Annunaki Video Proof

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Psalms to The Annunaki III

cir-gida to Martu (Martu A)

1-12. Hero, august youth, who completely controls the distant mountains as far as their borders! Martu, august youth, who completely controls the distant mountains as far as their borders, who possesses the strength of a savage lion, who occupies a holy dais in the mountains, the pure place! Martu, who possesses the strength of a savage lion, who occupies a holy dais in the mountains, the pure place, who is imbued with great fearsomeness, whom holy An engendered, who appears gloriously with numerous divine powers! His own motherNinhursaja made his form excel Medim-ca's so that no one should threaten him. The Anuna, the great gods, enhanced his strength with warrior qualities, and spoke favourably to him. They invested (?) him with authority that accompanies him in battle like a coat of armour, ...... to him mace, divine weapon, a great bow, arrows and quiver in his august hands, made his divinity magnificently perfect, and let him ...... no adversaries.
13-20. He rears up, he ...... the fields. He is greatly august, possessing the strength of a lion, ....... He is endowed with fearsomeness like a raging lion. Like a rampant wild bull, ....... He grasps the seven winds, makes fire ......, subduing all in battle and fight, ...... like lightning. Acute fear of him seizes all the wicked, ...... a southerly storm. The strength ebbs away from the city that he has cursed.
21-32. For the king, he annihilates all enemy lands that are not compliant to him. Martu, the son of An, extends a hand to the good shepherd whom he has chosen in his holy heart. His name is an august and ineffable name. No one ....... The god with hands pure from purification rites, whose divine powers are resplendent divine powers, annihilates evil and violence, and sets justice in their place. His father who inspired him, his own father, the lord of the gods, the prince who decides destinies, handed the distant sky and the broad earth to this savage god who gives just verdicts, who is knowledgeable in decision-making, an adviser; and he let him have no rivals. He presented to him the pure hills, the lapis-lazuli mountains; he presented to him the Martu lands, the lapis-lazuli mountains.
33-48. He is a lion-headed hero; he is the king's helper in battle ....... The just man on whom he has returned a ...... verdict prays constantly to him. With the sceptre he leads ...... to him, and has ...... far away. He makes good ...... come out of the ....... He sets calves in ...... his great ....... ...... in cow-pens and sheepfolds ....... He makes fish and birds ......, and makes fresh fruit grow. In the house in which the king ...... silver, he ensures that it never ceases. He exceeds ......, and decides great destinies. ...... he keeps guard over ....... In the river he causes ...... to be available -- he drinks the fresh water that it brings. In the fields he produces ...... for him -- he eats the grain that they bring. He makes ...... increase in abundance for him. He is hostile to those who ....... His mind ...... is reliable speech, and his exterior ...... is glory.
49-59. He does not alter ...... for the king, and prolongs his ...... days. He hands him the staff for his right hand, and to his side he ties the mace that guides the thousands.
1 line unclear
He sets the king's feet in a well-ordered position (?), and causes him to have no opponents (?). Mankind also address him ...... in the view of his god. ...... him whom in his kindly heart he has called to kingship. All day long the protective goddess of justice stands unceasingly by his right side. In holy songs musicians sing of him -- the dearly cherished one, the god, the man of the hills, renowned everywhere -- and promote his name gloriously. Martu, son of An, it is sweet to praise you!
    60. A cir-gida of Martu.

A hymn to Martu (Martu B)

Segment A

1-11. ...... watching over ......, gathering together ...... the divine powers, ...... peerless dragon, ...... named in heaven and earth with an august name, ......, engendered by great An and brought up on his holy knees, ......, born by Urac,
1 line unclear
cherished and granted a favourable destiny by the Great Mountain Enlil, ......, not wearying of ...... its beauty. Proud one among the great gods, ...... hearts, ...... pure ......, shining purification rites, his conduct ....... His words ...... cannot be unravelled, his intelligence and counsel ......, ...... distant ......, ...... leader ......
at least 26 lines missing

Segment B

3 lines fragmentary ...... cherish him ....... ...... embellished ......, ...... aromatic oil of cedar ....... ...... raining on your body like dew ....... ...... when you speak favourable words ......, ...... when you speak favourable words ......, ...... prayers and entreaties .......
10-14. May the work of his hands ...... be as sweet as aromatic oil of cedar ......! May ...... the city be long! May its wives and children be fortunate! May he bestow on him ...... life of long days! ...... your divinity is ...... good. May he ...... for eternal days!
    15. A ...... of Martu.

balbale to Suen (Nanna A)

1-14. How many there are! How many cows there are! How many cattle of Suen there are! The dark ones are translucent lapis lazuli; the pale cows are the light of the risen moon. The little ones trickle down like barleycorns for you; the large ones throng together like wild bulls for you. The Glory of Heaven (Suen) has undone the halters of the numerous cows in his teeming herd. He has poured out milk from the beautiful cows at the offering table; his bright hands ever pour the milk. After my king has completed the work, Suen ...... the shining halter ...... the cows, he ...... the cows, he ...... the cows. He acts as the herder of the cows.
15-20. His own mother, the lady of Nibru, speaks a prayer to the lord in his desert: "A prayer, O shepherd! A prayer! May the cows be numerous for you in the good desert. When you arrive at nightfall, may you renew the E-kur, the highly prized sanctuary."
21-24. He is its lover, he is its lover, he is the lord, the E-kur's lover! He is the man of delight toEnlil, he is Suen, the cry of joy of his own mother.
25-36. The mother who bore him speaks kindly from her loving heart to Suen: "You are the beloved of the heart who calms the heart, Suen, shining calf who grew fat on the holy lap; you can wish in your heart for anything! You can desire everything precious to the heart! ......, splendour of the E-kur, make your wish on Enlil's lap. May you create glory in heaven! May theE-kur sing a song of joy about you, may the people call upon your life, Suen, may you be supreme in heaven and earth!"
37-40. He has poured out milk from the ...... cows at the offering table, Suen has ordained the purification rites: "Everything that I do is brilliant! My father Enlil has fed me well."
41-49. His mother speaks kindly in joy to the king, the holy barge which travels across the sky: "My wild bull whom An has well called, your name is respected in all lands. Lord of the holy herd who consecrates the purification rites, seed engendered in a holy shrine, shining halter, heroic child born by NinlilNanna, seed engendered in the fields, beloved of holy AnAn has conferred on you the shepherding of the Land!"
50-60. "Enlil has named you with a good renown -- you are the son of Enlil whose speech is just. In his elevated heart An has bestowed kingship on you. He has chosen your city Urim in his heart. For you he has brought fish and birds to the princely river. First-born of Enlil, who ...... the rank of lord, he has bestowed on you the kingship of heaven. You are a god dressed in beauty in the heavens. Your moonlight is holy and bright, and because like Utu you are a shepherd of the Land, Nanna, it shines forth for the king like the daylight."
    61. A balbale of Suen.

balbale to Nanna (Nanna B)

1-26. (Ningal speaks:) "I ...... for the .......
approx. 19 lines missing
The embrace of my spouse ....... The young man ....... Among his cows ....... My beloved who ....... I shall go ......! There with the lord ......."
27-31. (Nanna addresses Ningal:) "My spouse, ......, Ningal who ......, ...... butter from the holy cows. Pure hands and ...... feet ....... My lovely ......."
32-37. "......, the reedbeds, the playground ....... I shall ...... sharp knives to the ...... and reed fences. I shall ...... to the beautiful young reeds. Mistress, ...... the treasures (?) of the ubibirds. I will gather their eggs for you, and I shall ...... the nest. High priestess of Nanna, ...... theubi birds."
38-43. "After I have ...... butter into the container, after I have ...... for cakes in the morning (?), after I have ...... carp in the great marsh, young lady, after I have ...... little turtles (?), then I will ...... your own mother NingikugaNingal, I shall go with you to your house."
44-49. "After I have led the cows into the stall ......, after I have ...... holy milk into the holy churn for you, after Cuni-du has done the churning, young lady, after I have given my ...... young calves milk ......, then I will ...... pats of butter and purified milk for you. Ningal, I shall go with you to your house."
50-59. (Ningal addresses Nanna:) "......, my beloved, if only I could come to you without my mother to ......! If only I could come to you without Ningikuga (?) ......!
approx. 1 line missing
Lord Nanna, bring it to me! In the dwelling of the shepherd, in the house of gleaned barley, my lord, I shall come to you in the chamber, the storehouse (?)! ......, wonder of the Land, I shall come to you! My Nanna, your chant is sweet; it is the chant of my heart."
    60. A balbale of Nanna.

balbale to Nanna (Nanna C)

Segment A

1-10. O eastern (?) house of Sumer, I will declare your greatness! O E-kic-nu-jal, whose purification rites are brilliant, O house of Nanna! O shrine Urim, I shall glorify your name. Emerging from the holy heart of the pure hills, Urim, wisdom of An and Urac, appropriate forE-temen-ni-guru! With An you bestow kingship; your majesty ...... the foreign lands. I shall glorify your name far and wide!
11-22. He keeps in order the lordly purification rites ....... He has taken his seat ...... in Urim. Your name is sweet! The Prince ....... Your holy word is pleasing to An. May my En-hedu-anaexcel even An. ...... the purification rites of the jipar. ...... the lordly divine powers. ...... the excellent jiparAcimbabbar .......
probably 1 line missing
2 lines fragmentary
23-42. ...... holy songs ....... The Prince ....... ...... wisdom ....... ...... the great divine powers. Anand Enlil ....... Ningal ...... May he excel ....... Ac-im-babbar ....... Like the sweet moonlight ....... ...... the jipar, my delight, ....... An and Enlil ....... Mother Ningal ...... charm ....... The high priestess of the moon god ....... En-hedu-ana ....... My king ....... ...... the great divine powers ....... ...... holy songs, light ......
1 line fragmentary En-hedu-ana ......
1 line fragmentary
probably 1 line missing

Segment B

1-10. ...... who is familiar with your purification rites, ......, may he do ....... ...... shall build for you in the pure abode (?) ....... ...... shall not enter ....... He shall grind your barley for you in the pure cloister. Your milled grain is not laid in his hall. Water shall not touch what you have ground, and your malt shall not be turned over. O palace of Suen, what do men know of you?
1 line unclear
11-17. To bring offerings in baskets, to cause rejoicing, to make the house comfortable, to establish the house, to put in order the place of the holy purification rites -- may Ningal, my En-hedu-ana, restore your ....... ...... Nanna, I shall praise you. ...... Suen, I shall glorify your name.
    18. Its jicgijal.
    19. A balbale of Nanna.

balbale to Nanna (Nanna D)

1-7. They are as numerous, as numerous as the grasses which break through the earth.Nanna, in the ...... they are as numerous as the grasses which break through the earth. Their ...... are translucent lapis lazuli. Their ...... are the colour of the rising moon. The cows with their calves are numerous and are precious cuba stone. ...... built and ...... together. In their ...... he chooses .......
8-12. He who loves the cows herds them into the pen. ...... who loves the cows rounds up the cows. He has ...... his great cows for her, and their butter ....... Seven {(1 ms. adds:) small} churns resound with ...... and sweet butter for her. ...... their butter is holy butter, their milk is holy milk.
13-18. ...... {from the holy pen} {(1 ms. has instead:) in my holy pen}, the woman does not drink. ...... in the holy ......, the woman does not eat. When he sits ...... in the pen, he fills the pen with praise. When he sits ...... in the pen, he is an ornament of the pen. ...... the temple, the cattle-pen is a glory -- Nanna is the master. The ...... is Suen's -- Nanna is the master.
19-24. ...... truly cares for ......, the king of Urim (?). In its ...... fish and birds are abundant. In its ...... fish and birds are abundant. The fish ...... and the birds skim (?). The fish ...... and the birds skim (?). He has planted ......, and the carp grow fat.
25-40. He has planted ...... so that the calves may feed for me. He has planted ...... so that the cows may feed for me. ...... eats. ...... drinks.
12 lines fragmentary or missing
    41. A balbale of Nanna.

A hymn to Nanna (Nanna E)

1-4. Princely son, you are radiant as you come forth from the sacred bathing chamber (?), ....... ...... the mountain of pure divine powers, the abzu shrine, ....... ...... the majestic foundation platform, ....... Bringing terrifying radiance from the marshes, you ...... a fearsome .......
5-12. Lifting your head in your goodness, greatness and majesty, majestically you extend your arm in order to determine destinies: great An has liberally bestowed on you your kingship over heaven and earth, and Enlil has perfected for you your great and noble filial status and lordship. Enlil has made majestic divinity manifest for you. Determining a destiny for your flowing waters, the majestic lower (?) waters, Enki from within the sacred bathing chamber (?) has placed the good earth, the good mother, at your feet. Enlil has sired you in majesty and lordship.
13-19. O Nanna, your crescent moon is called "the crescent moon of the seventh day (?)".Enlil has made known throughout heaven and earth your name, which is a sacred name. Princely son, he has made your greatness manifest throughout heaven and earth. The majestic assembly has bestowed on you his status as Enlil. And from the place of the sanctuary EridugEnki has determined for you your lordship and majesty. King of heaven and earth who adorns heaven and earth (?), from the majestic abzu, the place of the sanctuaryEridug, he has declared your great lordship and your greatness.
20-26. O Nanna, he has chosen as your inheritance that you should surpass the Anuna gods. He has seated you in a sacred dwelling amid their pure divine powers which gladden the heart. He has grandly called the great gods to the food offerings. He has seated them for the ritual which fills the heart with majestic pleasure. He has presented to (?) the gods their offerings which gladden the heart. He has seated you in a majestic place, a sacred place. ONanna, he has seated you in a sacred place, a sacred dwelling.
27-30. Enki purifies the dwelling for you, he makes the dwelling shine for you. He consecrates the heavens for you, he makes the earth shine for you. He makes the E-kic-nu-jal, the house of the cedar forests, tower straight upward for you. He makes your majestic residence into a sacred place for you, the foundation of heaven and earth.
31-40. He puts your ritual plans and majestic lustration rituals in order for you. ...... he makes the offering table resplendent for you in the sacred place. ...... he puts in order for you ...... evening meals, your evening meals and morning meals. He consecrates the lustration rituals and makes them shine for you. After ......, he has made the ...... beautiful. He has called .......Enki sets up for you the lustration rituals created in his abzuKusu establishes the lustration rituals created in their specific house -- the oven for oxen, sheep and bread beside the interior of the bathing chamber (?), those sacred lustration rituals beside the shrine!
41-48. Kusu purifies the oil for the house. It is placed in readiness and the limbs are ....... To ensure the sacred lustration rituals are not neglected, from the majestic marshes, the vast, sacred bathing chamber (?), this destiny emerges: the E-kic-nu-jal, with its majestic, sacred dais, perfects the great, majestic divine powers of heaven and earth. You bathe on the majestic banks by (?) the sacred bathing chamber (?); you put mountain oil on your sacred body; O Nanna, you are placed upon your majestic dais -- wrapped in majestic linen, with raised head, shining horns and the diadem of lordship!
49-55. With the majestic oil of the sacred body, the oil of lordship, oil from your great treasury, Lord Ningublaga consecrates the hands on his lapis-lazuli quay, the majestic quay, the sacred quay. But from Eridug the stag of the abzu (Enki) purifies the oil for those hands. So that you should place sacred hands upon your offering table in the banqueting hall, the great place, your steward Kusu -- she who purifies hands and cleanses hands -- consecrates the hands. But from Eridug the stag of the abzu purifies the oil for those hands.
56-60. Ningal is the majestic lady of the abzu shrine, of the majestic dais of Urim determining good and great destinies, and of the E-kic-nu-jal, the sacred and good dwelling. O, the sacred dwelling is the place of your ladyship for Nanna its king! The E-kic-nu-jal, the Agrun-kug, is your house of royalty! Nanna and Ningal bring joyfulness to the dwelling.
61-65. O Suen, sage, majestic lord throughout heaven and earth, your crown is a majestic crown! O Acimbabbar who puts a terrifying radiance in heaven and earth! May his hands be consecrated for him. May they be consecrated like heaven for him, may they be made to shine like the earth for him. May they be as resplendent as the centre of heaven for him. May he lift his head with its crown (?) of heaven and earth, the sacred crown.
66-68. Suen, the sage lord, majestic throughout heaven and earth, who perfects the pure dais,Acimbabbar who wears (?) the diadem and just crown with majestic, shining horns, lifts his head.
69. Sacred oil, pure oil, cleansing oil! (This line is written on the left edge of the tablet and may represent an accidentally omitted line, or else the catchline to another composition, possibly an incantation.)

The herds of Nanna (Nanna F)

1-8. The lord has burnished (?) the heavens; he has embellished {the night} {(1 ms. has instead:) the earth}. Nanna has burnished the heavens; he has embellished {the night} {(1 ms. has instead:) the earth}. When he comes forth from the turbulent mountains, he stands as Utustands at noon. When Acimbabbar comes forth from the turbulent mountains, he stands asUtu stands at noon.
9-13. His father, whose word is true, speaks with him day and night. Enlil, whose word is true, speaks with him day and night, and in decision determines the fates with him.
14-17. His lofty jipar shrines number four. There are four {platforms} {(1 ms. has instead:) cattle pens} which he has established for him. His great temple cattle pens, one ece in size, number four. They play for him {on the drumsticks} {(1 ms. has instead:) on the churn}.
18-25. The cows are driven together in herds for him. His various types of cow number 39600. {His young (?) cows and calves} {(1 ms. has instead:) His fattened cows} number 108000. His young bulls number 126000. The sparkling-eyed cows number 50400. The white cows number 126000. The cows for the evening meal (?) are in four groups of five each (?). Such are the various types of cow of Father Nanna.
26-30. His wild cows number 180000. The ...... cows are four. Their herds of cattle are seven. Their ...... herdsmen are seven. There are four of those who dwell among the cows (?).
31-36. They give praise to the lord, singing paeans (?) as they move into the jipar shrines.Nisaba has taken their grand total; Nisaba has taken their count, and she is writing it on clay. The holy cows of Nanna, cherished by the youth Suen, be praised!
37-41. He is ever able to increase the butter of abundance in the holy animal pens of ...... and goats. He is able to provide abundantly the great liquor of the mountains, and syrup, and alcoholic drink for the king on his lofty pure platform.
42-45. Mighty one, trusted one of Enlil, youth, god of living creatures, leader of the Land, andNingal, lady of the jipar shrines -- O Father Nanna, be praised!

A hymn to Nanna (Nanna G)

Segment A

unknown no. of lines missing
1-4. Nanna, ......, lord, son of Enlil, ......, Nanna, lord, ......, lord, son of Enlil, ......!
5-8. Lord, sweet wonder ......! The woman perfect in beauty ....... Nanna, lord, sweet wonder ......! The woman perfect in beauty .......
9-12. Ninhursaja ......, the great mother Ninhursaja ....... Nanna, ......, the great motherNinhursaja .......
1 line fragmentary you ....... Nanna, ......, you .......
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1 line fragmentary
2-5. ...... you have shown your attractiveness to me. May your beauty cover my body like a ...... garment. Nanna, ...... you have shown your attractiveness to me. May your beauty cover my body like a ...... garment.
6-9. Lord whose pure hands befit the milk churn, what you accomplish is pleasing to An andEnlilNanna, lord whose pure hands befit the milk churn, what you accomplish is pleasing toAn and Enlil.
10-17. May you build enduringly the eternal (?) house. May you build enduringly Nanna'seternal (?) house, the ...... quarters (?) and the courtyard of Nanna -- the temple whose shadow extends out into the midst of the sea, the E-kic-nu-jal, the sweet wonder, the temple ofNanna built on empty land! ......, Suen ...... among the gods. ...... Enlil (?). ......, Nanna, lord, great son of An, beloved ...... of Enlil and Ninlil,
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

12 lines missing or fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

An adab to Nanna (Nanna H)

Segment A

1-5. Righteous lord who determines destiny! Born to NinlilSuen, beloved son of NinlilSuen, having no rival in the E-kur, the house of Enlil: your divine powers are majestic divine powers granted by An!
6-12. Your father, holy An, has bestowed upon you divine powers to which other gods cannot aspire. Enlil has decreed them to you in destiny. The lord of the holy lustration rites, An, has established them. ......, sacred lion of the gods, justly honoured, you are the light of heaven.
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-5. O house of ...... in ......, city founded by An! O house of ...... in ......, city founded by An! O house of Lugalbanda in ......, city founded by An! O house of ...... in ......, city founded by An! O house of Inana in Zabalam, city founded by An!
    6. Sa-jara.
7-9. O shrine Urim! Within, through their intricate craftsmanship, the Enki and Ninki deities have perfected the divine powers with their righteousness, and the Anuna gods stand there in service.
    10. Its jicgijal to the sa-jara.
11-13. O Urim, shrine of the mountains! O shrine Urim, shrine of the mountains! O Urim, city founded by An!
    14. Its uru.
    15. An adab of Nanna. (lines 14 and 15 are written as one line in source)

tigi to Suen (Nanna I)

1-9. My king ...... in his reed marshes. He ...... in the silent (?) reed marshes. He extended his house over a huge reed marsh, over a ...... reed marsh. Its ...... is green (?); he has built ...... by the water. He called his city the shrine Urim. In his city, the lord of the long days, Suen, founded a dwelling-place. In Urim, the city chosen in his heart, bull-like the house gives praise.
10-15. My king's splendid place is indeed an august place, a most precious place. Suen ...... his beloved city, the shrine Urim, the pure divine powers ...... his city. My king ...... the holy dais. Lord Acimbabbar .......
    16. Sa-gida.
17-21. "O NannaNanna, where have you tended your cows, Lord Acimbabbar?" "In the chosen city, the shrine of my heart which I have founded in joy like Aratta ....... In my shrineUrim I have tended my cows." "First-born son of Enlil, where have you tended the people, LordAcimbabbar?"
22-40. "In the chosen city, the shrine of my heart which I have founded in joy, like Aratta ......; in my E-mud-kura I have tended my cows." "First-born son of Enlil, where have you tended the people, Lord Acimbabbar?" "In a place founded on a good day and given a good name, in the place chosen in my heart, my E-mud-kura, I, Acimbabbar, have tended my cows." "First-born son of Enlil, where have you tended the people, Lord Acimbabbar?" "In a place founded on a good day and given a good name, in the place chosen in my heart, my E-mud-kura, I,Acimbabbar, have tended my cows." "King of the holy cattle-pen, where have you tended your cows, youthful, noble shepherd?" "In the meadow where I have built a dais for my shrine Urimand have let date palms grow as in the land of Dilmun -- there in its holy reedbeds I have tended my cows." "First-born son of Enlil, where have you tended the people, youthful, noble shepherd?" "In the meadow where I have built a dais for my shrine Urim and have let date palms grow as in the land of Dilmun -- there in its holy reedbeds I have tended my cows."
} {
A-H. (instead of lines 22-40, 1 ms. has:) "...... where have you tended your cows, youthful, noble shepherd?" "...... for my shrine Urim ...... as in the land of Dilmun -- there in the house's cattle-pen I have tended my cows." "King of the holy cattle-pen (?), where have you tended your cows, youthful, noble shepherd, Lord Acimbabbar?" "In a place founded on a good day and given a good name, in the place chosen in my heart, E-kic-nu-jal, the ...... house, I,Acimbabbar, have tended my cows (?)."
    41. Sa-jara.
    42. A tigi of Suen.

An ululumama to Nanna (Nanna J)

1-4. Lord, glory of heaven, suited to ......, Nanna, whose appearance in the high heavens is adorned with radiance! King, glittering light, crown of UrimNanna, glittering light, crown ofUrim!
5-18. Great lion of holy An, first-born of Enlil, seed of a bison, beloved of the gods, great strength inspiring awe in the Land, with the just crown and the shining sceptre, sparkling over the high mountains, ...... of Enlil filled with princely divine powers, ...... in the centre of Nibru, highly skilled at examining ......,
7 lines fragmentary
19-27. Butting ...... aggressively, ......, never tiring, ...... in heaven and on earth; giving princely commands to ......, ...... like a bull, ......, looking down upon his rivers grand and small! Lion uttering hostile words to the enemy, supplying evening light to dark places! Youthful Suen, glorious moonlight, the people gaze at you in wonder.
28-32. The ewe with its lambs expresses deep affection. The goat with its kids honours you. The young man is able to make love with his wife. Suen relaxes with beautiful Ningal. Praise be to youthful Suen, to Father Nanna!
    33. An ululumama of Nanna.

cir-namcub to Suen (Nanna K)

Segment A

1-3. As remote as heaven, ...... as the earth! Lord Nanna, as remote as heaven, ...... as the earth! Lord Acimbabbar, as remote as heaven, ...... as the earth!
4-16. A cowherd with his numerous cows, Suen ...... the men in (?) the pens. A ...... with his numerous calves, Suen ...... the men in (?) the pens. Suen ....... Nanna .......
1 line fragmentary Suen ....... The spouse ....... Ningal ....... He has butter, ....... Iterda milk ....... Cheese ...... like milk.
17-21. Mother Ningal addresses him: "My ...... man, my lover, .......! My ...... man, my Suen, ......! My man who has ritually bathed, ......! My ......!
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-13. (Ningal speaks:) "The lord of the just word ....... The lord of the E-kic-nu-jal ....... When he fills the rivers with the spring floods, ......, establishing fine grain in the fields, ......, ...... the marshes with various carp, ......, ...... the reedbeds with mature and fresh reeds, ......, ...... the woods with fallow deer and wild sheep, ......, ...... the high desert with macgurum bushes, ......, ...... the irrigated orchards with syrup and wine, ......, ...... the garden plots with lettuce and cress, ......, ...... the palace with long life, ......, I will live there, ......, I will live there in the ...... place."
14-19. "...... in your brick-built Urim, in your ...... of Nanna, in your Dubla-mah, the place where judgments are given, in your storehouse of wine and syrup, at your Kar-zida, the quay of the barges, in your house of heaven, in your beloved house, I will live!"
20-26. "Nanna, in the upper lands I will live on your mountain of fragrant cedars. Lord Nanna, I will live in your city. I will live where your cows are numerous, where your calves are numerous. Nanna, I will live in your Urim. Lord, the bed is already ...... there. Lord, ......, lord, king, son of An, hero who ...... the great earth!"
    27. 3rd kirugu.
    28. A cir-namcub of Suen.

cir-namgala to Nanna (Nanna L)

1-6. Princely son, respected one in heaven spreading amply over the high mountains, rising high as he casts a glowing radiance, majestic ......, his head reaching the sky, fixing the new moon and the months, shining forth, Nanna! Versed in numbers, may you look down graciously! Acimbabbar, great light of holy An, mighty one (?) spreading wide, you cover (?) the numerous people.
    7. Its jicgijal.
8-16. ...... light, prince lifting his head with (?) the crown, not changing ......, making the Land firm forever, august ...... who ...... in abundance, ...... kingship ......, ...... with shining horns, in the sky ......, ...... the month ...... Sumer, on earth ......, ...... of (?) the E-kur, radiance ....... ...... on the other side, holy countenance which he alone ......, true light, filling the wide sky,Acimbabbar ...... greatly.
    17. Its jicgijal.
18-30. Nanna, dragon of heaven and earth, standing ......, fixing the months and the new moon, sets the year in its place. Suen, lord, in heaven you alone are majestic. Lord, light of heaven, you are positioned forever. To prolong years of abundance, causing the early flood and unceasing abundance, to make firm the quays, to regulate the nipples of heaven, to establish celebration, ...... to bring speckled grain, to ......, ......, to make firm the lofty dais of E-kic-nu-jalNanna, to make firm the seat of kingship of the Land,
3 lines fragmentary
31-40. ...... with (?) a remote heart ......, ...... Urim, the city you have chosen, in the ...... of Anand Enlil ......, his lofty ......, may he (?) look favourably upon you. ...... when you reside in the place where you find rest, ...... in the Agrun-kug a just destiny is determined. The Great Mountain Enlil has set his mind on Lord Acimbabbar. ...... in his Hursaj-galama, ...... as he instills terror and inspires fearsome awe, in the ...... of the shrine Urim he determines favourable destinies.
41-46. ...... widespread people ...... may he until distant times make the power majestic. ...... speckled grain ......, ...... abundance ......; may he raise raise his head ...... like ....... May ...... the restored place. May he bestow ...... unapproachable .......
    47. ...... kirugu.
48-51. Majestic ......, born of Ninlil, ......, Lord Acimbabbar, holy son of An, ...... luxuriance, majestic ...... whose just word cannot be changed, ......, Nanna, may you exert great power!
    52. Its uru.
    53. A cir-namgala of Nanna.

A hymn to Nanna (Nanna M)

1-6. Princely lord ......, great lord of heaven ......! In the city which like the sea inspires awe! Far-seeing Suen, ruler of Urim! O Suen, princely lord ......, great lord of heaven ......! In the city which like the sea inspires awe! Far-seeing Suen, ruler of Urim!
7-14. Born in the mountains and coming forth in joy, he is a powerful force, a lion, a dragon, a mighty lord -- Suen, mouth like a dragon's, ruler of UrimNanna, born in the mountains and coming forth in joy, he is a powerful force, a lion, a dragon, a mighty lord -- Suen, mouth like a dragon's, ruler of Urim!
15-20. In the jipar (?) ...... perfect reputation. My king, having ...... and sat upon the dais, in his great banqueting hall he arranges the table of AnNanna, in the jipar (?) ...... perfect reputation. My king, having ...... and sat upon the dais, in his great banqueting hall he arranges the table of An.
21-26. ...... has gathered the divine powers in joy. ......, the black-headed have lifted their eyes to you, {the first-born son of Enlil} {(the other ms. has instead:Suen}. ...... has gathered the divine powers in joy. ......, the black-headed have lifted their eyes to you, the first-born son ofEnlil.

A hymn to Nanna (Nanna N)

1-9. ...... that fills the holy heavens, an adept (?) exuding radiance (?), Nanna, your crown is holy! Unique lord, ...... lord who ...... the heavens, shining in the high heavens, ......, spreading advice throughout heaven and earth, ......, you are the god who ......, ...... the place of creation.
1 line fragmentary
10-17. ...... as you come forth, ...... you rise in radiance. Your ...... is holy and bright. O, it has come forth for my king like the good sunlight! Nanna, ...... as you come forth, ...... you rise in radiance. Your ...... is holy and bright. O, it has come forth for my king like the good sunlight!
18-21. ...... for (?) the ruler whom you (?) have chosen, you have made your holy ...... manifest. ...... without ceasing, he has attained .......
22-27. The sweet-sounding tigi instruments are arranged in the majestic forecourt where your food-offerings are presented. In the heavenly assembly (?), the tigi instruments resound for you. Nanna, the sweet-sounding tigi instruments are arranged in the majestic forecourt where your food-offerings are presented. In the heavenly assembly (?), the tigi instruments resound for you.
28-33. May your city experience prosperity under you! In Urim may you raise your head high, unique lord, ...... lord, into the distant future! Nanna, may your city experience prosperity under you! In Urim may you raise your head high, unique lord, ...... lord, into the distant future!

A hymn to Nanna (Nanna O)

Segment A

4 lines missing
1 line fragmentary You possess ......! AnEnlilEnki and Ninhursaja treat you with deserved affection in your place of creation. Exalted Nanna ......, adviser in heaven and on earth ......!AnEnlilEnki and Ninhursaja treat you with deserved affection in your place of creation.
13-20. Youthful Suen, as you move the Anuna gods stand in attendance. In the four quarters of the world the black-headed people raise their eyes to you, the first-born son of EnlilNanna, youthful Suen, as you move the Anuna gods stand in attendance. In the four quarters of the world the black-headed people raise their eyes to you, the first-born son of Enlil.
21-28. As you become manifest in the holy heavens, you ...... broadly over all the lands. Your light is holy and purifies. Oh, ah, it has come forth for the king like the sunlight! Nanna, as you become manifest in the holy heavens, you ...... broadly over all the lands. Your light is holy and purifies. Oh, ah, it has come forth for the king like the sunlight!
29-31. Nanna, ......, for (?) the lord you have chosen, you have made the ...... manifest. ...... without ceasing (?),
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1 line fragmentary ...... into the distant future.
3-10. We are going, we are going, ...... we are going to the house, to the ...... of the lord, to the ...... of Prince Culgi, to the city that has been restored, to where speech and opinions are good, to where lips and hearts are pure, to where feet are firm on the ground.
11-20. We are going to the shrine NibruDur-an-ki, to ...... brick-built Tutub, to the majesticAbzu, brick-built Eridug, to the E-cu-me-ca with the princely divine powers, in Urim to the house of Suen, to the E-kic-nu-jal of Nanna, to the Agrun-kug, the beloved house of the lady, to the E-hursaj, the house of the king, to the E-namtila of Prince Culgi. In the ...... place ofSuen, may you be Utu.
21-32. The abzu has flourished, the abzu is beautiful. The abzu shall establish the lord as its lord. Lord Nanna, Lord Acimbabbar, to the lord of the courtyard, noble Alamuc, may ......! May ......! May ...... Inana of heaven ...... in beauty! May the mistress ...... in beauty in the shrine! May ...... as desired! May ......! May you ......! ...... of Ninsumun ......!
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

1-2. I shall address you ......! In the ...... place of Suen, may you be Utu.

A hymn to Nanna

1-13. Princely lord, foremost in the E-kur, ...... fearsomeness! Suen, beneficent one of Enlil, ...... the living! Cornelian calf, adorned with beauty, ...... brilliance! ...... prince whose forehead flourishes and whose countenance ......! Suen, warrior possessing great strength whose solidity ......, ......, radiance in (?) the pure heavens, ...... fear over the broad earth, making ...... manifest among the gods, ......, ...... greatly ......, ...... in heaven and on earth ......,
4 lines fragmentary
14-20. (Suen speaks:) "
2 lines fragmentary I am the ...... of Enlil, ....... In fear (?) of my lordship and greatness ....... O my mother, speak to my father ......, speak to the Great Mountain Enlil ....... Like the god, my brother, ......."
21-29. His mother Ninlil spoke (?) to her spouse, she addressed her words to the Great Mountain Enlil: "O my spouse, your son Suen ....... The beneficent son, the song of the heart, ....... You ...... born of mother and father, ....... Prince, glory of the E-kur, fruitful one of the Ki-ur......, the cowherd ...... cows, Suen ......, the princely son ......."

A fragment of a hymn to Nanna

Segment A

unknown no. of lines missing
2 lines fragmentary ...... puts in order the great cattle pens ...... for him. ...... the breeding bulls of the teeming cows ...... bellow loudly. ...... prepares butter, milk and eggs. The ...... of his celebration which has been multiplied for you, ...... their prince, ...... put in order the ...... forSuen, the abundance of heaven and earth. ......, the king befitting the holy heavens, ...... in the interior of heaven,
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

4 lines fragmentary The foremost ......, ...... in heaven and on earth, ...... moonlight. ...... radiance. The lord ...... dignity ....... Ningal ....... The lord ...... splendour.
unknown no. of lines missing

An excerpt from a hymn to Nanna

1-5. God who ...... among the gods, coming forth on high, perfecting the divine powers of heaven! Outstanding crown, radiance, ......, prince, ...... of heaven, justly cherished by An andUrac! Born in Dur-an-ki! Light, radiance and crown of Urim!
6-8. Now in addition he desired something good, something good. The lord wearied Enlil to determine the fate of his city: "My father, may you restore my city for me!"
9-11. No one should escape the grasp of Father Nanna, him of most just words! Princely lord, princely lord, great princeliness among the gods! In the temple that, like the heavens, inspires terror and fear, you are awesome.

A fragment of a hymn to Nanna

unknown no. of lines missing
1 line fragmentary ...... the ...... of Suen (?), father (?) .......
3-13. The boat sailed, the boat sailed, ....... ...... to the lord (?), to the E-sila (?). ...... the E-mud-kura in Urim. ...... the E-kic-nu-jal. ...... the Kar-zida, ...... the Kar-zagina, the place of ....... ...... gazing at the jipar,
1 line fragmentary ...... the Kar-zagina, the place of ....... ......, going alone, ...... the boat sailed, the boat sailed, the lord .......

A hymn to Nance (Nance A)

1-9. There is a city, there is a city whose powers are apparent. Nijin is the city whose powers are apparent. The holy city is the city whose powers are apparent. The mountain rising from the water is the city whose powers are apparent. Its light rises over the secure temple; its fate is determined. There is perfection in the city; the rites of Mother Nance are performed accordingly. Its lady, the child born in EridugNance, the lady of the precious divine powers, is now to return.
10-19. She is beer mash (?), the mother is yeast (?), Nance is the cause of great things: her presence makes the storehouses of the land {bulge} {(1 ms. has instead:) prosper} and makes the honey ...... like resin in the storerooms. Because of her, there stand vessels with ever-flowing water; because of Nance, the baskets containing the treasures of the Land cover the ground like the silt of the river. She is the lady of .......
1 line unclear
Nance is the lady who raises high the channels for the meadows and the irrigation ditches.
20-31. She is concerned for the orphan and concerned for the widow. She does not forget the man who helps (?) others, she is a mother for the orphan; Nance, a carer for the widow, who always finds advice for the debt-slave; the lady who gives protection for refugees. She seeks out a place for the weak. She swells his collecting basket for him; she makes his collecting vessel profitable for him. For the righteous maiden who has taken her path, Nance chooses a young man of means. Nance raises a secure house like a roof over the widow who could not remarry.
32-46. There is perfection in the presence of the lady. Lagac thrives in abundance in the presence of Nance. She chose the cennu in her holy heart and seated Ur-Nance, the beloved lord of Lagac, on the throne. She gave the lofty sceptre to the shepherd. She adorned Gudeawith all her precious divine powers. The shepherd chosen by her in her holy heart, Gudea, the ruler of Lagac, placed the lyre (?) Cow-of-Abundance among the tigi drums and placed the holy balaj drum at its side. While sacred songs and harmonious songs were performed before her, the kintur instrument praised the temple. The chief musician played the ibex horn for her: the song 'The house has been granted powers from the abzu', the sacred song of the house ofSirara about the princely powers was performed.
47-58. The dream interpreteter went into the sacristy and made glittering silver ecde cups ready for her. The temple cook ......, and prepared hot and cold food for her. He ...... of the oven for her (?) and ...... made the great shovel bellow for her. After the meat had arrived in large bowls and cool water had been brought from the Sirara-canal, after the festival trappings had arrived from Lagac and wine had been brought from the countryside, her great oven which vies with the great dining hall, Nance's shrine of food offerings, was humming.
59-64. The lady, the matriarch of EnlilNance, the lady of abundance who lives in the Land, the ......, the child of Enki, acting as a good woman for a good household, is to make the appointments. After she, as a good woman for a good household, has made the appointments, the regular offerings and daily goods of the house arrive unfailingly from theBur-saj.
65-75. If (?) the grain does not suffice for these rites and the vessels are empty and do not pour water, the person in charge of the regular offerings does not receive extra. After what was distributed from the foods and what was distributed from the drinks, after what was left over from the regular offerings and was not used by the house, after what was expended from the taxed fish, after what ...... one iku of reedbeds ......, and after what was received in nuts and green plants from within the garden has entered (?), no mouth (?) may touch them. No one should carry the bread of the shrines in the district as bread allotment. ...... prime beer, ...... cool water.
76-82. The preparation for the temple's permanent first-fruit festival should not stop. Let there be a butter carrier who delivers butter to the house, let there be a milk carrier who delivers milk to the house and let there be a fish courier, a person of daily assignment. After the firewood carrier has brought his delivery from the open country into his lady's house, it should be deposited in its corners and sides.
83-91. He who confirms or contradicts what is uttered, who enters Nance's house from outside (?), and does not leave it, the caretaker of Nance's house, the child born to Utu, LordHendursaja ....... The king discriminates between the good and the evil deeds, Hendursajadiscriminates between the good and the evil deeds. The ...... which might be obstructed by evil he ....... ...... (incompletely preserved name of a goddess) ......, the heroic child of youthfulSuen, ...... the evil utterances for Nance.
92-93. May the lady of the right commands and inalienable divine powers, Nance, be praised in all the countries!
94-112. At new year, on the day of rites, the lady libates water on the holy ....... On the day when the bowls of rations are inspected, Nance also inspects the servants during the appointments. Her chief scribe Nisaba places the precious tablets on her knees and takes a golden stylus in her hand. She arranges the servants in single file for Nance and then it will be decided whether or not a leather-clad servant can enter before her in his leather, whether or not a linen-clad servant can pass before her in his linen. Any registered and ...... hired (?) person about whom observers (?) and witnesses claim to witness his fleeing from the house will be terminated in his position ....... The king who always cares for the faithful servants,Haia, the man in charge of registration, registers on a tablet him who is said to be a faithful servant of his lady but deletes from the tablet her who is said not to be the maidservant of her lady.
113-129. If the vessels pour no water, the roads are not in order, the dough trough is not kept clean, the fire is ...... in the house during (?) the night-time, the incantations are ...... in the house during (?) the day-time, then the cita-eca priest serving his term will be terminated from his office. For a susbu priest who serves his term administering food allotments and against whom a complaint has been lodged and for a sajja priest who while living in the house did not make her holy songs and thoughts manifest (?), ...... further rations are denied and thereby Mother Nance's ordinances will become apparent. These words are ultimate; nothing is to be added to these rites. No one should ...... other powers to these powers. Since not even one ......, no ...... enters Nance's house.
1 line unclear
130-136. At Nance's house, the river of the ordeal cleanses a person. After the oracular messages and (?) the holy songs have come out of ...... of the abzu, ...... the songs, and theenkum and ninkum priests choose (?) the purification rites. No ...... or ...... are to be added its words. No obstinate or threatening utterance shall arise.
137-153. Anyone who ...... his hand and reaches out (?) for something forcefully (?), and whose hand matches (?) his mouth and who commits violence, who changes a firm foundation or alters a marked out border, who is rushing (?) to the place of oath,
1 line unclear
who ...... a small weight in place (?) of a large weight, and ...... a small ban measure in place (?) of a large ban measure, who desire something after having acquired something, who does not say "I have eaten" after having eaten, and does not say "I have drunk" after having drunk, and then says, "I will set a bowl before you, I will filter beer for you"; a maidservant of a god who ...... and ...... from the house, an untrustworthy person who ...... while living in the house; if anyone says "Serve (?) me, I want to eat", or says "Serve (?) me, I want to drink", thenNance does not allow him to eat any bread with fat or shining eggs, because of the violation (?).
154-162. If the violent person was allowed to eat ......, with (?) ...... eyes, grinding his teeth and shuffling his feet, he does not ...... and does not ....... The powerful one who ......, the rich one who ...... on the street, the married one who ...... his wife for (?) the widow, who laughed one day in his rage, who makes fun of his calamity another day -- this person does not raise his ...... for (?) the lady.
163-174. For the lady who cares for all the countries, the queen, Mother Nance, sees into their hearts: the orphan who ......, the widow who ......, the waif delivered up to the powerful, the powerful delivered to the powerless, the mother who scolds at her child, the child who talks obstinately to his mother, the younger brother who talks against his elder brother or talks back to his father. The lady, who ......, Nance, who ......, Nance sees into the heart of the Land as if it were a split reed.
1 line unclear
175-180. Her herald Lord Hendursaja ....... Her protecting genius Dumu-tur-cugi does not ......, her guardian placed ......, guarding ....... Nance ...... her house in Sirara sprinkled with water, her house ...... during (?) the night-time.
181-192. He who extends his staff of office, the one respected within the abzu, the lord who has no opposition in the terraced tower (?) of Nance's house, the king, Lord Hendursaja, promulgates the decrees of Nance's house. They are heavy smoke settling on the ground; the commands of the house are thick clouds covering the sky as if they were joined together with the needle of matrimony, yet the king, Lord Hendursaja, tears them apart. He can discriminate between the just and the wicked, and he can bring justice to the orphan as well as to the widow.
193-211. He decides justly any lawsuits between mother and child: if the mother has given to the child what she had to eat, has given to it what she had to drink, has ......,
1 line unclear
and his mother ...... the firewood carrier's delivery from the open country, and yet the child does not speak to the mother who bore him in the great city with black looks (?) or in anger; and if the mother ordered her child to the place where the offence happened and the mother struck him at his ......, but nevertheless she has given him suck from her milk-filled breast,
2 lines unclear
then, after the king who loves justice, Hendursaja, has evaluated their testimonies and examined the case, he will place the blame on the mother of the child so that she will not be able to bear the weight of heavy blame, and there will be no god such a person could pray to.
212-221. If the mother has not given to the child what she had to eat, has not given to it what she had to drink, has not ......
1 line unclear
and his mother ...... the firewood carrier's delivery from the open country, and the child speaks to the mother who bore him in the great city with black looks (?) and in anger, then the king who hates violence, Hendursaja, will treat such a person like water in a filthy place, and will reject that child for her sake as grain is rejected by acid soil. ...... the words of his own mother .......
223-231. The guarantor of boundaries, the expert in (?) righteous words, lady, wise woman who founded Lagac ...... with Jatumdug. ...... righteous words for (?) Nance. The exalted lady whose commands are ......, the lady who like Enlil determines fates, who is seated on the throne of Sirara -- she, the pure one, looks at her powers.
232-240. At the house which has been granted powers from the abzu, in Sirara, the gods ofLagac gather around her. To weigh silver with standard weights, to standardise the size of reed baskets, they establish an agreed ban measure throughout the countries. The shepherd, the expert of the Land, the wise one (?) of the countries, Ictaran, who decides lawsuits justly, who lives in the Land ...... Ninjiczida .......
2 lines unclear
241-250. To weigh silver with standard weights, to standardise the size of reed baskets, they establish an agreed ban measure throughout the countries. ...... of (?) all the great rites.
1 line unclear
After ...... in (?) the established storerooms, the lady of the storerooms ...... her lofty ...... with (?) vessels with ever-flowing water and with (?) ...... of (?) reed containers which never become empty, she ordered her herald, Lord Hendursaja to make them profitable (?).
251-255. My lady, your divine powers are mighty powers, surpassing all other divine powers;Nance, there are no divine powers matching your powers. An, the king, looks joyfully at you, as you sit with Enlil on the throne-dais where the fates are to be determined. Father Enkidetermined a fate for you. Nance, child born in Eridug, sweet is your praise.

balbale to Nance (Nance B)

Segment A

2 lines fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-12. A fish is held in her hand as a staff ....... Fishes are put on her feet as sandals ....... Fishes light up the interior of the sea like fires ....... Fishes play on instruments for her like (?)sur priests. Fishes call out loudly for her like (?) oxen. She has fish wrapped around her body as a regal garment. The runner-fish (kackac) hastens (kac) to her. The gurgur fish makes the sea surge up (gurgur) for her. The flash-fish (jir) makes the sea sparkle (jir) for her. She heaps up fish spawn so that ...... fish will grow for her in the sea. Fishes fly around for her like swallows.
13-22. "I, the lady, will ride on my boat, I will ride home. I will ride on the prow of the boat, I will ride home." Its canopy of gold and fragrant cedarwood sparkles for her on the sea. Its cabin shines for her like rejoicing moonlight on the sea. "My husband is the tax collector of the sea,Nindara is the tax collector of the sea."
2 lines unclear
    23. A balbale of Nance.

Nance and the birds (Nance C)

Segment A

1-7. The pelican (?) came forth from the holy reedbeds. It came forth from the holy reedbeds. The wise pelican (?) spent the day high in the skies. The pelican (?) cried out in the sky: its singing was sweet and its voice was pleasing. My lady ...... her pelican (?) with beauty. The mistress, Mother Nance, ...... her pelican (?) with beauty.
8-9. "I am the mistress! How can my pelican (?) ......? How can I ......? I am Nance! How can my pelican (?) ...... holy? How can ......?"
10-22. She herself ...... upon the water like a large pelican (?). Stepping onto earth from heaven, she ...... in the water like a holy cow. A holy pelican (?), a white cow, she drank by the water's side. With the towering flood ....... Nance, shining ...... of the Anuna, the great gods! Mistress, Mother Nance, good woman, ......! Nance, sister praised by the Anuna! Mother, beautiful matriarch of Enlil! {Nance} {(1 ms. has instead:) My lady}, delighting in her pelican (?), erected a lapis lazuli shrine, and set the holy pelican (?) by her feet.
23-27. "I am the mistress, so let my birds assemble for me where the sheaves are gathered! I am Nance, so let my birds assemble for me where the sheaves are gathered! Let the birds of heaven and earth stand at my service! Let every bird without a name bring offerings! Let every bird not caught in nets ......!"
28-30. The voiceless bat ......, a bird that darts by in the heavens. The Anzud bird decides the fates with (?) the Anuna gods.
31-42. The sharp-toothed bird in (?) the water sends forth ...... wisdom: "My mistress, ....... I am the bird, the sharp-toothed bird! All by myself ....... My Nance, ......! I am the bird, the sharp-toothed bird! All by myself ......."
3 lines fragmentary The lammergeier ....... ...... the lammergeier ....... It kills wild bulls in the foothills, and it kills the stags in the high mountains.
43-45. Raven, raven, your eggs are shining bright! Raven bird, your eggs are shining bright! Where do people carry off your holy eggs, your ...... eggs to?
46-48. The ostrich ...... her eggs on the hillside. She receives those eggs as something to carry: the bird knows how to keep watch at night.
49-53. The peacock spends the day keeping watch. The holy bird, the peacock, spends the day calling 'haya'. A bird red from cornelian, blue from lapis lazuli, white (?) from chalcedony (?), with all kinds of gold, and leather inlaid with gold -- may the coppersmith fashion the peacock for you thus.
54-63. O bird in the sky! O vulture, weaver, vulture, weaver! O uz vulture in the sky! O vulture, weaver, vulture, weaver! Its wings together, its feet together,
1 line fragmentary Its call ...... to the ear (?) ....... ...... its call .......
4 lines fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

3 lines fragmentary The misaz bird ...... cries out .......
1 line fragmentary The snake-eater bird is green ....... Its wings ...... a barge ....... The ...... bird ....... The gubi bird .......
5 lines fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

1 line fragmentary ...... of Ninhursaja (?) he brings as his property to the mountains. Since it was searching for its property, the bird is called nijgurmudum ('He brings his property'). Thenijgurmudum bird calls out and laments in the desert of Kec.
7-17. The twittering birds flocking in the palace ....... The salsal bird cries in lament over itself. The egret (?), seemly in a ...... linen garment, is present at the quayside. The heron (?) is brown, and clad in ...... in the reedbeds. The ...... bird catches azagur fish. The giri-ilu bird, dread of the people, ...... its 'giri-ilu'. The stork ...... picks up (?) ...... like grass. The sa bird names ...... its young ....... The dubdubu bird ....... The cegceg bird sheds tears like a crying baby. The gubiguzaga bird ...... like an angry man.
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment D

(it is possible that Segment D belongs to a different version)
2 lines fragmentary ...... green ....... ...... birds, like ants in crevices ....... ...... Bau takes a bath ....... The tigilu bird ...... the split roots ....... The dove ...... gently in the broad fields. The pigeon ...... bitterly in the vacant lot of the king. The ubi bird and the udar bird ...... ants ....... The bird ....... ...... in the gutter like beasts.
1 line unclear
...... humbly like an orphaned child ....... The hamun bird ...... in harmony ...... is dressed in linen. ...... wine, like wine ......
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment E

1-16. The heron (?) ....... The girgid bird ....... The dur bird .......
1 line fragmentary The dar bird ...... guard ....... The dar bird ...... 'tikutikumae'. The ...... bird ...... in the marshes. The adardara bird ...... the swallow ....... The ...... bird, when the net is suspended ....... The ...... bird ...... marshes ....... The cu-ur bird ...... its extended wings and its head. The sleep bird spends its time crying 'dilibipila'. The shepherd bird cries 'uludig uludig'. The shepherd bird is brightly coloured like the durdar bird, and has a crest on its head. Thenu-erimla bird does not live in windows or reed huts. The tirida bird calls the name 'tirida' in the reedbeds.
17-20. ......, you are she who loves the fish and birds! You are she who does not scatter my ......! You are she who does not belittle ......! Mistress, Mother Nance, it is sweet to praise you!

A hymn to Nergal (Nergal B)

1-8. Hero, majestic, awe-inspiring son of Enlil, battering like a storm and roaring against the rebel lands! Immense at his front, at his rear surging as a flood, after he ......, ...... this place; Lord Meclamta-ea inspiring terrifying awe, his ...... not releasing the hostile land, his luxuriant horn ...... in the Land, struck ...... with weapons.
9-12. ......, sired by Enlil, great ......, ...... flood ......; he has placed you ......, he has positioned you in your heroic strength.
13-16. Raising his head, authoritative with a ringing voice, knowing the divine powers of the gods, ...... of the Land, he travels through heaven and organises everything.
17-27. When ...... you command the storm which flattens the hostile land, you devastate its evil; you pour it over for as long as it disobeys. You are the great hero of the lands, you speak ......, you go ...... where no foot has previously been placed. ...... like a vessel with seven spouts. The black-headed gather together at the front. You outpace the pigeons with ....... You outpace the black and white swallows (?).
28-35. ...... in the hushed streets, your ...... awesomeness covers the city. The majestic and just crown ...... your awesomeness. The ...... is a south wind that none can withstand. At the place of the queen, the most precious place, you exercise the role of supreme deity! Directing a noble gaze, you exercise kingship in the Land! For his father he has led the people from afar. He, Nergal, has brought them to the ...... of the nether world.
36-49. Then Erra welcomed his king: "They have come! You surpass An! Perform the stewardship for An the king! In accordance with destiny you determine fates with him, Nergal!"Nincubur, the minister of the great place, the underworld, greeted Nergal: "You are the lord who has made the bandits come forth (?) from the mountains. As with Enlil ......, no part of a foreign land escapes your grasp. Hero, for Enlil you piled up Enlil's enemies (?) in a single day. Hating ......, Nergal, ...... as fire, you rise up in the lands where the sun rises." The Anunagods stepped forward: "Like ...... cracks ......, ......, you are Nergal!"
5 lines fragmentary ...... son of Enlil ......, Lugal-era. Praising you is sweet.

tigi to Nergal (Nergal C)

1-10. Lord who inspires awe in heaven and on earth, who is resplendent in the Land, engendered for kingship by your father, your awesomeness weighs upon the black-headed. The Anuna, the great gods, cower together before your awesomeness and radiance. Nergal, lord who inspires awe in heaven and on earth, who is resplendent in the Land, engendered for kingship by your father, your awesomeness weighs upon the black-headed. The Anuna, the great gods, cower together before your awesomeness and radiance.
11-20. Hero, after your father begot you, your father Enlil bestowed on you the mountain of the earth and all of the people. He definitively handed the deciding of destinies to you. Hero,Nergal, you are their king! Nergal, hero, after your father begot you, your father Enlil bestowed on you the mountain of the earth and all of the people. He definitively handed the deciding of destinies to you. Hero, Nergal, you are their king!
21-30. Lord who imposes silence, son of Enlil, who in his heroism like a flood demands respect (?)! May the people of Lagac spread on your pure table everything you need. Nergal, may you stretch forth your arm over the place LagacNergal, lord who imposes silence, son ofEnlil, who in his heroism like a flood demands respect (?)! May the people of Lagac spread on your pure table everything you need. Nergal, may you stretch forth your arm over the placeLagac.
    31. Sa-gida.
1 line fragmentary
2 lines missing
1 line fragmentary ...... heroism, ...... Uzarpara (?), the shrine ......, you are Meclamta-ea, .......Nergal, lord, you are the Enlil of his Land. Like Alla (?), you have no rival. Like Ictaran, it has been given to you to reach correct judgments.
42-51. Enlil, shepherd of the black-headed, has given you as your name "Lord who leads away the enemies of Enlil, avenger of his father, strong hero". The gods have determined your fate. They have given ...... to you. On earth you are ......, in heaven you are ....... Because of your noise no god opposes you. Just young man who ...... the plague, provider for the placeLagacMeclamta-ea, may people praise you in song!
52-61. Lord of the just word, lord of abundance, hero! At your name, people obey. Frightening sea like a rising ......, with your kingship you inspire terrifying fear. Hero, with your magnificent strength ...... you pile up the rebel lands in heaps. Nergal, your name is praised in song. May the lady, An's daughter, the lady who loves her city, Bau who concerns herself with you, in Iri-kug, her city of ladyship, make your appointed ...... famous for a reign of distant days.
    62. Sa-jara.
    63. A tigi of Nergal.

A hymn to Nisaba (Nisaba A)

Old Babylonian version

1-6. Lady coloured like the stars of heaven, {holding} {(3 mss. have instead:) perfectly endowed with} a lapis-lazuli tablet! Nisaba, great wild cow born by Urac, wild sheep nourished on good milk among holy alkaline plants, opening the mouth for seven ...... reeds! Perfectly endowed with fifty great divine powers, my lady, most powerful in E-kur!
7-13. Dragon emerging in glory at the festival, Aruru (mother goddess) of the Land, ...... from the clay, calming {......} {(1 ms. has instead:) the region with cool water}, lavishing {fine oil} {(3 mss. have instead:) plenty} on the foreign lands, engendered in wisdom by the Great Mountain (Enlil) ! Good woman, chief scribe of An, record-keeper of Enlil, wise sage of the gods!
14-20. In order to make barley and flax grow in the furrows, so that excellent corn can be admired; to provide for the seven great throne-daises by making flax shoot forth and making barley shoot forth at the harvest, the {great} {(1 ms. has instead:) august} festival of Enlil -- in her great princely role she has cleansed her body and has {put} {(1 ms. has instead:) draped} the holy priestly garment on her torso.
21-26. In order to establish bread offerings where none existed, and to pour forth great libations of alcohol, so as to appease the god of grandeur, Enlil, and to appease merciful Kusuand Ezina, she will appoint a great en priest, and will appoint a festival; she will appoint a greaten priest of the Land.
27-35. He (Enki (?)) approaches the maiden Nisaba in prayer. He has organised pure food-offerings; he has opened up Nisaba's house of learning, and has placed the lapis-lazuli tablet on her knees, for her to consult the holy tablet of the heavenly stars. In Aratta he has placedE-zagin at her disposal. You have built up Erec in abundance, founded from little ...... bricks, you who are granted the most complex wisdom!
36-50. In the Abzu, the great crown of Eridug, where sanctuaries are apportioned, where elevated ...... are apportioned -- when Enki, the great princely farmer of the awe-inspiring temple, the carpenter of Eridug, the master of purification rites, the lord of the great en priest's precinct, occupies E-engura, and when he builds up the Abzu of Eridug; when he takes counsel in Hal-an-kug, when he splits with an axe the house of boxwood; when the sage's hair is allowed to hang loose, when he opens the house of learning, when he stands in the street of the door of learning; when he finishes (?) the great dining hall of cedar, when he grasps the date-palm mace, when he strikes (?) the priestly garment with that mace, then he utters seven ...... to Nisaba, the supreme nursemaid:
51-55. "O Nisaba, good woman, fair woman, woman born {in the mountains} {(1 ms. has instead:) by the mountains}! Nisaba, may you be the butter in the cattle-pen, may you be the cream in the sheepfold, may you be keeper of the seal in the treasury, may you be a good steward in the palace, may you be a heaper up of grain among the grain piles and in the grain stores!"
56-57. Because the Prince (Enki) cherished Nisaba, O Father Enki, it is sweet to praise you!

A version of the beginning, preserved on a stone tablet from Lagac perhaps dating to the Ur III period

1-9. Lady coloured as the stars, holding a lapis-lazuli tablet! Nisaba, born by Urac in the great sheepfold (?), ...... nourished on good milk among holy alkaline plants, opening the mouth on seven ...... reeds! Perfectly endowed with fifty great divine powers, my lady, the most powerful in E-kurAruru (mother goddess) of the Land, ...... from the clay!

cir-namcub to Nisaba (Nisaba B)

1-13. ...... is destroyed. ...... is destroyed. It is destroyed. ...... of Nisaba is destroyed. The house of Nisaba, her of the tablets, is destroyed. The house of ...... is destroyed. The house ofNun-bar-ce-gunu is destroyed. ......, the E-hamun is destroyed. The plants of lamentation have sprouted; the cumunda grass has sprouted. By the walls the long grass has sprouted. Amongst them, the willow trees are everywhere. As for the word of An and the word of Enlil, the angry heart of great An is everywhere, and the malign heart of Enlil is everywhere.
14-21. (Nisaba speaks:) "In my house, may the moonlight in my house, the moonlight, the glorious sky in my house, the moonlight, the glorious night in my house -- may the glorious sky, the glorious night in my house not leave me (?)! The moonlight is obscured by the walls from my man, from my man. The moonlight, the glorious sky, from my man, the moonlight, the glorious night, from my man, the glorious sky, the glorious night is obscured by the walls from my man."
22-30. "In the moonlight, in the pure place of moonlight I lie down alone. In the moonlight which fills the hills, the pure place, I lie down alone. By the cedar mountains where Enlil lies, I lie down alone. ...... I weep a bitter lament. ...... lying in the moonlight, I weep a bitter lament. ...... which sets aglow ...... shines forth. I am distraught. The moonlight which sets aglow the glorious sky shines forth. I am distraught. The moonlight which sets aglow the glorious night shines forth. I am distraught -- which sets aglow the glorious sky, the glorious night, shines forth. I am distraught."
31-33. Even now that the pure place knows daylight, amid her awe-inspiring splendour, still she weeps. Amid her awe-inspiring splendour, still Mother Ezina-Kusu weeps. Fate and fortune! Amid her awe-inspiring splendour, still she weeps.
    34. A cir-namcub of Nisaba.

balbale to Ninazu (Ninazu A)

1-6. O king, you are the ...... shepherd of the city which thrives like cattle! Ninazu, you are the ...... shepherd of the city which thrives like cattle! My lord Ninazu, you are the ...... shepherd of the city which thrives like cattle! You are the reed-worker of the ......, ...... like a shining mat! You are the herdsman of them that dwell like sheep in a sheepfold, you who exude the allure of the high hills, Lord Ninazu!
7-15. Lord Ninazu, may Nanna rejoice over you that the earth was created. Powerful and of great intelligence, you were engendered by Nanna. May Acimbabbar make the shining branches of your sceptre radiant in your grasp. He has strengthened the foundations of the throne which An gave you. May he make the way straight for you as far as the ends of heaven and earth, may he make it as straight for you as the sunlight. My lord Ninazu, may he make it as straight for you as the sunlight, may he make it as straight for you as the sunlight. Suen has perfected your lordly staff, the lofty sceptre which shines over all the foreign countries, and guides the people. Your protective goddess has ...... great power for you in E-kic-nu-jal.
16-22. Ninazu, born in Urim, may Nanna rejoice over you. Lord Ninazu, born in Urim, mayNanna rejoice over you. The father who engendered you, the Great Mountain Enlil, has made your name glorious. Your own mother, the august lady, has decided your destiny in the Ki-ur. May you take your seat in your house, in your city -- the mountain, the pure place! May you take your seat in Enegir, in your city -- the mountain, the pure place! My lord Ninazu, may you take your seat there, may you take your seat there!
23-31. He has fixed the golden headdress on your head, making you truly perfect with it. He has ...... the lordly son of his own father, the beloved of his heart. He has looked with best favour on ....... An has determined a good destiny for you. Son of Enlil king of the lands, may your splendour shine forth! My lord Ninazu, may your splendour shine forth, may your splendour shine forth! May your wife, the maiden, the good woman, Lady Ningirida, say to you: "Your house, your city!" as she steps before you in prayer, god of the Land, my lordNinazu!
    32. A balbale of Ninazu.

balbale to Ninjiczida (Ninjiczida A)

1-10. Hero, lord of field and meadow, lion of the distant mountains! Ninjiczida, who brings together giant snakes and dragons! Great wild bull who, in the murderous battle, is a flood that ......! Beloved by his mother, he to whom Ningirida gave birth from her luxurious body, who drank the good milk at her holy breast, who sucked in lion's spittle, who grew up in the abzu! August icib priest who holds the holy ecda vessels, checker of tablets, who secures justice ......! King, wild bull with tall limbs (?), who directs speech aright, and who hates wickedness! Mighty power, whom no one dare stop when he spreads confusion! Mighty Ninjiczida, whom no one dare stop when he spreads confusion!
11-15. The troops are constantly at your service. Shepherd, you understand how to keep a check on the black-headed. The sheep and lambs come to seek you out, and you understand how to wield the sceptre over the goats and kids, into the distant future. Ninjiczida, you understand how to wield the sceptre, into the distant future.
16-24. The merciful king (i.e. Enki) entrusted you from your birth with your words of prayer. He let you have life and creation. Prince endowed with attractiveness, Ninjiczida, when taking your seat on the throne-dais in an elevated location, lord, god, youth, right arm -- clothed in your ......, with the shining sceptre grasped in your hands -- then ...... performs a cir-namcubsong to you, addressing you intimately: "
1 line missing
You bring calming of the heart to ...... who ...... lies. You fall upon the many ...... and you burn them like fire."
25-36. The king who is the lord of broad understanding (i.e. Enki) has determined a good destiny for you on your elevated throne-dais; the god who loves justice (probably Utu) has spoken these favourable words: "Foremost one, leader of the assembly, glory of ......, king endowed with awesomeness, sun of the masses, advancing in front of them! Who can rival you in the highest heaven? What can equal you?" Hero who, after surveying the battle, goes up to the high mountains! Ninjiczida, who, after surveying the battle, goes up to the high mountains! King, you who carry out commands in the great underworld, you who carry out the underworld's business! Any youth who has a personal god is at your disposal, there where your commands are issued. O king, honeyed mouth of the gods! Praise be to EnkiNinjiczida, son of Ninazu! Praise be to Father Enki.
    37. A balbale of Ninjiczida.

balbale to Ninjiczida (Ninjiczida B)

1-7. Lord with holy dignity, imbued with great savage awesomeness! My king, Lord Ninjiczida, imbued with great savage awesomeness! Hero, falcon preying on the gods, my king -- dignified, with sparkling eyes, fully equipped with arrows and quiver, impetuous leopard, murderous, howling muchuc, {......} {(1 ms. has instead:) ......}, dragon snarling (?) in the lagoon, raging storm {reaching} {(1 ms. has instead:) covering} all people! Lofty-headed prince, resting in the midst of the mountains, ...... smashing heads!
8-15. Lord, your mouth is that of {a pure magician} {(1 ms. has instead:) a snake with a great tongue, a magician} {(1 ms. has instead:) a poisonous snake}, Lord Ninjiczida, ......! Ninjiczida, your mouth is that of a pure magician, Lord Ninjiczida, ......! My linen-clad one, when you ......, who can find out your intentions? Ninjiczida, when you ......, who can find out your intentions? Your holy word is known to them that know it, but is unknown to them that do not know it. To them that do not know it, to them that do not know it, ....... Ninjiczida, to them that do not know it, ...... When your great word comes to the earth, you are indeed a {(1 ms. adds:) great}muchuc .......
16-24. You fall upon the river as a flood-wave, you rise in the fields as a devastating flood.Magilum boat, high flood of battle {which cuts down} {(1 ms. has instead:) which chops down}. ...... in his own heart ......,
1 line fragmentary ...... as a dead man ......
2 lines fragmentary Lord Ninjiczida, your praise is sweet.
    25. A balbale of Ninjiczida.

A hymn to Ninjiczida (Ninjiczida C)

at least 15 lines missing
1-5. ...... to you. ...... a flood-wave in the river, sweeping over everything like a destructive flood. My king, from your ....... King, from your birth you have ...... in abundance. Ninjiczida, your praise is sweet .......
    6. 1st kirugu.
7-13. Lord Ninjiczida, ......
1 line fragmentary Hero, ...... beloved of holy An, ...... born in the shining great mountains, lord ...... with sparkling eyes, with the attractiveness of a young man, great hero, the king's right arm on the battlefield, Lord Ninjiczida, your praise is sweet. They praise you in song.
    14. 2nd kirugu.
15-22. Hero, as you wander on the earth, Ninjiczida, beloved of An, through you the early flood occurs, and Enki rejoices at you. Through you fine grains are in the fields, and ...... rejoices at you. ...... head held high, Lord Ninjiczida. You ......, Lord Ninjiczida. You extend ......, and you stretch out your claws. Lord Ninjiczida, your praise is sweet, .......
    23. 3rd kirugu.
24-30. ...... he has poured his good seed. Enlil says "Hail!" to Ninjiczida. He makes known ......, and creates it for you in the Land. ......, born like ....... He looks at your joyful ...... LordNinjiczida, your praise is sweet. They praise you in song.
    31. 4th kirugu.
32-39. Hero who gains (?) victories ...... in greatness.
1 line fragmentary ...... my king .......
3 lines fragmentary Lord Ninjiczida, your praise is sweet. They praise you in song.
    40. 5th kirugu.
1 line fragmentary ...... in your elevated (?) house, ...... life. Ninjiczida, in your elevated (?) house, ...... life. ...... from the great place ....... ...... throne-dais ......
unknown no. of lines missing

balbale (?) to Ninjiczida (Ninjiczida D)

1-7. Holding ...... high, lordly one of holy An, holding ...... high on the lofty throne-dais, ......, Lord Ninjiczida, lord ......! ...... the Anuna gods, gods of the earth ....... Ninjiczida, the Anunagods, gods of the earth ....... An has given power to you, princely son, ....... An has given power to you, Ninjiczida, ....... ...... the Anuna gods ......
unknown no. of lines missing

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