weapon, a mace decorated with ....... Your right hand makes mountains tremble, your left thins out the enemy. Your prince, mighty and magnificent, a great storm overpowering the earth, inspiring great and terrifying awe, your sovereign, the warrior Zababa, has erected a house in your precinct, O E-dub (Storage house), O house Kic, and taken his seat upon your dais.
456. 8 lines: the house of Zababa in Kic.
457-466. O E-jickecda-kalama (House which is the bond of the Land), bull ...... great strength among the gods, terrifying wild cow, wild bull which causes lament, Gudua, your quay is a low quay which bestows water, your interior is artfully built, your mace is a ...... mace released from heaven, your platform is a lustrous platform spreading over Meclam. Your prince, the mighty god, the sovereign of Meclam, the fierce god of the underworld, the sovereign of Ud-cuc (Sunset), NergalMeclamta-ea, has erected a house in your precinct, and taken his seat upon your dais.
467. 10 lines: the house of Nergal in Gudua.
468-477. O mighty Urum where Suen pronounces judgment, E-ab-lua (House with teeming cattle), wide cattle-yard, Acimbabbar acts as your shepherd. House, my sovereign, your sceptre reaches to heaven, ...... to the earth, moonlight ......, celebration, your ...... may ...... the light. Your prince, the prince of holy celebration, ......, who appears in the lapis lazuli coloured sky, a celebration, to whom the hero pays homage ......, who brightens the Land, ......Suen, has erected a house in your precinct, O house Urum, and taken his seat upon your dais.
478. 10 lines: the house of Suen in Urum.
479-488. O Zimbir, dais upon which Utu sits daily, E-nun-ana (House of the prince of heaven), star of heaven, crown given birth by Ningal, house of Utu, your prince, the ...... of the universe, fills heaven and earth. When the lord sleeps, the people sleep; when he rises, the people rise. The bull ...... and the people prostrate themselves. Before Utu the herds pasture ....... The black-headed have bathed before him, the Land has ...... before him. He measures out the divine powers -- your shrine is a flood.
489-492. Pronouncing judgment where the sun rises, mighty sunlight, wearing a beard, tying on the suh crown at night, Utu, the sovereign of E-babbar (Shining house), has erected a house in your precinct, O house Zimbir, and taken his seat upon your dais.
493. 14 lines: the house of Utu in Zimbir.
494-499. O E-hursaj (House which is a mountain) beautiful as greenery, ...... (The Sumerian name of this city is unknown) , your interior is plenitude. At the place where destiny is determined you determine destiny. May the crown bring joy to your platform. May your roots glisten like an immense sajkal snake in your holy foundations.
500-505. Mother Nintur, the lady of creation, performs her task within your dark place, binding the true suh crown on the new-born king, setting the crown on the new-born lord who is secure in her hand. The midwife of heaven and earth, Ninhursaja, has erected a house in your precinct, O house ......, and taken her seat upon your dais.
506. 12 lines: the house of Ninhursaja in .......
507-513. O Ulmac, upper land, ...... of the Land, terrifying lion battering a wild bull, net spreading over an enemy, making silence fall upon a rebel land on which, as long as it remains insubmissive, spittle is poured! House of Inana of silver and lapis lazuli, a storehouse built of gold, your princess is an arabu bird, the Mistress of the Nijin-jar.
514-518. Arrayed in battle, jubilantly (?) beautiful, ready with the seven maces, washing her tools for battle, opening the door of battle and ......, the extremely wise one of heaven, Inana, has erected a house in your precinct, O house Ulmac, and taken her seat upon your dais.
519. 12 lines: the house of Inana in Ulmac.
520-523. O house, right arm, battle-axe cutting down the rebel lands, digging up their green fields,
2 lines fragmentary
524-527. Your prince, the warrior who ......, who defeats (?) all in battle, exulting ......, Aba, the god of Agade, has erected a house in your precinct, O house Agade, and taken his seat upon your dais.
528. 8 lines: the house of Aba in Agade.
529-534. O house of stars, bright E-zagin (Lapis lazuli house), reaching into all lands, establishing ...... in the shrine, Erec! The primeval lords raise their heads to you every month. ...... the potash plant, great NanibgalNisaba, has brought divine powers from heaven and added to your divine powers.
535-542. Sanctuary established for ......! To the true woman who possesses exceeding wisdom, soothing ...... and opening the mouth, always consulting a tablet of lapis lazuli, giving advice to all lands, the true woman, the holy potash plant, born of the stylus reed, applies the measure to heaven and places the measuring-rope on the earth -- to Nisaba be praise!
543-544. The compiler of the tablets was En-hedu-ana. My king, something has been created that no one has created before.
545. 14 lines: the house of Nisaba in Erec.

The Kec temple hymn

1-9. The princely lord, the princely lord came forth from the house. Enlil, the princely lord, came forth from the house. The princely lord came forth royally from the house. Enlil lifted his glance over all the lands, and the lands raised themselves to Enlil. The four corners of heaven became green for Enlil like a garden. Kec was positioned there for him with head uplifted, and as Kec lifted its head among all the lands, Enlil spoke in praise of Kec.
10-20. Nisaba was its decision-maker (?); with its words she wove it intricately like a net. Written on tablets it was held in her hands: House, platform of the Land, important fierce bull! House Kec, platform of the Land, important fierce bull! Growing as high as the hills, embracing the heavens, growing as high as E-kur, lifting its head among the mountains! {Rooted in theabzu} {(2 mss. have instead:) Colourful as the abzu}, verdant like the mountains! Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec? Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi? Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintur?
    21. The first house.
22-30. Good house, built in a good location, house Kec, {(some mss. add here:) good house,} built in a good location, floating in the heavens like a princely barge, like a holy barge furnished with a ...... gate, like the boat of heaven, the platform of all the lands! ...... from the riverbank like a ...... boat cabin! House roaring like an ox, bellowing loudly like a breed-bull! House in whose interior is the power of the Land, and behind which is the life of Sumer!
31-43. House, great enclosure, reaching to the heavens, great, true house, reaching to the heavens! House, great crown reaching to the heavens, house, rainbow reaching to the heavens! House whose diadem extends into the midst of the heavens, whose foundations are fixed in the abzu, whose shade covers all lands! House founded by An, praised by Enlil, given an oracle by Mother Nintur! House Kec, green in its fruit! Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec? Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi? Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintur?
    44. The second house.
45-57. House, 10 car at its upper end, five car at its lower end; house, 10 bur at its upper end, five bur at its lower end! House, at its upper end a bison, at its lower end a stag; house, at its upper end a wild sheep, at its lower end a deer; house, at its upper end a dappled wild sheep, at its lower end a beautiful deer! House, at its upper end green as a snake-eater bird, at its lower end floating on the water like a pelican! House, at its upper end rising like the sun, at its lower end spreading like the moonlight; house, at its upper end a warrior mace, at its lower end a battle-axe; house, at its upper end a mountain, at its lower end a spring! House, at its upper end threefold indeed! Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec? Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi? Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintur?
    58. The third house.
58A-58Q. {(1 ms. adds here the following lines:) House ...... inspiring great awe, called with a mighty name by An; house ...... whose fate is grandly determined by the Great Mountain Enlil! House of the Anuna gods possessing great power, which gives wisdom to the people; house, reposeful dwelling of the great gods! House, which was planned together with the plans of heaven and earth, ...... with the pure divine powers; house which underpins the Land and supports the shrines! House, mountain of abundance which passes the days in glory; house ofNinhursaja which establishes the life of the Land! House, great hillside worthy of the purification rites, altering (?) all things; house without whom no decisions are made! House, good ...... carrying in its hands the broad Land; house which gives birth to countless peoples, seed which has sprouts! House which gives birth to kings, which determines the destinies of the Land; house whose royal personages are to be revered! Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec? Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi? Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintur?}
    58R. The ...... house.
59-73. It is indeed a city, it is indeed a city! Who knows its interior? The house Kec is indeed a city! Who knows its interior? The heroes make their way straight into its interior and perform its oracle rites perfectly. Frisking cattle are gathered at the house in herds. The house consumes many cattle; the house consumes many sheep.
1 line unclear
Those who sit on daises bow their necks before it. It wears a crown to vie with the boxwood tree, it spreads out to vie with the poplar ......; it is {(1 ms. adds here:) growing} as green as the hills! Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec? Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi? Who has ever seen anyone as great as its ladyNintur?
    74. The fourth house.
75-86. House given birth by a lion, whose interior the hero has embellished (?)! House Kec, given birth by a lion, whose interior the hero has embellished (?)! The heroes make their way straight into its interior. Ninhursaja sits within like a great dragon. Nintur the great mother assists at births there. Cul-pa-e the ruler acts as lord. Acgi the hero consumes the contents of the vessels (?). Urumac, the great herald of the plains, dwells there too. Stags are gathered at the house in herds. Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec? Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi? Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintur?
    87. The fifth house.
88-102. House positioned over its foundations like a storm, like white bulls standing about on the plain; house founded by the prince, in praise on the tigi instrument! House in whose interior is the power of the Land, and behind which {is the life of Sumer} {(some mss. have instead:) it is filled with life}; at whose gate is a lion reclining on its paws, at whose gate is the ruler who decides cases (?)! House at whose door is the Great Mountain without adversary; {at whose bolt} {(some mss. have here instead:) at whose bar} is a great frisking wild bull {(some mss. add here the line:) , at whose bolt is a beast ...... a man} {(1 ms. adds here instead the line:) , at whose ...... is an awe-inspiring lion} ! {Whose well-founded storehouse is a corner of heaven, a corner of earth} {(1 ms. has here instead:) Whose storehouse established as a household is a lance (?)}; whose terrace is supported by lahama deities; whose princely {(1 ms. adds:) great} wall ...... the shrine of Urim! Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec? Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi? Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintur?
    103. The sixth house.
103A-103K. {(1 ms. (which uses a different numbering of the sections) adds here the following lines:) House imbued with radiance, ...... excellence! House ......! Lord Nudimmud in heaven and earth ...... brickwork of the Land, brickwork ...... grandly in the abzu. Terrace, relaxing abode, ...... holy splendour rising over the people! House which is seemly for the foreign lands! Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec? Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi? Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintur?}
    103L. The eighth house.
104-115. The holy house whose ...... is the shrine, the holy house Kec, whose ...... is the shrine; the house whose lords are the Anuna gods, whose nuec priests are the sacrificers ofE-ana! In the house the king places stone bowls in position; the good en priest ...... holds the lead-rope dangling. The a-tu priest holds the staff; the ...... brings the gathered (?) waters. The ...... takes his seat in the holy place; the enkum priests bow down ....... The pacec priests beat the drumskins; they recite powerfully, powerfully.
116-126. The bull's horn is made to growl; the drumsticks are made to thud. The singer {cries out} {(1 ms. has instead:) declaims} to the ala drum; {the grand sweet tigi is played for him} {(some mss. have instead:) the sweet tigi is well tuned}. The house is built; its nobility is good! The house Kec is built; its nobility is good! Its lady has taken a seat in its ....... Ninhursaja, its lady, has taken her seat in its ....... Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec? Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi? Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintur?
    127. The seventh house.
128-133. Draw near, man, to the city, to the city -- but do not draw near! Draw near, man, to the house Kec, to the city -- but do not draw near! Draw near, man, to its hero Acgi -- but do not draw near! Draw near, man, to its lady Nintur -- but do not draw near! Praise be to well-built Kec, O Acgi! Praise be to cherished Kec and Nintur!
    134. The eighth house.

A hymn to the E-kur

1-13. The great house is as great as a mountain. The house of Enlil is as great as a mountain. The house of Ninlil is as great as a mountain. The bedchamber is as great as a mountain. The house which knows no daylight is as great as a mountain. The house at the Lofty Gate is as great as a mountain. The house at the Gate of Well-being is as great as a mountain. The courtyard of Enlil is as great as a mountain. The Hursaj-galama is as great as a mountain. The holy Renowned Gate is as great as a mountain. The Gate from which Grain is never Diverted is as great as a mountain. The Ubcu-unkena is as great as a mountain. The Ja-jic-cua is as great as a mountain.
14-27. The house of Ninlil is as great as a mountain. The gate Kan-innamra is as great as a mountain. The E-itida-buru is as great as a mountain. The courtyard of the Egal-mah is as great as a mountain. The lofty E-itida-buru is as great as a mountain. The Entum-galzu is as great as a mountain. The Innam-gidazu is as great as a mountain. The Suen Gate is as great as a mountain. The Du-kug, the holy place, is as great as a mountain. The field of E-dima is as great as a mountain. The Ane-jara is as great as a mountain. The Acte, the pure place, is as great as a mountain. The E-tilla-mah is as great as a mountain. The Ja-apina is as great as a mountain.
    28. Sa-gida.
29. He declares: "Heavenward (?)!"
    30. Its jicgijal.
31-41. For him who declares it, for him who declares it, the house comes forth like the daylight. For him who declares that he is of the mountain, the house comes forth like the daylight. For him who declares that he is of the house of Enlil, the house comes forth like the daylight. For him who declares that he is of the house of Ninlil, the house comes forth like the daylight. For him who declares that he is of the house of Ninurta, the house comes forth like the daylight, for him who declares that he is of the house of the princely son.
    42. Kirugu.
43-52. The house towers high in full grandeur; in its midst is a mountain of aromatic cedars. The house of Enlil towers high in full grandeur; in its midst is a mountain of aromatic cedars. The house of Ninlil towers high in full grandeur; in its midst is a mountain of aromatic cedars. The courtyard of Enlil towers high in full grandeur; in its midst is a mountain of aromatic cedars. The courtyard of Ninlil towers high in full grandeur; in its midst is a mountain of aromatic cedars.
    53. Sa-jara.
54. ...... rejoice .......
    55. Its jicgijal.
56-68. Its king is worthy of Enlil the king in the true house of youth. The hero Ninurta is worthy of Enlil the king in the true house of youth. The offspring (?) of Ninlil is worthy of Enlil the king in the true house of youth. The lord, the hero (?) of the E-kur, is worthy of Enlil the king in the true house of youth. The offspring (?) of Enlil is worthy of Enlil the king in the true house of youth. Lord Acimbabbar is worthy of Enlil the king in the true house of youth. The princely son of the E-kur is worthy of Enlil the king in the true house of youth.
    69. ...... (This rubric was probably omitted accidentally)
70. He is the favourite of Enlil.
    71. Its jicgijal.

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