Annunaki Video Proof

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Psalms to The Annunaki

Icbi-Erra and Kindattu (Icbi-Erra B)

Segment A

unknown no. of lines missing
1 line fragmentary ...... to introduce ....... At left and right was a crouching lion, ....... ...... at the command of Enlil. ...... to reduce the city to ruin-mounds. He determined ......; ...... Enlil is its ally!
    8. 1st kirugu.
9-10. Enlil ...... went forth .......
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1 line fragmentary He gave him ......, not implementing his strength. ...... in princely style ....... He approached the enemy like a snake spitting venom and gall. He wiped ...... in the ...... ofSumer. ...... Larsam, ...... in the plain of Urim. ...... great ...... did not escape his power. The great mass of the enemy ....... Icbi-Erra .......
1 line fragmentary
11-15. He fell ......
4 lines fragmentary
approx. 1 line missing

Segment C

1-13. With the city ....... ...... Marhaci ....... ...... the foreign lands ....... From Bacimi by the edge of the sea ...... to the edge of Zabcali ......, and from Arawa, the bolt of Elam ...... to the edge ofMarhaci ....... Kindattu, the man of Elam, ....... ...... Isin, the great spindle of heaven and earth. The king's battle did not ....... The battle of Elam ...... Sumer. ...... by the edge of the sea. ...... the land of Huhnuri. ...... the wild animals and four-footed ....... The king ...... in the battle.
    14. 2nd kirugu.
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment D

1-5. ...... a great chariot. The king ...... Isin. ...... a just verdict. Icbi-Erra .......
1 line fragmentary
4 lines missing
10-14. Enlil ....... The people ....... Like small birds, ...... the barley. ...... the orchards.
1 line fragmentary
approx. 6 lines missing

Segment E

1 line fragmentary ...... to return ....... He put its gold and precious belongings into sacks. As for Zinnum, who escaped from them, Enki is their mackim. He was fed at the banks of theEuphrates and Tigris and the Kir-sig and Kic watercourses. He died of thirst, persecuted by ghosts in the dry desert. The news was brought to Kindattu, the man of ElamAncan cried out to Cimacki, and he approached the mountains. He addressed the assembly of his army.
    10. 3rd kirugu.
11-12. Enlil has endowed my Icbi-Erra, the cultivator, with great strength .......
    13. Its jicgijal.
14-15. ...... Enlil ...... Ninlil .......
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment F

10 lines fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

tigi to Nanaya for Icbi-Erra (Icbi-Erra C)

1-4. Lady of the princely powers, emerging brilliantly like the daylight, chosen forever for her virtuous beauty! Nanaya, ornament of E-ana, worthy of the Lady! Wise one, correctly chosen as lady of all the lands by the Mistress: Nanaya, you instruct the Land, bestowing wisdom in E-ana.
    5. Barsud.
6-11. As fine as An, woman with a holy (?) head, made perfect by the ...... lady! Nanaya, properly educated by holy Inana, woman who is as bright as the stars, wise lady who is available for everything, righteous sympathetic woman, lady who is always available on request, counselled by holy Inana, beloved by the Mistress! Nanaya, great judge, deity who occupies the high throne of Unug!
    12. Cagbatuku.
13-16. Righteous woman who knows well the verdicts of the good decisions of the Land,Nanaya, who is wise in directing the city and the numerous people, exalted woman adept at holy speech, lady fitted for beauty, Nanaya, pride of E-ana, well-spoken one of the Land!
    17. 2nd barsud.
18-22. By An, the benevolent eye of the Land, the king of all countries, Nanaya ...... the Land ...... E-ana ...... beauty ....... The youthful good shepherd, the son of Nunamnir, has ...... -- Icbi-Erra, who wields great powers, ...... Nanaya his prayers unendingly like strong liquor ...... of E-ana.
    23. Cagbatuku.
24. Icbi-Erra, constant benefactor of E-ana.
    25. Sa-gida.
26-27. Your Nanaya, who is beloved in the Land by the Mistress, is chosen together with you (?), Icbi-Erra; may you always be eulogised by her.
    28. Jicgijal.
29-41. Great lady, worthy source of inspiration, counselled (?) by the Mistress: luxurious divine powers have been generously given to you by the Mistress. Nanaya, great lady, worthy source of inspiration, counselled (?) by the Mistress! Icbi-Erra, you are the king and shepherd of the people! Nanaya, by the command of An you are the queen of all the countries. In the shrine, inKulaba, ...... he declares it, and the people turn their hearts towards you as you address them.Nanaya, good woman, you are the favourable (?) name of the black-headed! O youth chosen in beauty by the Mistress, son of Enlil, your wise word is brightly made good for the goddessInana! O Nanaya, the goddess has created your holy powers ...... for you. You have ...... turned the favourable eye of life onto the bedchamber, and Icbi-Erra is the youth chosen for his beauty.
    42. Sa-jara.
    43. A tigi of Nanaya.

A hymn to Ninisina for Icbi-Erra (Icbi-Erra D)

1-9. The great gods elevated ......, and made ...... perfect.
2 lines unclear
Your garment is an exalted garment; Enlil has ....... You were brought up sitting on the knees of An the king, and the great gods elevated ....... Woman whose name is exalted, Gula, ....... You go against all the foreign lands, lady who, for all her pleasantness, fearsomely and mightily ......, who lifts her head in great and elevated divinity.
10-14. Ninisina, your father established you in ladyship over the Land. In awe at you, never altering the fearsomeness ......, holy Ninisina, Lady GulaNinisina, in the Egal-mah, founded by An -- bring joy to Icbi-Erra, the beloved of your heart.

An adab to Nergal for Cu-ilicu (Cu-ilicu A)

1-4. Lord, furiously raging storm, confusing the enemies and unleashing (?) great terror over the Land, Nergal, mighty quay of heaven and earth, who ...... all living things, lord who guards (?) the teeming people when he looks up furiously, turning (?) his weapons against the wicked:Nergal, powerful in heaven and earth, who ...... the people in heaps!
    5. Barsud.
6-11. Lord, mighty storm, raging with your great powers, south storm which covers the Land,Nergal, who smites the enemy whom he has cursed ......, exalted lord, strong one with a powerful wrist, whom no one can withstand, Nergal, rising broadly, full of furious might, great one praised for his accomplishments, pre-eminent among the great youthful gods, whose valour is ...... of valour, Nergal, whose greatness covers heaven and earth to their uttermost limits!
    12. Cagbatuku.
13-16. Warrior with head held high, respected lord, son who rises up to protect his father,Nergal, angry sea, inspiring fearsome terror, whom no one knows how to confront, youth whose advance is a hurricane and a flood battering the lands, Nergal, dragon covered with gore, drinking the blood of living creatures!
    17. 2nd barsud.
18-23. Lord who, like his own father Nunamnir, has the power to create life, Nergal, enduring house (?), underworld -- you are the junior Enlil! It is in your power to determine destinies, to render judgments and to make decisions, Nergal, your great hands are filled with mighty actions and terrible powers! Great rites which are revealed to no one are organised for you!Nergal, among this people it is you who take charge of the divine plans and the purification rites!
    24. 2nd cagbatuku.
25-28. In the west, Utu has shone forth for you, and an awe-inspiring dais has been erected for you! Nergal, you, lord, are one who has the power to carry off and to bring back (?)! In the east, lord, ......, you are imbued with a terrible great awesomeness; Nergal, your praise and renown are such as to unleash awe and terror!
    29. 3rd barsud.
30-35. Shepherd who organises, giving just verdicts like the noble youth UtuNergal, pile up his malefactors in heaps for him, for Cu-ilicu, the prince who displays lasting divine powers among the Anuna gods! May Cu-ilicu rely on you, may he be made joyful by you! May he walk as the shepherd whose name is extolled among this people like that of Utu! May all lands and the teeming people bless (?) the life of Cu-ilicu!
    36. Barsud.
37. Nergal, may you be the trust of prince Cu-ilicu until distant days!
    38. Jicgijal and its sa-gida.
39-53. Lord of the underworld, who acts swiftly in everything, whose terrifying anger smites the wicked, Nergal, single-handed crusher, who tortures the disobedient -- the powerful ones, fearsome terror of the Land, respected lord and hero, established offspring of Nunamnir ......!Nergal, who sprinkles cool water on the angry heart of Enlil, great lord ......! Nergal, standing ready for battle, superior with head lifted high, lord who overpowers all the wicked like a lion, ......, unwilling to turn back at the door-pivot! Nergal, great battle-net for malefactors, covering all enemies! Warrior, you are a great and furious storm upon the land which disobeys your father! Nergal, you terrify the walled cities and the settlements as you stand in your path like a wild bull, smiting them with your great horns! Nergal, you have consumed their brickwork as if it were chaff in the air. When you lift your furious face, no one dare look at it. When you have ...... {in the Land} {(1 ms. has instead:) among that people}, Nergal, you pour their blood down the wadis like rain. You afflict all the wicked peoples with woe, and deprive all of them of their lives.
54-62. Youthful Nergal, those who are saved with your help magnify you with praise! Lord, you have avenged Enlil! He has calmed the heart of his father! Nergal the strong, son who subdues the foreign lands for Nunamnir: may you assist in battle, furious fight and combat the shepherd whom An has chosen among the numerous people, the good and exalted youth of the Great Mountain (Enlil) -- Cu-ilicu, who publicly performs the purification rites, born ofNinlilNergal, catch his malefactors for him like swallows! You cover the land which is disobedient to him with a raging storm; may you be the weapon of slaughter! Heap up in piles for Cu-ilicu the inhabitants of the city that does not support him.
    63. Sa-jara.
64-66. Powerful (?) lord of his own father, entrusted with authority, Nergal, the lord whomNunamnir has entrusted authority! Cu-ilicu will forever pray to you in the shrine E-meclam for his long life and good health.
    67. Its uru.
    68. An adab of Nergal.

An adab for Cu-ilicu (Cu-ilicu C)

unknown no. of lines missing
1-2. ...... august divine powers ....... May ...... prolong ...... for Cu-ilicu.
    3. Its uru.
    4. An adab of ....... (lines 3 and 4 are written as one line in source)

cir-namursaja to Ninsiana for Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan A)

1-16. I shall greet her who ascends above, her who ascends above, I shall greet the Mistress who ascends above, I shall greet the great lady of heaven, Inana! I shall greet the holy torch who fills the heavens, the light, Inana, her who shines like daylight, the great lady of heaven,Inana! I shall greet the Mistress, the most awesome lady among the Anuna gods; the respected one who fills heaven and earth with her huge brilliance; the eldest daughter ofSuenInana! For the young lady I shall sing a song about her grandeur, about her greatness, about her exalted dignity; about her radiantly ascending at evening; about her filling the heaven like a holy torch; about her stance in the heavens, as noticeable by all lands, from the south to the highlands, as that of Nanna or of Utu; about the greatness of the mistress of heaven!
    17. 1st kirugu.
18. Her rising is that of a warrior.
    19. Jicgijal.
20-33. When standing in the heavens she is the good wild cow of An, on earth she instils respect; she is the lady of all the lands. She received the divine powers in the abzu, in Eridug; her father Enki presented them to her. He placed the lordship and kingship in her hands. She takes her seat on the great dais with An; she determines the fates in her Land with Enlil. Monthly, at the new moon, the gods of the Land gather around her so that the divine powers are perfected. The great Anuna gods, having bowed before them, stand there with prayers and supplications and utter prayers on behalf of all the lands. My lady decrees judgments in due order for the Land. {(2 mss. add the line:Inana decides verdicts for the Land together with Enlil.} Her black-headed people parade before her.
    34. 2nd kirugu.
35-43. Making silver aljar instruments sound for her, they parade before her, holy Inana. I shall greet the great lady of heaven, Inana! Making holy ub and holy lilis drums sound for her, they parade before her, holy Inana. I shall greet the great lady of heaven, Inana! Beating (?) holybalaj and holy lilis drums for her, they parade before her, holy Inana. I shall greet {(1 ms. adds:) in (?) her grandeur, in (?) her greatness, in (?) her exalted dignity as she ascends radiantly at evening,} {the eldest daughter of Suen} {(some mss. have instead:) the great lady of heaven}, Inana!
    44. 3rd kirugu.
45-58. Tightening their hairgrips for her, male prostitutes parade before her, holy Inana. Their locks of hair at the back are adorned for her with coloured rags (?); they parade before her, holy Inana. Clothed (?) in the leather (?) of divinity, they parade before her, holy Inana. The trustworthy {man} {(1 ms. has instead:) king} and the proud lady, the doyenne of the great wise women, parade before her, holy Inana. Those who are in charge (?) of beating (?) the soothing balaj drums parade before her, holy Inana. Each girded with a sword belt, the strength of battle, they parade before her, holy Inana. Grasping a spear, the strength of battle, in their hands, they parade before her, holy Inana.
    59. 4th kirugu.
60-68. Dressed with men's clothing on the right side, they parade before her, holy Inana. I shall greet the great lady of heaven, Inana! Adorned (?) with women's clothing on the left side, they parade before her, holy Inana. I shall greet the great lady of heaven, Inana! Competing with skipping ropes of (?) coloured cords for her, they parade before her, holy Inana. I shall greet {the eldest daughter of Suen} {(1 ms. has instead:) the great lady of heaven}, Inana!
    69. 5th kirugu.
70-81. Young men wearing neck-stocks sing to her and parade before her, holy Inana. Young women, cugia priestesses, coiffured, parade before her, holy Inana. ...... sword and dagger for her, they parade before her, holy Inana. With daggers in their hands, ...... kurjara priests parade before her, holy Inana. Those who cover their swords with gore spatter blood as they parade before her, holy Inana. Blood is poured on the dais standing in the guena hall, as tigi,cem and ala drums are made to sound loudly.
82-87. The Mistress stands alone in the pure heavens. From the midst of heaven my lady looks with joy at all the lands and the black headed people, who are as numerous as {sheep} {(1 ms. has instead:) ewes}. {(some mss. add the line:) They parade before her, holy Inana.} I praise the lady of the evening, Inana, the august one, the young lady, Inana. {The lady of the evening reaches the borders of heaven!} {(1 ms. has instead:) The lady exalted as high as the heaven, Inana, is august!}
    88. 6th kirugu.
89-105. When at evening, the radiant star, the Venus star, the great light which fills the holy heavens, the lady of the evening, ascends above like a warrior, the people in all the lands lift their gaze to her. The men purify themselves, the woman cleanse themselves. The oxen toss (?) their heads in their yoke. The sheep stir up dust in their pens. Because of my lady, the numerous beasts of Cakkan, the creatures of the plain, the four-legged animals {under the broad heavens} {(1 ms. has instead:) of the broad high (?) plain}, the orchards and gardens, the plots, the green reedbeds, the fish of the deep, the birds of heaven, all hasten to their sleeping places. All the living creatures and the numerous people bend the knee before her. When called for (?) by my lady, the matriarchs plentifully provide food and drink, and my lady refreshes herself in her Land. There is play in the Land, which is made festive. The young men take pleasure in their spouses.
106-110. From the midst of heaven my lady looks down with joy. They parade before her, holyInana. The lady of the evening, Inana, is august; I praise the young lady, Inana. The lady of the evening, her grandeur reaches the borders of heaven!
    111. 7th kirugu.
112-121. At night the skilled and beautiful one (?), the joy of An, the ornament of broad heaven, appears like moonlight; in the heat of the noon she appears like sunlight. After the storehouses of the Land have been filled with fine food, and all the lands and the black-headed people have assembled, {(1 ms. adds:) and the storehouses of the Land have been made full (?),} those who sleep on the roofs and those who sleep by the walls step up before her with ...... and bring her their cases. Then she makes her orders known, and identifies the evil. She judges the evil as evil and destroys the wicked. She looks with favour on the just and determines a good fate for them.
122-126. From the midst of heaven my lady looks down with joy. They parade before her, holyInana. The lady exalted as high as the heaven, Inana, is august! I praise the young woman,Inana. The lady exalted as high as the heaven, her grandeur reaches the borders of heaven.
    127. 8th kirugu.
128-131. The beautiful lady, the joy of An, has ascended above like a warrior. She carries there what befits the ...... of heaven. She takes counsel with An in his lofty place. Among {youths and heroes} {(some mss. have instead:) heroic youths}, may she be alone chosen!
    132. Jicgijal.
133. She is mighty, she is respected, she exalted, she is august and great, she is surpassing in youthfulness.
    134. Cagbatuku.
135-141. As the lady, admired by the Land, the lone star, the Venus star, the lady elevated as high as the heaven, ascends above like a warrior, all the lands tremble before her ....... The faithful black-headed people bow to her. The young man travelling on the road directs himself by her. The oxen raise their heads in their yoke to her. {(2 mss. add:) The melody of the song of those tending the cattle resounds ...... on the plain. The farmer ...... the cattle ...... their yoke in the Land.} With her the storehouses of the Land prosper.
142-149. Everybody hastens to holy Inana. For my lady in the midst of heaven the best of everything is prepared (?). In the pure places of the plain, at its good places, on the roofs, on the rooftops, the rooftops of the dwellings (?), in the sanctuaries (?) of mankind, incense offerings like a forest of aromatic cedars are transmitted to her. They sacrifice alum sheep, long-haired sheep, and fattened sheep for her. They purify the earth for the Mistress, they {carry out purification rites for her} {(some mss. have instead:) celebrate her in songs}.
150-162. They fill the tables of the Land with ghee, dates, cheese, and seven sorts of fruits as first-fruit offerings for her. They pour dark beer for her, they pour light beer for her. Dark beer, emmer beer, and emmer beer for my lady bubble in the cagub jar and the lamsari vat for her. From pastes of honey mixed with ghee {(some mss. add the line:) From ...... mixed with ghee}, they bake date-syrup cakes for her. They pour out early-morning beer, flour, flour in honey, honey, and wine of sunrise for her. The personal gods of the people also attend upon her with food and drink. {They provide the Mistress with food in the holy place, the pure place.} {(some mss. have instead:) They purify the earth for the Mistress, they celebrate her in songs.}
163-167. From the midst of heaven my lady looks down with joy. They parade before her, holyInanaInana, the lady exalted as high as the heaven is august! I praise the young lady, Inana. The lady exalted as high as the heaven, her grandeur reaches the borders of heaven!
    168. 9th kirugu.
169-180. When the black-headed people have assembled in the palace, the house that advises the Land, the neck-stock of all the foreign countries, the house of the river of ordeal, a dais is set up for Ninegala. The divine king stays there with her. At the New Year, on the day of the rites, {in order for her to determine the fate of all the countries} {(1 ms. has instead:) in order for the life of all the countries to be attended to}, so that during the day (?) the faithful servants can be inspected, so that on the day of the disappearance of the moon the divine powers can be perfected, a bed is set up for my lady. Esparto grass is purified with cedar perfume and arranged on that bed for my lady, and a coverlet is smoothed out on the top (?) of it.
181-186. In order to find sweetness in the bed on the joyous coverlet, my lady bathes her holy thighs. She bathes them for the thighs of the king; {she bathes them for} {(some mss. have instead:) with head held high she goes to} the thighs of Iddin-Dagan. Holy Inana rubs herself with soap; she sprinkles oil and cedar essence on the ground.
187-194. The king goes to her holy thighs with head held high, {(some mss. add:) she goes to the thighs of Iddin-Dagan,} he goes to the thighs of Inana with head held high. Ama-ucumgal-ana lies down beside her and {caresses her holy thighs} {(some mss. have instead:) (says:) "O my holy thighs! O my holy Inana!"}. After the lady has made him rejoice with her holy thighs on the bed, after holy Inana has made him rejoice with her holy thighs on the bed, she relaxes (?) with him on her bed: "Iddin-Dagan, you are indeed my beloved!"
195-202. To pour libations, to carry out purification rites, to heap up incense offerings, to burn juniper, to set out food offerings, to set out offering-bowls, he goes into her Egal-mah. She embraces her beloved spouse, holy Inana embraces him. She shines like daylight on {the great throne dais} {(1 ms. has instead:) the throne at one side (?)} and makes the king position himself next (?) to her like the sun.
203-216. Abundance and celebration are prepared before her in plenty. He arranges a rich banquet for her. The black-headed people line up before her. With instruments loud enough to drown out the south wind-storm, with sweet sounding aljar instruments, the glory of the palace, and with harps, the source of joy for mankind, musicians perform songs which delight her heart. The king sees to what is eaten and drunk, Ama-ucumgal-ana sees to what is eaten and drunk. The palace is in festive mood, the king is joyous. The people spend the day amid plenteousness. Ama-ucumgal-ana stands in great joy. May his days be long on the splendid throne! He proudly (?) occupies the royal dais.
217-222. They praise my lady on my behalf (?) with the hymns of heaven and earth. "You are the Mistress born together with heaven and earth." In the holy place, the pure place, they celebrate the Mistress in songs: "Joy of the black-headed people, ornament of the assembly,Inana, eldest daughter of Suen, lady of the evening, your praise is good."
223-225. From the midst of heaven my lady looks down with joy. They parade before her, holyInana. {Inana, the lady elevated as high as the heavens, is august!} {(some mss. have instead:) The lady of the evening, her grandeur reaches the borders of heaven!}
    226. 10th kirugu.
227-228. She is mighty, she is respected, she is exalted, she is august and great, she is surpassing in youthfulness!
    229. Jicgijal.
    230. A cir-namursaja of Ninsiana.

A praise poem of Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan B)

1-4. Iddin-Dagan, in his majestic location An has decided a great fate for you, has made the just crown shine for you, has raised you to shepherdship over the Land, has placed the foreign lands at your feet.
5-13. Enlil has looked at you truly, Iddin-Dagan, he has spoken truly to you. Enlil has commanded you to keep firm the cosmic bond in Sumer, to keep the people on the track, to letSumer and Akkad relax under your broad protection, to let the people eat noble food and drink fresh water. Iddin-Dagan, you are the shepherd in his heart, the one whom Enlil has spoken to truly.
14-17. Enki has brought to you, Iddin-Dagan, broad understanding, knowledge of everything, wise command, a life (?) that comes from the mouth of a lion. May all the foreign lands praise you.
18-23. Son born to Dagan, elevated lord who increases the people, Iddin-Dagan, may you look approvingly on your city. Balm of the heart who neglects nothing, Enlil rejoices in you. When like Utu you bring forth a just light, people's eyes are indeed directed towards it. All the foreign lands stay calm under your broad protection.
24-34. You have put the highways and roads in order, made the Land content, placed justice in every mouth, made propriety resplendent. You have marked the borders (?) and fixed the boundaries, made Sumer and Akkad raise their necks. Iddin-Dagan, you have restored the purification rituals of the deities which you have organised. What you order ....... Your word reaches holy heaven, your utterances cover the heavens.
35-42. At Enlil's command, your gaze brings men life, your conversation brings men health.Enlil rejoices in your speech. Ninlil declares "so be it" to your desires. Shepherd Enlil is your support. Iddin-Dagan, who is built like you? People's eyes are directed towards you.
43-46. You are indeed the man for the E-kur. May your offerings in the house of Enlil never cease. May the brickwork of the E-kur speak well of you to Enlil and Ninlil. At the favourable word of An and EnlilIddin-Dagan, may princely strength be yours.
47-52. Your magnificent reputation exists throughout the Land -- your name dazzles to the horizon. Mighty man, standing in battle and conflict with heroism and strength, you come to batter rebellious lands. From the womb Dagan decreed that as your destiny. He has placed your praise in all mouths.
53-59. Your kingship is good for the people. After your shepherdship had pleased the heart, the people became numerous under you, the people spread wide under you. All the foreign lands lie down in pastures thanks to you. The people spend their days in abundance thanks to you. The black-headed direct their gaze on you, Iddin-Dagan, as on your father.
60-63. Iddin-Dagan, may Enlil, the lord who determines fate, make your days long. May he who knows everything look approvingly on you with approbation.
64-70. May your exceeding wisdom, given by the tablets of Nisaba, never cease on the clay in the tablet house. In this tablet house, like a shrine fashioning everything, may it never come to an end. May Nisaba, the shining ...... lady, give wisdom to the junior scribe who puts his hand to the clay and writes this on it. May she show generosity. In the place of writing may she come forth like the sun for him.
71-79. Iddin-Dagan, your father Cu-ilicu, the king of the Land, made the foundation of Sumerand Akkad firm for you. By the commands of An and Enlil you excel and overwhelm the enemy territories. Iddin-Dagan, mighty king, king of Isin, king of Sumer and Akkad, everything to the end of wisdom has come forward for you. You are the mighty heir, you have authority, Iddin-Dagan, you have raised the neck to heaven in princeship.

An adab to Ningublaga for Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan C)

Segment A

1-4. The lord, a furious angry storm against the enemy, ......, strong ......, my lord who brings life to the people, whose own father ......, a great storm, a mighty raring ......, has ...... -- the lord whose manliness is impressively strong, ......!
    5. Barsud.
6-9. Hero, roaring in the rebel-lands, you have angrily piled up skulls. You have terrified their brick buildings and scattered their chaff heavenward. Vigorous wild bull, roaring in the rebel-lands you have angrily piled up skulls. You have terrified their brick buildings and scattered their chaff heavenward.
10-13. Divine offspring of a prince, by your casting down their city dwellings, their protective gods have been alienated because of you. You have made them abandon their beautiful shrines (?) and follow another path. Vigorous wild bull, by your casting down their city dwellings, their protective gods have been alienated because of you. You have made them abandon their beautiful shrines (?) and follow another path.
14-17. You flatten those mountains and turn them over to ghostly winds. You make their young warriors submit, no longer able to enter into battle. Vigorous wild bull, you flatten those mountains and turn them over to ghostly winds. You make their young warriors submit, no longer able to enter into battle.
    18. Cagbatuku.
4 lines fragmentary
    23. 2nd barsud.
24-27. ......, a furious angry ...... against the enemy, ...... evil men. The ...... arranges the cattle for Suen's house. ......, a furious angry ...... against the enemy, ...... evil men. The ...... arranges the cattle for Suen's house.
28-31. He has spoken to Nanna on behalf of ...... whose ways are beloved of Acimbabbar, on behalf of the just ...... Iddin-Dagan. He has spoken to Nanna on behalf of ...... whose ways are beloved of Acimbabbar, on behalf of the just ...... Iddin-Dagan.
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

4 lines fragmentary
5-8. ...... given over to kingship by the word of Suen, ...... whom Acimbabbar has clothed in the royal robe of office! Vigorous wild bull given over to kingship by the word of the hero Suen, ...... whom Acimbabbar has clothed in the royal robe of office!
9-12. ......, a lion, his father's respectful son, ...... who ...... for Iddin-Dagan! Vigorous wild bull, a lion, his father's respectful son, ...... who ...... for Iddin-Dagan!
13-16. ...... justly like sunlight, ...... who like Acimbabbar gives correct verdicts! Vigorous wild bull ...... justly like sunlight, ...... who like Acimbabbar gives correct verdicts!
17-20. Vigorous wild bull soothing Nanna's heart for Iddin-Dagan each day, whose just word is pleasing to Suen, who ......! Vigorous wild bull soothing Nanna's heart for Iddin-Dagan each day, whose just word is pleasing to Suen, who ......!
21-24. ...... hero given great and majestic strength by Acimbabbar, supporter of Iddin-Dagan, may you destroy the insubordinate lands! Vigorous wild bull given great and majestic strength by Acimbabbar, supporter of Iddin-Dagan, may you destroy the insubordinate land!
    25. Sa-jara.
26. Vigorous wild bull, may you respond to Iddin-Dagan for ...... days.
    27. Jicgijal of the sa-jara.
28-30. Hero, formidable flood that no man comes forward to oppose! Lord Ningublaga, formidable flood that no man comes forward to oppose! Sumun-zid (Vigorous wild bull) , may you be the crusher of Iddin-Dagan's enemies!
    31. Its uru.
    32. An adab of Ningublaga.

cir-namerima (?) for Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan D)

1-2. Great lady, majestic physician to the black-headed, holy Ninisina, daughter of An, may you be praised!
3-9. Lady whose tempest, like a raging storm, ...... the interior of heaven and the trembling earth, whose upraised fierce face, like a fire, rips the bodies of the enemy; who, like a dragon, does not bring up venom in her place where ......, paws of a lion, sharpened knives, claws constantly dripping blood, ...... which prick the body with fear! When you draw through the flesh the scalpel and the lancet, knives like lion's claws -- the bodies of the black-headed people tremble because of you!
10-15. Great storm that approaches the earth and has no rival, howling storm, roaring lion that cuts off the neck of the enemy, overpowering storm, ...... spittle and gnashing its teeth in its ......! Storm that howls loudly, whose mouth drips blood, storm from whose mouth spittle spews constantly, pouring venom on the enemy,
1 line fragmentary
16-25. Great terror of the desert that ......! A lion, a leopard rising from its lair and terrifying people, that like a great snare lies in wait for the evil-doer! Lady whose radiance is awesome, born of An, who cares for the righteous of the Land, who watches over the assembly, lady of the living and of the dead, who holds the life of the Land in her hand! Mistress whom no one can withstand, who sounds a triumphal cry! Holy Ninisina, who wears the ornaments of cubastone in Nijin-jar, the holy place! Lady who is supreme over the mountains, whose divine powers are awesome divine powers, instilled ...... in the great shrine, the everlasting house of the Land!
26-33. Lady, life-creator of the Land, your name is its great standard. Lady of the majestic divine powers who rivals great An, mistress of all the great gods, lady, you have instilled fear of you in heaven and on earth. Your face is awesome, your cry is majestic, your forehead ......, your mouth ......; your arm, ...... the evil-doer like a net, has cut off .......
34-39. Holy Ninisina, ......, whose raging heart, made like the heart of dusk (?), none can cool; whose angry heart no god can confront, which like the sea, bringing a flood-wave, drowns (?) the foe. Like the high tide, she pours spewed-out bile upon the enemy. She has made ...... known in its midst.
40-43. Holy Ninisina, the city that fears (?) you is not restored. The ...... you address (?) is turned into ruins for you. No one moves about in the rebellious land that you curse. The ...... that fears (?) you does not cross the river.
44-56. My lady, your supreme magnitude and eminence being outstanding, the ...... of your established assembly being ......, holy Ninisina, lady ......, mistress whose majesty ......, holyNinisina, lady ......, lion, foremost viper ......, who ......, ...... the place of oaths where the just hand is raised, the deceiver ...... your name ......, ...... on the enemies! May those who plan evil against Iddin-Dagan ......! Ninisina, let not the enemy carry away your name, O your name,Ninisina, O your name!
57-64. Sublime An, father of the gods, ......, patient-hearted, who ...... the princely divine powers ...... greatly! The voice of a flood that covers the disobedient, that knows ......, the north wind ......,
1 line fragmentary May the deceivers of Iddin-Dagan who ...... be overwhelmed as by a battle-net! Majestic god An, let not the enemy carry away your name, O your name, great An, O your name!
65-72. Enlil whose great divine powers cannot be overturned, viper of the gods, Nunamnir, your ...... lets loose fear and terror! The Anuna of all the lands strike ...... with their hands. Your decision ...... a tempest that ...... furiously. In the land where no enemies exist, prayers ...... to the city. May those who do not clasp the feet of Iddin-Dagan be drowned as by water! Great Mountain Enlil, let not the enemy carry away your name, O your name, Enlil, O your name!
73-80. Ninlil, garbed in white, foremost and watchful lady who brings forth ......, lady who consummately perfects all radiance, who dwells with Enlil! The king who dares to utter your name falsely, who does not fear the slaughterhouse where blood flows at the place of transgression, the Land's river of ordeal -- make him bear the heavy guilt that ......! Great mother Ninlil, let not the enemy carry away your name, O your name, Ninlil, O your name!
81-85. Aruru, whose divine powers cannot be overturned, ...... an awesome tempest. Enlil who purifies all ......,
1 line fragmentary ...... hostility and violence, ...... Iddin-Dagan,
unknown no. of lines missing

A praise poem of Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan A + V)

Segment A

1-23. Enlil, by far ......
2 lines missing
He to whom the great gods pay attention; foundation deposit of the Anuna, living ...... of theEnki deities; he whose great divine powers know no opponents, whose ...... excel all others, whose ...... is achieved by no one; whose ...... return of their own accord, whose ...... is very sweet in heaven and on earth, whose ...... founds cities, whose ...... establishes the Land; ...... wisdom is perfect as time passes; ...... wise in command, re-establishing justice ......, adviser who never tires of discussion; ......, giving verdicts, ......, judge of heaven and earth
1 line fragmentary guiding the living ......, Father Enlil, shepherd of the black-headed, by his ...... making the foreign countries bow low.
24-42. He whose ...... strengthens the boundaries of heaven and earth, whose utterances unite them; lord whose ominous silence pervades the foreign lands, whose actions are spine-chilling, whose complex judgments cannot be revealed by anyone, whose knowledge is honoured by the foreign lands, whose strength is a great battle-net ...... the foreign lands, a fine-mesh battle-net ...... covering the disobedient; indefatigable ...... in heaven, in possession of every one of the divine powers in their totality, linking together the ancient plans; south wind which covers the four quarters; Enlil, whose ...... cannot be grasped, whose fame is enough to make people quake; Enlil, great in heaven, surpassing on earth, exceptional and wide-reaching in SumerNunamnir, lord of princes, king of kings! He determined a good destiny in the holy city for me, Icme-Dagan, son of Dagan.
43-52. He named me with a favourable name even when my seed was inserted into the womb. Nintur stood by at my birth, and she established the office of en for me ......, even when my umbilical cord was cut. Enlil, my principal deity, bestowed on me the shepherdship ofSumer, and assigned to me a tireless protective goddess, adding also therewith a correct stature.
3 lines fragmentary
53-75. His splendour ...... the mountains, and his roar reaches beyond heaven and earth. He selected me from my people, and announced me to the Land. Enlil, king of the gods, gave me lordship over the south and over the uplands. At Nunamnir's instigation, An spoke encouragingly to me, and placed crook and staff in my hands. Urac nursed me on her holy knees. In the Ki-ur, the great place, Ninlil in her radiant heart determined as my destiny that I should sit on an exalted dais until distant days, to enjoy in favour the reign which is my lot; that I should delight Enlil, and that I should daily attend to the E-kurEnki, the great lord of Eridug, confirmed for me the good and great crown, ...... everything, and richly conferred on me seven wisdoms. Suen, the firstborn son of Enlil, ...... for me a royal throne that gathers together the divine powers, established an excellent lordly dais, and made my crown shine brilliantly until distant days.
76-89. NuskaEnlil's minister, placed the royal sceptre in my hand, revealed the powers of E-kur to me, established there for me an awe-inspiring podium, and ensured that Enlil's heart was in a joyful mood. NinurtaEnlil's mighty warrior, approached Nunamnir in speech on my behalf and secured (?) the favourable words of Enlil and Ninlil for me. He has made my reign of kingship excellent, has made me great in lordship, and is indeed my helper. In E-kur he prays continually on my behalf, and is indeed the constable of my kingship. He, who with mighty weapons makes all the foreign countries bow low, has put great power ...... into my right hand.
90-99. Utu put justice and reliable words in my mouth. To make judgments, to reach decisions, to lead the people aright, to excel in rectitude, to keep the righteous on the track and to destroy the wicked, so that each man should speak justice to his brother, should make obeisance to his father, should not speak contrary words to his elder sister, and should respect his mother; so that the weak should not be handed over to the strong, so that the feeble should ......; so that the strong should not do just what he pleases, and so that one man should not be assigned to another (through debt) ; to destroy wickedness and violence, and to make righteousness flourish -- all this Utu, the son born to Ningal, made my apportioned share.
100-111. Inana, the lady of heaven and earth ......, chose me as her beloved spouse. She put attractiveness in my waist-belt (?), looking at me with her life-giving look, as she lifted her radiant forehead to me, to make me step onto the flowery bed. She has uttered her unalterable holy word for me to spend long, long days in the jipar, combining the priestly office of en with the kingship and caring unceasingly for E-ana, and for my neck to become thick like a wild bull's in Unug as my splendour covers Kulaba.
112-132. Enki and NinkiEnul and Ninul, the Anuna, the lords who determine destiny there, the spirits of Nibru, and the protective goddesses of the E-kur, those who among the great gods determine destinies there, have uttered an unchangeable "So be it!" On his most favourable day, Enlil, king of the foreign lands, chose me, Icme-Dagan, son of Dagan, by extispicy. He looked upon me joyfully in E-kur, and spoke well of me to Sumer. ...... a favourable reign in Nibru. I, Icme-Dagan ...... restored Urim ....... ...... in splendour. Enlil has commanded the favourable ...... of my throne, the promotion of concord in Sumer and Akkadin their power, and restoration (?) of the ...... brick buildings; and that I should daily tend the E-kur, that I should unceasingly provide for Nibru, and that I should care after the Ki-ur, the great place.
133-159. I, Icme-Dagan, have bent my neck to the commands of Father Enlil; I have paid attention to the utterances of my master. I have established justice in Sumer; I have secured (?) Nibru like heaven itself. I have gathered together the divine powers of the E-kur, I have paid attention to its old ordinances, and I have restored its neglected rites. I, Icme-Dagan, have ....... Enlil's very precious divine powers. ...... Ninlil's ....... ...... the interior of E-kur ...... good, ...... its exterior. ......, when I venerate ....... ...... Enlil and ......, its favourable spirits in the courtyard, and I introduced its favourable protective goddesses into the E-kur. I have presented marvellous food offerings to Enlil. In the ...... of Enlil, established with bread, ...... great regular offerings, I made numerous the fat bulls and fat sheep, ......, fish and birds, in the house of my master. I made them smell tasty in the great ovens. I contested ....... With ...... I doubled (?) the regular offerings. Like water I poured out ...... and liquor in unadulterated strength, from the offerings storeroom, like the rainwater that is released from heaven.
160-182. An brought Ninkasi along with him ...... to its ......, and I libated delicious ...... beer, mixed with aromatic cedar essence, over the brickwork of E-kur. Daily I made the E-kur like a harvest-place, and each month on its seventh and fifteenth days I made the temple festive. Both inside and outside the house, like ......, I spread the scent of .......
1 line unclear
laying ...... oil, ...... cream, ......, first-fruits of the gardens, dates, ......, on the table of Enlil, my master, ....... The main part of my food, ...... drink, his favourite things ....... Enlil ....... I am the ...... son of Enlil, I am the ...... of Ninlil, I am the strong young man of the E-kur. I am the foremost, with respectful strength, making excellent food offerings. I am untiring, indefatigable. Daily I shall issue instructions for what my master will have to eat, and what I will give to drink, fulfilling the great commands of E-kur: thereby I carry out correctly the instructions of my master Enlil.
183-195. I bring great gladness to the city whose interior and exterior are as blue-green as the sky, Nibru, the mooring pole of heaven and earth. I have exempted its labourers from carrying earth in baskets, and I have freed its troops from fighting. I have released its gold, silver, cattle and sheep, the tribute of the citizens of Nibru. As for the temple of Enlil my master, for Ninlil, and for Ninurta, the mighty hero of Enlil, I have exempted their labourers from service. Filtered beer (?), barley, oil and sheep's wool have been made a tithe. I ...... Sumer and Akkad. I ...... wickedness and violence, and established justice in Sumer and Akkad. I am the shepherd who loves justice. I am born of Sumer, a son of Nibru.
196-199. I am one who is always for ....... I am wise-eyed, of refined intelligence. I am full of advice, energetic in ....... I am all-knowing, singled out from the people.
200-223. I am a judge who gives no explanations; I am a decision-maker who goes straight to the point. The strong does not behave extravagantly towards others, the mighty does not abuse the weak any more. People are not made subject to the lordly. If he does not wish to enter my presence (?) in holy ......, the feeble person may speak contrary words ....... ...... slave of my city. ...... of EnlilSumer and Akkad ......
1 line unclear
Until the distant future (?) ....... I have ...... the destructive men. I have destroyed (?) ...... the dispossessed (?) who speak with enmity. I have exerted myself ....... I have ...... rebellion and destructive criminals ....... I have supported the appeals of the bondsmen, waifs and widows who cry "Alas, Utu!" or "Alas, Nanna!". I have destroyed ....... I have brought about the extermination of the cut-throats who roam (?) the desert. I have kept the just on the proper track, following the wife and the little child. I have sent (?) people nobly into the fields, and established holy shrines (?) in the desert. I have built the city itself for a long future in the whole world.
224-235. The foreign lands gaze at me, Icme-Dagan, as if at their father who engendered them. When like Utu I decide a just verdict, the people bring their prayers to the holy shrines (?). As I establish and realise my powerful statements, advise the people and strengthen the palace, who is to challenge my powerful statements? ...... the foreign lands, their people ....... I snatch men from the jaws of destruction.
1 line unclear
death and abomination ....... For all these reasons Enlil my master has prolonged my days.
236-250. Icme-Dagan, born for heaven, chosen by the heart -- I am kind like a father, attentive (?) like a mother. I am a lofty wall, the encouragement of the Land. I am a tall mec tree with thick roots, and broad shining branches. I am the canopy of Sumer, a pleasant shade; I am a place which even a tall person cannot reach. I am the helper of the troops, the focal point of the Land. I am a warrior on the way to battle, I am a powerful runner who goes like the north wind. I am wise ...... superior in every respect. I am a belligerent wild bull, kicking up the dust everywhere; I am a battering ram, ....... I stand in the forefront of the shields. I am the hero of heroes, with the strength of a battle-mace, as I smite the rebel lands right and left.
251-256. I am gold dust, I am lapis lazuli in its lode, I light the Land like a lamp. I am the good semen of kingship, the seed of rulership. I am the scion of a cedar, a forest of cypresses. I am boxwood decorated with ...... attractiveness. I delight (?) the gods .......
257-273. In accordance with the great destiny decided by Father Enlil, my battle-cry overspreads the remotest parts of the mountains. In the rebel cities no one approaches me or fixes their weapons against me. They bring (?) their tribute spontaneously at Enlil's command. ...... to the mountains. ...... nir-igi stone, cornelian, ...... stone, {...... their stones} {(some mss. have instead the line:) ...... time-consuming labour, ......, labour for the king}. For me the black-headed bring great timbers ...... to the Land, while Dilmun bestows lavishly on me its linen, dates and date spadices. The Martu, who know no houses, who know no cities -- primitives who live in the hills -- bring me row upon row of woolly alum sheep. From the upland mountains, from the ...... places, cedar, zabalum, cypress and boxwood were together brought to me. Enlil, my master, who batters the foreign lands into submission, kept the people on a single track, and made them unanimous for me, who am all for Enlil, who am the beloved of E-kur.
274-296. Since the time when Sumer and Akkad had been dispersed, no king had introduced a statue into the shining E-kur of Enlil or into the E-ja-jic-cua beside NinlilEnlil opened the E-namtila to me from his loving heart. In the E-kur I arranged the great treasures, and allocated durable treasuries. For Enlil my master, I erected a throne whose form was beyond form itself. I stood the throne of Ninlil in the E-ja-jic-cua in the Ki-ur, the great place. The throne of Enlil is not to be removed from there. I, Icme-Dagan, son of Dagan, stood the throne for Enlil my master on a dais ...... of seven storms, decorated in a masterly and highly skilled manner withnir-igi and cuba stones and translucent lapis lazuli, and I seated Enlil there with my lady Ninlil. I put them into a favourable mood, with happy hearts; I delighted Enlil greatly with those thrones. I measured (?) my gift (?) for him, and my heartfelt act (?) delighted Enlil.
297-315. I ...... a sturdy copper statue, shaped in moulds, prayerful as myself, respectful in theE-kur, as a gift offering (?). Enlil, king of heaven and earth, ...... the copper statue ......; muscles, sinews and body of a lion
2 lines fragmentary or unclear
I dedicated ...... to my master, and brought in mighty timbers, objects of wonder. Then I brought in my great copper statues for Ninlil, lady of the gods, into her ......, her most holy place, the E-cencena, full of life, and embellished them (?) before her. I dedicated ...... to her for my life. It is I who am favourable to ......; I, Icme-Dagan, embellished my inscription (?).
316-329. I also brought into the temple of Enlil and my lady Ninlil a copper statue of my own father. ...... copper statue of my grandfather. I brought out ...... statue, and brought it into the temple of Enlil. I ...... it in the E-kur, the ...... shrine.
6 lines fragmentary or unclear
I am the king ...... Enlil, the patient lord.
1 line fragmentary
330-354. I made sure that my praise was spoken, by creating numerous songs to Jectin-ana, the honey-mouthed lady. I installed ...... my scholars and chief singers. The skilful singers composed for me adabtigicumuncamalgatumcir-gida, royal praise poems perfect in content, arahibalbalezamzam and kunjar compositions. They magnify my name in the places where odes are performed. That I am omniscient and broad in wisdom, that I am knowedgeable (?) about the ...... of the troops, that I direct the people as a wise shepherd who is brilliant (?) in the face of weapons, that I am skilful in everything, that An has looked favourably on me, that by the word of Enlil ......, that Ninlil is my protection, that Enki has given me wisdom, that Ninurta is all for me (?), that Nanna loves me greatly, that I am the son-in-law of Ningal, that Inana has made me attractive,
2 lines broken or unclear
355-358. My boundaries are marked, my borders are fixed; my embankments are piled up, my irrigation ditches are ....... ...... at which the foreign lands bow down; it is wool from the highlands .......
359-377. That the scribal art, in the place of skilled craftsmanship, ...... power; that I have understood the contents of tablets, counting and reckoning in all their depth and breadth, checking, coefficients, establishing the surface of a field, and laying out the reed measuring-pole; that I have ...... on the podium, my chosen place; that I have learnt with my talented hands, my pure hands, to write the tablets of Sumer and Akkad; that I have lent lustre to the academy by completely mastering the reed stylus and the scribal art; that I have devoted myself to the art of singing, and know the occasions when praise songs are to be sung; that I am eminent in the performance style for ...... songs; that I know how to intersperse appropriate words with the accompaniment of the fingers and instruments; that I have mastered the drumsticks, the sa-ec, the sabitum, the harhar and the zanaru instruments; that I have {occupied myself with} {(1 ms. has instead:) completely mastered} the developed aspects of the art of singing and the recondite points of ...... songs -- all these things the scholars and the composers of my ...... songs have put in my great songs and have declared in my hymns.
378-383. The powerful king ......, if he stands by Enlil with upraised hands, should swear in the name of the gods ....... Everything that is in my odes, or which is written on my stela, is definitely not false, but genuine! Reverence for me should be in every mouth.
384-393. In the temple my songs should be performed splendidly (?), and my odes should be handed down. Their attractiveness should be right in the heart of the Land, and mouths should carry the words as far as its borders. ...... the requirements of the banquet; he should put their attractiveness into the heart ......; ...... may Jectin-ana be their protective goddess. ...... treasures, lasting property of the king's heirs, jewels of lordship which cannot be ......, fixing them forever in the mouth of the singers.
394-399. I have ...... the regular offerings of Enlil. ...... Nibru, the pleasant place; I have put in order the plans of Sumer and Akkad. Therefore Enlil my master has made my days ......, and as he has made my reign follow another reign, so may he make my descendants even greater.
400-419. As he (one of the king's descendants) performs the duties of shepherdship in Enlil'stemple, may he perform my songs to Enlil, my master; and may the E-kur, my beloved place, resound with my name. My great praise songs shall be performed to Ninlil daily ......; to Nanna, the beneficent lord, the son of Enlil, and ...... to him whom the singer loves. ...... he shall perform my songs at the evening and morning meals. He shall perform my odes in the temples of the great gods. As I, Icme-Dagan, should stand ready and show respect, ...... may my protective deity let me have no rivals, even as far as the borders of the mountains. He has made me great in Sumer and Akkad, and given me a seat on the royal dais; ...... my songs are brilliantly .......
2 lines fragmentary King Icme-Dagan is excellent ......,
approx. 34 lines fragmentary or missing

Segment B

1-24. The temple ......; the heart of Enlil ....... The protective gods of the E-kur ......, the protective goddesses of the E-kur.
2 lines fragmentary For my ...... of great valuables, for my ...... of important treasures; that I have erected ...... a throne for Enlil; that I have ...... a great waggon, that I have had a sedan chair made for Ninlil; that for Enlil I have had a massive pillar (?) ...... brought in, for my masterEnlil; that I have had the fifty-headed battle-mace, an exceptional weapon, cast for Ninurta......, that I have had a great copper throne place in an elevated location for him; that I have had brought into the temple of Enlil a copper statue moulded to the shape of my limbs and a diorite statue worked to my form; that I have placed ......;
approx. 13 lines fragmentary or missing

Segment C

1 line fragmentary Utu ......; the black-headed people ....... EnkiIckurEzina, ...... the god of abundance, ......; ...... abundance in heaven and earth. Again, let there be a chief singer; let there be a scholar and a songsmith; let there be a composer of odes and a performer of songs; let there be a sweet-voiced singer of the king; let there be a joyful-hearted (?) alternating singer; let there be a calm-voiced singer in the bedchamber; let there be a singer with answering voice ......
approx. 31 lines fragmentary or missing

Segment D

1 line fragmentary ...... of Enlil .......
1 line unclear
...... diorite in the shrine of Nibru ......
1 line unclear
...... did not move ...... from its place, did not write ......, did no wickedness or violence, then may he lift ...... in the shining E-kur of Enlil and raise its head to heaven. ...... that he bestowed on the Land, may he prolong ....... But that he swore (?) ......, or wrote his name ......, or who violently (?) cursed the enemy, then Enlil, king of the gods,
1 line fragmentary

An adab to Bau for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan B)

1-8. Lady, imbued with fearsomeness, whose greatness is recognised in heaven and on earth, perfect in nobility! Mother Bau, foremost among ladies, warrior ......! Powerful goddess, who perfectly controls the august divine powers, proud one, ...... great intelligence! ......, true woman, wise lady who has been made knowledgeable from birth! Daughter of An, expert, eloquent, who holds everything in her hand! Lady, great doctor of the black-headed people, who keeps people alive, and brings them to birth. Cu-halbi, incantation priestess of the numerous people, ......! Merciful, compassionate one of the Land, lady of justice!
9-19. Enlil, the king of all the foreign countries, Nunamnir, the lord who determines the fates, decreed something of great importance in the shrine Nibru, in Dur-an-ki: he made you exalted in the shining E-kur, ....... You are the strong spread-net of NunamnirAnguba priestess, who provides the E-kur with food, you are in charge of the wine. You are Enlil's exalted daughter-in-law, you are the one who stands next to him with the libation water (?). Because you prostrated yourself humbly with supplications, Nunamnir, the prince of all the foreign countries, entrusted to you the exalted office of accountant of heaven and earth, and exalted you, giving you the rank of lady of the shrine which brought the seeds of mankind forth.
20-26. Your own father, An, the highest god, clothed you in the ba garment. He gave you the warrior of EnlilNinjirsu, as your husband. He bestowed on you the E-ninnu and Iri-kug, the shrine which brought forth the seeds of mankind. He has set up your lofty throne-dais inLagac, in Jirsu, the mooring post of the Land, in E-jalga-sud, your beloved residence, in Tar-sirsir, the temple of ladyship; and now all the gods of the land of Lagac bow down before your august residence.
27-30. Supreme lady, whose divine powers are untouchable, daughter of An, omniscient great lady, young woman, Mother Bau, you have looked favourably on the young man of handsome form, prince Icme-Dagan, the son of Enlil; you have determined for him a good fate once and for all.
    31. Sa-gida.
32. It is Mother Bau who is to give prince Icme-Dagan, the son of Enlil, a life of numerous days.
    33. Jicgijal of the sa-gida.
34-42. You introduced prince Icme-Dagan, clasping to his breast a white lamb and a sheep of auspicious omens, into the E-namtilaEnlil's temple, and made him stand at the royal offering place of life. Then you saluted the Great Mountain Enlil and told him: "Father Enlil, great lord of all the foreign countries, determine the fate of Icme-Dagan, call him by name!" Enlil, the king of all the foreign countries, looked encouragingly upon him, beaming radiantly; and determined a fate for Icme-Dagan:
43-60. "Prince Icme-Dagan, as your fate, you shall be given a throne which concentrates all divine powers, an enduring legitimate crown and a sceptre which maintains the people and keeps them united. The Tigris and the Euphrates shall bring abundance, carp-filled waters for you, {their yield shall be long-lasting for you} {(1 ms. has instead:) ......}. Their banks shall grow vegetation for you, they shall bring (?) you rejoicing. The irrigated orchards shall yield (?) syrup and wine for you. The fertile arable tracts shall grow dappled grain for you; grain piles shall be heaped up for you. Cattle-pens shall be built, sheepfolds shall be enlarged for you. Your name shall be exalted as king; you shall be elevated as prince. All the foreign countries from below as far as the uplands shall bring tribute for you. You shall shine radiantly in the grand main courtyard like sunlight. Your food offerings shall never cease in the shining E-kur." This is how Enlil determined his fate. From the E-kur he gave huge strength to the king. He has been made lordly; Enlil's words made him a man without rival. He directed his steps proudly there and entered the august palace, the royal residence. As he took his seat on the shining holy throne-dais, the palace .......
    61. Sa-jara.
62-64. Good woman, daughter of AnEnlil has called for you! ...... the holy shining throne-dais ...... told you; young woman, Mother Bau, the daughter of AnEnlil has called for you! ...... the holy shining throne-dais ...... told you: "Bestow on Icme-Dagan, the son of Enlil, a life of numerous days!"
    65. Its uru.
    66. An adab of Bau. (lines 65 and 66 are written as one line in source)

A hymn to Nibru and Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan C)

1-15. Shrine of Nibru, shrine surpassing the abzu, shining E-kur; your prince is the Great Mountain Enlil who surpasses the Prince (i.e. Enki) . Your great lady is the good woman, Mother Ninlil, excelling in refinement. Your caretaker is one whose vigour is surpassing, the hero Ninurta. The chief minister (i.e. Nuska) , who is worthy of your fair copper vessels, who makes your bedchamber exceedingly pleasant, is also the guardian watching over your honourable divine powers; he is the shepherd watching over your honourable divine powers. Your provider, who was engendered by the Great Mountain and was born by Ninlil -- Icme-Dagan, who was engendered by the Great Mountain, and was born by Ninlil, he who has achieved a high reputation among his numerous people, throws himself at your feet.
11-16. Nibru, your praise suits the mouth! May it be uttered by every mouth! The Anuna gods always stand by your truthful utterances. Shrine Nibru, primeval city, where the divine powers are allotted, sweet is your praise! At the great festivals prepared with care in Nibru, all the great gods ...... the majesty of Enlil and Ninlil.
    17. Sa-gida.

An adab (?) to Enki for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan D)

Segment A

1-4. Great lord, prominent (?) among the gods, your judgments are clever and powerful! Father Enki, respected one, supreme dragon, who determines the fates firmly, who has taken his seat upon the numerous divine powers in colourful brilliance (?), great prince, the guardian of the gods, ...... of holy An!

Segment B

2 lines fragmentary The fates you determine are firm; you are the junior Enlil. You (?) distribute the divine powers for the Anuna, the great gods. You establish for them a habitation, a holy dwelling place; you are their proud lord. Your greatness is unapproachable ....... You (?) ...... in a pure place the abzu, the mountain built with princely divine powers; ...... Eridug, the shrine, which extends over huge marshes, marshes of snakes.
    9. Sa-gida.
10. Father Enki, may ...... for Icme-Dagan.
    11. Jicgijal of the sa-gida.
12-27. Enki, lord, firstborn son of An ......, Nudimmud, great bull of the abzu ......, may you ...... with your consort, holy Damgalnuna. Father Enki, may you embrace her and soothe your heart with her. ...... friendly words on behalf of Icme-Dagan. ...... the prayer of the king until distant days. The one blessed by Enlil ......, Icme-Dagan, the shepherd, ...... the son of Enlil. May his radiance ...... for you to the outer limits of heaven and earth. May he have authority, may he be peerless in all the numerous countries. May Icme-Dagan ...... from the south as far as the uplands. ...... the god of the Land ....... May the Tigris and Euphrates ......, may they bring abundance for him. May the udders of heaven open for him; may the harvest ...... for him. May barley, emmer, wheat, gu-nida grain ...... on vast fields for him. May grain heaps be heaped up for him; may Ezina .......
    28. Sa-jara.
29. Father Enki, bestow ...... kingship and a reign of abundance upon Icme-Dagan.
    30. Jicgijal of the sa-jara.

balbale to Enki for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan E)

Segment A

1 line missing
...... in the holy heart ......, ......, whose words are powerful, who ...... decisions. ...... foremost of the gods, omniscient ....... ...... Enki, counsellor of holy An, adviser of the Great Mountain ....... ...... foremost of the gods, omniscient ....... ...... Enki, counsellor of holy An, adviser of the Great Mountain ....... Adviser, whose statements cannot be countermanded, whose ways ...... fearsomeness. Patient-hearted, who rides upon all the divine powers, who ...... like Enlil.Nudimmud ...... holy dais ....... Lord imbued with fearsomeness, borne by An and Urac, eldest brother of ....... King whose ways are recognised by Enlil, caretaker of ....... Supreme ......, first-born child of holy An, whose divine powers are untouchable ....... Junior Enlil of trustworthy utterances, ...... divine plans. Nudimmud, lord who determines the fates, who strengthens the Land ....... Enki, great bull of Eridug, ....... ...... greatly exalted among the Anuna .......
1 line fragmentary ...... like sheep (?) .......
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

(The sequence of Segments B and C is uncertain, and they may well belong to a different composition)
1 line fragmentary Icme-Dagan .......
1 line fragmentary ...... the house (?) of Enlil ....... ...... of Enlil ...... his statements ....... ...... counsellor of holy An .......
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

(The sequence of Segments B and C is uncertain, and they may well belong to a different composition)
1-10. Nudimmud ....... Lord of Eridug ....... Icme-Dagan ......, son of Enlil ....... ...... gives (?) you your instructions ....... Wise ....... ...... divine plans ....... Omniscient .......
2 lines fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment D

1-5. ...... excellent divine powers ......
1 line fragmentary May he prepare for you ...... liquor and emmer beer ...... at the royal offering-place and salute you from there. ...... prays to you (?) .......
6-7. May he bestow a long life with vigorous (?) days on Icme-Dagan, the son of Enlil! May Father Enki bestow a long life with vigorous (?) days on Icme-Dagan, the son of Enlil!
    8. Its jicgijal.
    9. A balbale of Enki. (lines 8 and 9 are written as one line in source)

An adab to Enlil for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan H)

1-18. ...... the prince of gods ...... seated upon all the divine powers, Nunamnir, the lord of just decrees, who possesses fully the great divine powers, Father Enlil, made your fearsomeness manifest in heaven and on the earth. He made the gods of heaven stand by in heaven (?), and gave them (?) auspicious names. ...... its king .......
1 line fragmentary The Anuna, its great gods, line up before you. Enlil, they pay attention to your holy words and august statements. Nunamnir, you alone are elevated in the entirety of heaven and earth. ...... of the Anuna gods, august shackle on all the lands, your ...... is unfathomable. Everything this lord has is surpassing, and his orders are not to be changed. ...... your divine powers surpass all others, your ways are ingenious, ...... you are the trustworthy shepherd even of far-away foreign countries. Father Enlil, your beloved ...... E-kur, has been built in Ki-ur, in Dur-an-ki, the place chosen by you; your august dais has been set up there. The divine powers of your shrine are precious, its true purification rites are august, and its cultic ordinances are pure and ineffable. The interior of E-kur is artfully fashioned, and no one may come to know it. Let Icme-Dagan care properly for its true divine plans and powers!
    19. Sa-gida.
20. Enlil, through you may the term of kingship of Icme-Dagan, your beloved son, be enduring!
    21. Jicgijal of the sa-gida.
22-40. Enlil, great lord of the gods, elevated above the numerous people! ......, great lord of the gods, elevated above the numerous people! ...... your august utterances are prominent. ...... cannot be countermanded, your statements are firm. Decide a good fate ...... for the constant attendant of your temple ....... ...... Icme-Dagan, the son of Enlil, ....... May ...... to the uttermost limits of heaven and earth ...... exalted.
1 line fragmentary May ...... submit ....... May you ...... Icme-Dagan .......
5 lines fragmentary May ...... be bestowed on you ....... May you ...... indefatigable ....... ...... holy place, pure place .......
    41. Sa-jara.
42-45. ...... the Anuna gods ....... ...... the Anuna gods ....... ......, bestow on him ...... a good reign, and prosperous years.
    46. Its uru (?).
    47. An adab (?) of Enlil.

Icme-Dagan and Enlil's chariot: a tigi to Enlil (Icme-Dagan I)

1-8. August chariot! Enlil, the lord of wisdom, the father of the gods, ordered your construction in the E-kur, his exalted shrine. He instructed Icme-Dagan, the wise shepherd called by an auspicious name, born from a beautiful mother's womb, the adviser of the Land, to make your holy and pure divine powers manifest. He set to work on you and worked without stopping. He decorated you with ...... and lapis lazuli. He placed you .......
9-18. Your two ...... are something to be marvelled at. Your furnishings are most outstanding, like a forest of aromatic cedars. Your pole is a field with open furrows, an abundance of dappled grain. Your ...... is a thick cloud covering the ...... of heaven all over. Your yoke is a huge neck-stock from which there is no escape, which clamps down the evildoer. Your rope-fastened pegs are laid down as a huge net spanning heaven and earth.
1 line fragmentary
1 line missing
1 line fragmentary
19-21. Your side-poles (?) are ...... subduing the hostile countries. Your ...... of the side-poles are .......
6 lines missing
28-40. Your mudguard is Utu ...... the horizon, ....... The front of your mudguard is the ornament of (?) ....... Your implements are Nanna who fills the midst of heaven with delight. Your axle is ...... which ...... a flood. Your rope-box is a whip ...... which rouses up the donkeys. Your pole-pin is a huge open battle-net which does not let the evildoer escape. Your farings are the exalted princely divine powers sought out with great care. Your platform is warriors fiercely attacking each other. Your side beams are strong breeding bulls carrying a heavy load. Your cross-beams are urgent young men embracing each other. Your side-boards are ....... Your foot-board is ....... Your seat .......
21 lines missing
62-64. At that time Icme-Dagan ...... decorated the chariot with silver, gold, and lapis lazuli for his king, Enlil.
    65. The sa-gida.
66-81. His great festival having been performed perfectly, Enlil stepped onto the chariot and embraced Mother Ninlil, his spouse. He was followed by Ninurta, his mighty hero, and by theAnuna who are with Enlil. The chariot shimmers like lightening, its rumbling noise is sweet. His donkeys are harnessed to the yoke. Enlil came out on his august votive (?) chariot radiantly.Ninurta, the support of his father, made the way pleasant. Having reached the place which gladdens the soul, where the seed is blessed, Enlil stepped down from his holy ...... and established a feast.
5 lines missing
1 line fragmentary
82-87. After you have taken out the implements to the ...... fields from ......, let the hoe and the plough, the implements of field workers, rival each other before you. The king has paid attention to Enlil's instructions: Ninurta has prepared the holy plough, has ploughed the fertile fields and, to see that the silos and granaries of Enlil will be piled up high, he has sown with good seed.
88-95. The young hero then proudly enters the resplendent E-kur, Lord Ninurta prays to Enlil: "Please, look with favour on Icme-Dagan, the accomplished shepherd, who is at your service in the dining-hall; on the king who has built you the chariot! Give him Inana your beloved eldest daughter as a spouse. May they embrace each other forever! May the days of delight and sweetness last long in her holy embrace full of life!"
    96. The sa-jara.
    97. It is a tigi of Enlil.

A love song of Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan J)

1-8. Lady, going to the sweet-voiced cows and gentle-voiced calves in the cattle-pen, young woman, when you arrive there, Inana, may the churn sound! May the churn of your spouse sound, Inana, may the churn sound! May the churn of Dumuzid sound, Inana, may the churn sound!
9-14. The rocking of the churn will sing (?) for you, Inana, may it thus make you joyous! The good shepherd, the man of sweet songs, will loudly (?) sing songs for you; lady, with all the sweetest things, Inana, may he make your heart joyous!
15-20. Lady, when you enter the cattle-pen, Inana, the cattle-pen will indeed rejoice over you. Mistress, when you enter the sheepfold, Inana, the sheepfold will indeed rejoice over you. When you enter the feeding-pen, healthy ewes will spread out their wool for you.
21-24. May the holy sheepfold abundantly provide (?) you with butter, may the cattle-pen produce butter and cream for you! May abundance endure in the sheepfold, may the days ofIcme-Dagan be numerous!
25-26. May my spouse, a ewe cherishing its lamb, be praised with sweet admiration!

A hymn to Inana for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan K)

1-6. Young woman InanaSuen's daughter, who makes the divine powers of the Land supreme, who achieves everything, who seizes the divine powers in heaven and gathers them up on earth, who proceeds proudly with her head reaching the heavens, whose radiance makes the nighttime secure like a fire which lights up into the distance -- no god can stand up as her opposition, .......
7-18. Holy Inana was endowed by Enlil and Ninlil with the capacity to make the heavens shake, to make the earth tremble, to hold the four directions in her hand and to act grandly as their lady, to shout with wide open mouth in battle and combat and to wreak carnage (?), to butt all at once valiantly (?) like a wild bull, to make the earth drink the blood of enemies like water and to pile up their bodies, to take captive their overwhelmed (?) troops and to make them serve, to make the people ascend from below to above, to make the {foreign} {(1 ms. has instead:) numerous} people change their place, and to turn light to darkness and darkness to light. They made her without rival in heaven and on earth. They bestowed on her the power to establish a woman's domain in ....... They detemined as her fate to ......, to make them content together.
19-31. Inana was entrusted by Enlil and Ninlil with the capacity to gladden the heart of those who revere her in their established residences, but not to soothe the mood of those who do not revere her in their well-built houses; to turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man, to change one into the other, to make young women dress as men on their right side, to make young men dress as women on their left side, to put spindles into the hands of men ......, and to give weapons to the women; to see that women amuse themselves by using children's language, to see that children amuse themselves by using women's language, to ...... skill, to ....... They built a palace, her house of ladyship, for the mistress of heaven, and invested it with fearsome radiance. They made it into the neck-stock of all the foreign countries, and imbued it with awe-inspiring, terrifying splendour.
32-35. To clamp down (?) on the black-headed people, to ......, to decide justly the lawsuits of the numerous people, to select the just, ......, to ...... who speaks (?) violently -- all these were entrusted into Inana's hands by them.
36-42. Enlil and Ninlil gave her Icme-Dagan, the constant attendant, ...... as her husband ....... The duty to build temples for the gods, to furnish their daily portions, to purify their raised temples and to sanctify their daises, to secure their daily liquor, syrup and choice beer in their dining halls -- all this was bestowed on Inana and Icme-Dagan by Enlil and Ninlil.
43-45. August Nibru, no god excels like your lord and lady! In your midst they have bestowed the divine powers on the young woman Inana. I, Icme-Dagan, have put this (i.e. this composition) in everyone's mouth for all time.

An adab to Nanna for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan M)

Version A

Segment A

1 line fragmentary ...... what he orders is faithfully executed, ...... endowed with beauty in theE-kur, ...... among the great gods, the great and august lord ...... in the heavens, ...... whose seat (?) no other god ......! August ......, lord whose abode is the mountains, Father Nanna ......, ...... fixes the months and the new moon according to a cord (?), establishes the year ......, ...... life for the multitudes ......, ...... who puts all the lands in order, ...... who makes the Tigris and the Euphrates bring flowing water ......, ...... fine grain ......, ...... lush vegetation in the spacious land ......,
1 line fragmentary ...... Lord Icme-Dagan ......
1 line unclear
august ...... bestowed upon Father Nanna by An and Enlil .......
17-22. After you have extended yourself in the bright ......, the daylight ......, after you have established ...... on earth, on the day of the disappearance of the moon, as you have completed the month, you summon (?) the people, lord; and then in the nether world you decree great judgments, you decide sublime verdicts. Enki and Ninki, the great lords, the great princes, the lords who determine fates, await your utterances, father; they ...... the newborn (?) moon.
23-30. Prince, you place justice in every mouth, and make propriety resplendent. Daily (?) you make hearts content, daily (?) you determine fates appropriately, daily (?) your refulgence ....... You brighten the night sky in the broad firmament, and illuminate the darkness. The Anunagods stand by with prayers and supplications at your rising. The sweet sight of your resplendent crescent, full of loveliness, brings joy to the great lady of the Ki-ur, Mother Ninlil, in ......, and the true and august lady, the good cow, the leader ...... prays ...... in the E-ja-jic-cua, her delightful residence, the awesome palace.
    31. Sa-gida.
32. Brightest lord, may you make Icme-Dagan ...... exert superior strength.
    33. Jicgijal of the sa-gida.
34-35. Lord, great and august crown of the sky ....... ...... Ninlil .......
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-8. ...... heart ....... ...... his august name ...... king ....... You have been assigned divine powers from the divine powers by Lord Nunamnir. He has presented you with the capacity to determine fates, the role of a supreme deity. He has elevated you; the great lord, Enlil, has made you one of the princes. With the rightful tiara and headdress, he has made you glorious on the holy august dais. He has bestowed upon you the guardianship of all the countries teeming (?) like fish. The prince of all the foreign countries ...... like a shepherd (?).
9-25. Except you, no god ...... in the entirety of heaven and earth. Bright countenance in the holy sky, you ...... like daylight. The Land rejoices over the harvest, the great festival that is full of delight, and the black-headed people look to you as to their father. Great lord, you hearken to anyone who approaches you for succour; you are the beloved of the Land. Urim, the great cosmic bond of Sumer, the city that has grown as high as the heavens, joyfully becomes of one accord for you in the sanctuary built with extispicy, in your delightful cattle-pen. ...... Icme-Dagan ......, may the breed-bull and the good ox mount holy cows ......, may they multiply vigorously for you. May premium ...... and premium milk, the milk of your holy dining room ...... become abundant there.
2 lines fragmentary May he care properly for ...... divine plans for you. May he ...... for you. ...... your ...... filled with gold, the lady ...... Ningal, on its ...... appear as brightly as daylight ....... May he ...... Icme-Dagan .......
    26. Sa-jara.
27. May the ...... of Icme-Dagan, the son of Enlil, ...... be immutable.
    28. Jicgijal of the sa-jara.
29-31. Great lord, most wise in determining the fates from the holy heavens, ......! Brightest lord, most wise in determining the fates from the holy heavens, whom do you love more thanIcme-DaganEnlil's son, the leader?
    32. Its uru.
    33. An adab of Nanna.

Version B

Segment A

(This passage runs parallel to Segment A, lines 18-29, of Version A)
unknown no. of lines missing
1 line fragmentary On the day of the disappearance of the moon, ......, ...... the people, lord, ...... verdicts in the nether world. Enki and Ninki, ......, lord, .......
1 line fragmentary Father, ....... Prince, .......
1 line missing
...... the hearts .......
9 lines missing
1 line fragmentary ...... in her awesome palace.

Segment B

(Lines 12-24 of this passage run parallel to Segment B, lines 25-31, of Version A))
13 lines fragmentary
    14. Sa-jara.
15-16. ...... of Enlil ......
1 line fragmentary
    17. Jicgijal of the sa-jara.
1 line fragmentary
4 lines missing
    23. Its uru.
    24. An adab of Nanna. (lines 23 and 24 are written as one line in source)

tigi (?) to Ninurta for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan O)

Version A

Segment A

1-30. Great hero, strongest in heaven and earth! Ninurta, who controls perfectly the fifty divine powers in the E-kur! ...... governor for his father, rising raging storm, who extends terror ...... towards the foreign countries. ...... roaring ......, who casts fear upon the people, who has no rival! Ninurta, surpassing in vigour! ...... great and majestic strength ......, ...... of Enlil, ...... ofEnlil, ornament of the august shrine! ...... whose radiance ......!
1 line fragmentary ...... the neck-stock of the gods.
1 line fragmentary ...... among the Anuna gods. ...... exceptionally mighty ....... ...... lord, the son of Enlil, who has come forth from the hills, and rides (?) upon the numerous divine powers. ...... great hero, surpassing dragon, perfect lord, ...... without rival (?)! Great hero confident in his strength!
1 line fragmentary ......, whose decisions cannot be countermanded, ...... what he says is firm. ...... august son of Enlil! ...... overpowers (?) the mountains, ...... the Great Mountain Enlil ...... in the E-kur, throughout the entire extent of heaven and earth. ...... his great ...... covers ....... ...... raging .......
1 line fragmentary
up to 8 lines missing

Segment B

1-4. His words are precious, and what he says is true. Ninurta, lion raging against the disobedient! Authoritative one, who makes the foreign countries submit .......
    5. Sa-gida.
6-7. May Ninurta look upon Icme-Dagan ...... with a life-giving gaze!
    8. Its jicgijal of the sa-gida.
9-30. Uta-ulu, riding on fearsome radiance ......, greatest amongst the great lords ......! Ninurta, perfect in authority, caretaker of heaven and earth ......, lord who was given strength byNunamnir, confident in his strength ......! Ninurta, foremost ......! Enlil ......! ...... like a butting bull! ...... your foot on the disobedient! Great hero ......! ...... the distant hills! ...... the enemy lands into the king's hands! Ninurta, ...... helper of Icme-Dagan in the mêlée! ...... his majestic weapon! ...... the rebellious, disobedient land! ...... his majestic mace the enemy! ...... battle ...... enemy! May ...... Icme-Dagan ......!
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

(Segments C and D might well belong to a separate composition)
2 lines fragmentary ...... lord of the nether world. Enki .......
5 lines fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment D

(Segments C and D might well belong to a separate composition)
8 lines fragmentary ...... Enki ......
9 lines fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Version B

up to 3 lines missing
1 line fragmentary rising raging storm ......, ...... lion ......, ...... like ....... Ninurta ....... ...... strength .......
3 lines fragmentary ...... the neck-stock of the gods. ...... who has no rival, ...... the foreign countries. Ninurta, ...... Anuna gods! Lord in the E-kur, mighty ......! Uta-ulu ...... great strength ......, who has come forth from the hills and ...... on the numerous divine powers! Ninurta ......, perfect lord ......! Great hero, who ...... the mountains, and destroys their stones (?) totally!
20-35. Adviser, whose decisions cannot be countermanded! Ninurta, whose utterances are firm! Hero, lord, august son of Enlil! ...... overpowers (?) the mountains. Ninurta, prominent in the E-kur! His huge storm ....... ...... furious ...... against the rebel lands.
1 line fragmentary Ninurta, ......, great hero, who ...... the enemy. Hero ...... Enlil .......
2 lines fragmentary ...... wicked ....... His ...... on the foreign countries, ...... covers the Land like a garment.
4 lines fragmentary Great hero, ....... The Anuna gods ....... His ......, ...... are precious. ......, lion raging against ....... ......, who makes ...... submit .......
    46. Sa-gida.
47-48. ...... Icme-Dagan ...... life .......
    49. Its jicgijal of the sa-gida.
50-64. Uta-ulu ...... in majesty. ...... the battle-mace ...... the enemy. Ninurta, surpassing in authority, caretaker for ......! Lord who was given great strength by Nunamnir, confident in his strength, striding into battle! Ninurta, ...... foremost ......, great wild bull, ...... by Enlil ......!
2 lines fragmentary ...... of Enlil, the Great Mountain. ...... the distant hills. ...... the enemy ....... into his hands. ...... Icme-Dagan, the son of .......
1 line fragmentary
66-69. ...... obliterates the foreign countries .......
3 lines fragmentary
up to 6 lines missing

An adab (?) to Ninurta for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan P)

unknown no. of lines missing
3 lines fragmentary Great warrior, ....... Brave ....... His radiance .......
1 line fragmentary ...... the cities and settlements. Roaring lion ...... to ....... NinurtaUta-ulu.......
    12. Sa-gida.
13. Lord .......
    14. Jicgijal of the sa-gida.
2 lines fragmentary ...... in the Ubcu-unkena. ...... the status of Enlil ....... ...... the power of the Great Mountain Enlil ....... ...... my man ....... Prince Icme-Dagan ....... ...... Ninurta ....... ...... fifty-headed battle-mace ....... ...... Icme-Dagan .......
1 line fragmentary ...... great copper throne .......
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

An adab (?) to Nuska for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan Q)

Segment A

unknown no. of lines missing
1 line fragmentary The Anuna, the great gods, ...... the holy palace, the dwelling-place. LordNunamnir has appointed you as his chief minister; he has firmly put the holy sceptre in your hand, and made your name glorious. You are perfectly suited to perform the ordinances of theE-kur in all their complexity, to teach the proper execution of the lustrations and the august rites, to purify and clean, and to make grandly manifest the numerous divine powers, the surpassing divine powers; indeed, to give command with grandeur is now consummately and irrevocably yours. Moreover, you are indeed Nuska, the prince and the counsellor of the E-kur! In the entire extent of heaven and earth, in all the countries, you alone are mighty.
12-16. The Anuna, the gods of the earth, as many as they are, will gather before you in theUbcu-unkena where the great verdicts are pronounced and the great commands are given. It is you who ...... for them the forceful decisions made by Enlil. They always pay attention to your holy words, which, like the heavens, can never be grasped fully. In (?) the lofty ......, imbued with awesomeness, firmly founded, you announce their lot.
    17. Sa-gida.
18-19. ...... Icme-Dagan ......
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

2 lines fragmentary
2 lines missing
Great lord, ......, Nuska, caretaker of the great gods, Nuska, prince respected in the E-kur, caretaker of ......! Youth who knows well how to give instructions, who ...... decisions; trustworthy god who loves ......, who listens to prayers! When the shining E-kur, the shrine which assigns the divine powers, is made up as for a festival, and Enlil and Ninlil sit there attractively, may your pure mouth bring friendly words on behalf of Icme-Dagan! Addressing them daily, may he be able to please them unto distant days! When the house of Enlil, the shrine which assigns the divine powers, is made up as for a festival, and Enlil and Ninlil sit there attractively, may your pure mouth bring friendly words on behalf of Icme-Dagan! Addressing them daily, may he be able to please them unto distant days!
17-27. When he greets them in prayer and supplication, may they look favourably upon him! Assign him a good life, a good reign, and years of joy! May he be elevated to be prince of all the great lords of the south and the uplands! May he exercise forever the leadership of the living of all lands, the numerous people! May they look favourably upon Icme-Dagan, son ofEnlil! Assign him a good life, a good reign, and years of joy! May he be elevated to be prince of all the great lords of the south and the uplands! May he exercise forever the leadership of the living of all lands, the numerous people! ...... Nuska ....... May you be his ......!
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

A dedication of a statue (Icme-Dagan S)

1-8. For Enlil, whose statements are powerful, the profoundly far-sighted knowledgeable judge, who issues decisions, whose utterances are immutable, who places the ...... in his hands -- Icme-Dagan, the mighty man with muscles and body of a lion, the strong awe-inspiring youth who alone is august, the lord whose sweet name is invoked in all the lands, under whose rule the living creatures multiply, makes the black-headed people, its settled people who were entrusted to him for protection, proceed with the firstling-offerings of the land. He does not ...... in his good palace.
9-22. Then Icme-Dagan the youthful, the mightiest hero among swift athletes, the fearsome runner, who serving night and day never ceases caring for Nibru -- the city where the seed of the numerous people came forth and where life and birth came into existence -- and who provides daily for everything, established justice (?) on a grand scale. The king whose rising is a hurricane, a flood, a wind blowing in its fury, who swinging his wide open arms flashes away into the distance, who is like a fierce lion of the desert which advances in full strength and vigour, who runs fast on the roadway ...... battle and combat, a horse waving its tail on the highway, who like a young deer ...... running, ...... knees are swift and indefatigable, the son who provides Enlil with everything, who causes joy to Ninlil's heart -- he will never stop caring for the shining shrine.
23-28. Then Icme-Dagan erected a statue on his precious dais in the E-ni-guru, depicting him as inspiring terror while running in a storm, and made it iridescent with splendour, so that the great prince of the entire heaven, the lord whose utterance is immutable, should constantly direct his shining forehead and favourable glance at the true shepherd whom he engendered.
29-35. If a king issues evil orders concerning this statue, and erases its inscription and writes his own name on it; or, because of this curse, he makes another man raise his hand against it, then may Enlil my lord and Ninlil my lady curse that man! May EnkiIckurEzinaCakkan, the lords of abundance, ...... him cruelly by withholding abundance from heaven and earth under his rule!

An adab to Dagan (?) for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan U)

unknown no. of lines missing
1-12. In the E-kur, the house ....... The great gods ...... to your upraised hands. ...... holy lap for your exceedingly pleasant life. ...... for its good reign ....... Icme-Dagan, the son of Enlil ....... ...... joy (?) in the Egal-mah, your ladylike house. ...... the prince ...... mec tree with shining branches ....... ...... to make his life pleasant ...... Icme-Dagan ....... ...... holy ...... the child of An.......
2 lines fragmentary ...... brick-built E-kur .......
    13. Sa-jara.
14. Dagan, you have ...... the shepherd Icme-Dagan, the son of Enlil, with a royal garment.
    15. Jicgijal of the sa-jara.
16-17. The lofty lord, ...... the divine powers of heaven and the divine powers of the earth;Dagan, the august lord, ...... the divine powers of heaven and the divine powers of the earth. He has chosen Icme-Dagan in the Land, he .......
    19. Its uru.
    20. An adab of Dagan (?). (lines 19 and 20 are written as one line in source)

A hymn to Nibru and Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan W)

Segment A

1-19. City whose terrifying splendour extends over heaven and earth, whose towers are exceptionally grand, shrine Nibru! Your power reaches to the edges of the uttermost extent of heaven and earth. Of all the brick buildings erected in the Land, your brickwork is the most excellent. You have allowed all the foreign lands and as many cities as are built to receive excellent divine powers. Your name is as excellent as your excellent divine powers. Your soil is soil as good as your name. City, {your name towers} {(1 ms. has instead:) your divine powers tower} over heaven and earth.
20-37. You are the pillar (?) in the south and the uplands, the mooring post of all people. Your divine powers are supreme divine powers with which no divine powers can compare. Your plans are as if rooted in the abzu, endowed with great terrifying splendour. As if it were the lovely earth itself, no one can comprehend your eminence. Your pre-eminent destiny surpasses all praise. You are a lofty hill that no one can reach. Outstanding, with head high, you reach to the heavens.
38-56. Your interior towers up, and your exterior is awesome. You were built as life-giving food for the Anuna gods; you were beautified for their eating and drinking. You are the sheepfold which is there for their life. Nothing escapes your grasp, as if caught in the threads of an outspread net. Shrine Nibru, your activities are quite excellent, quite surpassing all description. The divine powers that you allocate are a good fortune which cannot be overturned.
57-71. City, your interior is holy, your exterior is radiant. Your body exudes terrifying splendour. Your location is a well-chosen location. The lord of wisdom, Enlil, the Great Mountain, has built a sanctuary in your midst; that sanctuary is a lapis-lazuli sanctuary, a sanctuary that can decide destinies. It is the E-kur, the lapis-lazuli temple, the temple that can decide the destinies.
72-114. Your prince, Nunamnir, the steer who has engendered (?) the divine powers, and Mother Ninlil, the great lady of your Ki-ur, the lady who has borne the divine powers -- what god is there living in the Land like these two? They have cultically purified (?) ....... They have settled ......, and taken their seats upon the good, great and praiseworthy divine powers. TheAnuna gaze at them as if at their own father and mother, listening attentively when they speak holy and most precious words in the correct manner. Enlil and Ninlil looked at the heavens, while on earth they set bounds (?); and then, once their intention became clear in the great heavens and on the broad earth, the Anuna gods of heaven and earth set to work. The mattock and the earth-basket, tools for founding cities,
2 lines unclear
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

2 lines unclear
The command for the whole of heaven and earth ......; ...... of the king, with wide understanding, who knows all ....... They heed the holy words uttered, as if they were those of their own father and mother. The Anuna in the Ubcu-unkena ......, ...... going to Enlil and Ninlil. They direct (?) their gaze to the E-kur, the solemn shrine. The important commands of Enliland Ninlil ....... They have placed in the hands of the great hero Ninurta the power to make heaven and earth tremble at his solemn utterances. They have covered (?) his mouth with ...... like finest oil. They have placed the divine powers of heaven and the divine powers of earth in his hands. Ninurta, the great hero, the strong ......, the youth who subdues the foreign lands, the lord who plunders the cities ....... Father Enlil and the great mother Ninlil ...... have ...... him into the E-kur.
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

3 lines fragmentary Enlil and Ninlil ......
5 lines fragmentary Enlil and Ninlil have bestowed this on Nuska, the lord who stands .......Nibru, no god excels like your lord and lady; they are powerful princes, brilliantly revealed deities. No god excels like Enlil and Ninlil; they are powerful princes, lords who can decide destinies. In your midst they have given divine powers to Nuska as minister. Nibru, your holy songs are exceptionally precious, surpassing all praise. I, Icme-Dagan, have put them in everyone's mouth for all time.

A hymn to Enki (?) for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan X)

1-6. Lord who among the gods makes the clever decisions, most prominent among them from the south to the uplands; who holding a staff in his hand determines their destinies as theAnuna gods come to him; who possessing all the divine powers is alone surpassing; a great lord who ...... the living things; who alone is proclaimed as their god -- you are their ....... You, whose utterances make justice flourish, strengthen the divine powers of heaven and earth. You, who examine the ordinances and carry them out correctly, are proclaimed as their great prince.
7-16. Lord who has made the seed of mankind come forth, who creates good destiny for them, who teaches them the proper practices! He makes august and dignified rites proliferate truly like grass. He assigns the sceptres, he distributes the loyal crowns, and announces their exalted names. He ...... their divinity until far and distant times in (?) heaven and earth. Everlasting prince ....... Lord who gives clever counsel, and who is endowed with prudence, outstanding intelligence and profound understanding! Trustworthy god, whose ...... wholly surpasses description. Adviser, lord who deliberates only with himself, ....... Deep-hearted prince, whose words are unalterable (?), who disseminates his wisdom widely. Clever and competent, wise lord, ......, who knows everything.
17-23. You are the most supreme among the gods! You are the highest ranking among theAnuna gods! Your divine powers ...... surpassing theirs, are specially favoured. With your precious and ingenious divine powers, you (?) are the guardian of their true divine powers. Your prominence imposes itself on them like awesome stillness, covers them like a storm, takes their breath away, wraps them like ....... The description (?) of your loftiness ...... like a remote and far-away mountain.
24-41. For the settled people, you are their lord and father. For the ......, you are their shepherd who seeks out food for them. You speak to them as if you were their father and mother; you satiate the people with food and drink. You give advice, you set your mind to work, ...... skilful labour. You have opened up your house of instructions and surpassing wisdom. Everything you have created ....... ...... full of great awesomeness, a place clad in fearsome radiance. ...... mound ......, where the primeval lords dwell.
1 line unclear
...... Father Enlil ....... ...... wisdom .......
1 line fragmentary ...... your most precious divine plans .......
1 line fragmentary ...... ingenuity ....... ...... destiny .......
2 lines fragmentary
approx. 21 lines missing

A praise poem of Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan AA)

unknown no. of lines missing
1-13. From ...... he brought ...... for you. ...... the fates are decided ....... He set up grandly (?) for you ...... that befits the majestic dais and throne of gold. They lined up before it for you ...... favourable words for Sumer and Akkad. ...... in the E-kur ....... food offerings. ...... in the E-kur....... ...... with your right arm ....... ...... Ickur ...... in the E-kur. ...... on its august throne. He ...... a huge copper ...... inspiring great awe, on your holy dais. It is to be marvelled at by the people. He ...... the main task for you in your great dining hall as a regular offering forever after.
14-21. In Isin, the royal city, Icme-Dagan, ...... for you in masterly fashion a fifty-headed battle-mace to destroy the rebel lands, chosen for your great power. For you he gave it fifty names. From Isin he ...... it for you into Nibru, the primeval, well-established city and ...... to be marvelled at in the E-cu-me-ca, the majestic residence that ...... fearsomeness, at the gate of Igi-cu-galam, the place where fates are decided.
22-25. Icme-Dagan, provider of Nibru, constant attendant of Urim, he who is daily in the service of Eridugen priest of Unug, king of Isin
unknown no. of lines missing

A hymn to Ninurta for Icme-Dagan

Segment A

1-5. To befit heaven and earth grandly, they raised Enki, the lord, the firstborn son of holy An, to the status of junior Enlil. So that he can reveal everything (?), they bestowed sevenfold wisdom upon him as a gift. They have established eternally that he should give counsel, that he should decide great fates, that he ......, and that he should provide wisdom.
6-8. The pure abzu, the house whose brickwork ......, whose façade settles the mind, ...... to place before him .......
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-5. They (Enlil and Ninlil) are powerful princes, lords who decides the fates; in your midst they have bestowed the divine powers on Lord NinurtaNibru, your pure songs are most precious, surpassing all praise! I, Icme-Dagan, have made every mouth utter them forever.

A hymn to Inana for Icme-Dagan

Segment A

unknown no. of lines missing
1 line fragmentary ...... squatting in the dust ....... ...... of Inana .......
1 line fragmentary ...... of her garment of ladyship. ...... with blood (?). ...... her submission .......
1 line unclear
...... insulted ......, cursed my temple. ...... I despised him. ...... cursed my city. ...... devastated my ....... ...... sullied my garments.
2 lines fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-6. ...... rites ....... Thus ...... my mood and heart. As if during the night watch ...... like excrement. ...... my countenance like smoke. ...... my body like blazing straw.
1 line fragmentary
    7. ...... kirugu.
8. ...... lady .......
    9. Its jicgijal.
1 line missing
1 line fragmentary ...... whose hands were fettered, ...... who had been treated unjustly. The son of Enlil, the son of ....... ...... Sumer ....... I, Enlil, ....... From now on .......
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

1-13. He made the people follow the proper path, and ousted (?) the enemy from Sumer. He removed the wicked tongues, and made justice shine forth like copper. That fathers should be feared and mothers respected, that sons should pay heed to the words of their fathers, and that mercy, compassion and pity should be shown, that one should provide even one's paternal grandparents with food and drink -- all this he established in Sumer and Akkad. Then she made Icme-Dagan, the son of Enlil, the en priest of Unug, into their guardian -- this is whatInana, the lady of heaven and earth, did; and the great An declared his consent. Enlil .......
    14. ...... kirugu.

Segment D

unknown no. of lines missing
9 lines fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

A hymn to Enki for Icme-Dagan

unknown no. of lines missing
The task of ...... its marshes, of ...... the great arable lands and the fields, of ...... the fruit orchards that bear pure ......, of ...... food and drink for the Anuna gods -- all this was bestowed on him by Father Enlil and the great mother Ninlil.
6-12. August Nibru! No deity excels like your lord and lady! They are powerful princes; they are brilliantly revealed deities. No deity excels like Enlil or Ninlil! They are powerful princes; they are lords who can decide destinies. In your midst they have given divine powers to KingEnkiNibru, your holy songs are exceptionally precious, surpassing all praise! I, Icme-Dagan, have placed them in everyone's mouths for all time.

A praise poem of Lipit-Ectar (Lipit-Ectar A)

1-6. I am a king treated with respect, good offspring from the womb. I am Lipit-Ectar, the son of Enlil. From the moment I lifted my head like a cedar sapling, I have been a man who possesses strength in athletic pursuits. As a young man I grew very muscular (?). I am a lion {in all respects} {(3 mss. have instead:) to the extremes (?)}, having no equal.
7-16. I am a gaping dragon, a source of great awe for the soldiers. I am like the Anzud bird, peering about in the heart of the mountains. I am a wild bull whom nobody dare oppose in its anger. I am a bison, sparkling with beautiful eyes, having a lapis-lazuli beard; I am ....... With my kind eyes and friendly mouth, I lift people's spirits. I have a most impressive figure, lavishly endowed with beauty. I have lips appropriate for all words. As I lift my arms, I have beautiful fingers. I am a very handsome young man, fine to admire.
17-22. I am Lipit-Ectar, king of the Land. I am the good shepherd of the black-headed. I am the foremost in the foreign countries, and exalted in the Land. I am a human god, the lord of the numerous people. I am the strong heir of kingship. Holding my head high, I am established in my position.
23-32. I am An's purification priest with purified hands. An placed the great and good crown firmly on my head. Enlil gave the sceptre to me, his beloved son, in the Ki-ur. I am what makesNinlil happy: she determined a good fate in the Ja-jic-cua. I have been made excellently beautiful by Nintur, the joyful woman, in brick-built Kec. I am one looked on favourably byNanna: he spoke to me affirmatively in Urim.
33-42. Uta-ulu imbued me, the man of his heart, with great awesomeness in E-cu-me-ca. I am he on whom Enki has bestowed wisdom: he gave me kingship in Eridug. As the beloved husband of Inana, I lift my head high in the place Unug. I am a proficient scribe of Nisaba. I am a young man whose word Utu confirms. I am the perfection of kingship. I am Lipit-EctarEnlil'sson.
43-50. I am he who makes an abundant crop grow, the life of the Land. I am a farmer, piling up his grain piles. I am a shepherd making butter and milk abundant in the cow-pen. I am he who makes the fish and birds grow bigger in the marshes. I am a river of plenty, bringing flowing water. I am he who increases the splendour of the great mountains. I have been given enormous strength by Enlil. I am Lipit-Ectar, his young man who respects him.
51-61. I am the provider of the gods. I am he who cares unceasingly for the E-kur. I am the king clutching a kid to the breast as a gift. I pray in all humility. I am a king standing in prayer. I am he who speaks friendly words to appease Enlil. I am he whose prayers make Ninlil happy. I am he who serves Nuska indefatigably. I am he who is ever praying (?) at the Ki-ur. Bestowing many things, I am perfect for the {foundation} {(1 ms. has:) city (?)}. I am one who always hurries, but whose knees never tire.
62-70. Bringing first fruits, I do not pass by the E-babbar. I am he who records abundance forNibru. I serve Kec as its purification priest. I am first-rate butter and first-rate milk for Urim. I am indefatigable with respect to Eridug. I am he who increases the food offerings for the placeUnug. I am he to whom life was given in the E-kur. I am he who desires liveliness for his city. I am Lipit-Ectar, the shepherd of all foreign lands.
71-81. I, the king, am like pounding waves in battle. Girded in manliness, I never loosen my harness. I am he who sharpens his dagger. In battle I flash like lightning. A firm foundation, I repulse the troops. I am a sajkal stone, a pecpec stone. I am a siege shield, a screen for the army. A clear-eyed warrior, I make the troops firm. I am Lipit-EctarEnlil's son. Like a waterskin with cool water, I am life for the young men. Keeping my eyes on the road, I am {the protection} {(1 ms. has:) the aid (?)} of the soldiers.
82-92. I am a king who, as he sits, is fitted for the throne. I am possessed of a weighty persona for speaking. I am one with a far-reaching mind and intellect, examining requests. I do not hurry over anything, but research its background. I have a far-reaching heart and broad wisdom. I am a stone that brings ...... out of the Land. I am one that has truth in his mouth. I am one who never destroys a just person. I am a judge who, in making a decision, weighs his words fairly. I am one who is well-acquainted with giving orders to the foreign lands. I have established justice in Sumer and Akkad, and made the Land feel content.
93-97. What of my truthful things can be thrown away? I, prince Lipit-Ectar, keep the people on a straight path. As regards my integrity: in what respect have I ever been idle? I am a strong person who has brought distinction to everything. I am Lipit-EctarEnlil's son.
98-108. In my royal palace, my holy and good residence, my spouse holy Inana made firm the foundation of my throne. She will embrace me forever and eternally. I will spend all day for the Mistress in the {good} {(1 ms.:) lapis-lazuli} bedchamber that fills the heart with joy! I am Lipit-Ectar, the powerful heir; I am the king that makes justice prominent. May my name be called on in all the foreign lands! I am Lipit-EctarEnlil's son. It is sweet to praise me.

A praise poem of Lipit-Ectar (Lipit-Ectar B)

1-14. Lipit-Ectar, proud king, enthroned prince, most seemly offshoot of kingship, who walks like Utu, brilliant light of the Land, lofty in nobility, riding on the great divine powers; who settles the people in the four quarters; favoured by Enlil, beloved by Ninlil, trustworthy youth with shining eyes, worthy of the throne-dais, whose seemly head is adorned with the tiara, the good headdress, who {holds in his hand} {(1 ms. has instead:) is perfect with} the sceptre over the black-headed, prince Lipit-Ectar, son of Enlil, wise shepherd, who leads the people to let them relax ...... in pleasant shade, lord, great bison, beloved by An! Your trust is put in MotherNinlilLipit-Ectar, you exert great power.
15-24. You who speak as sweet as honey, whose name suits the mouth, longed-for husband of Inana, to whom Enki gave broad wisdom as a gift! Nisaba, the woman radiant with joy, the true woman, the scribe, the lady who knows everything, guides your fingers on the clay: she makes them put beautiful wedges on the tablets and adorns them with a golden stylus. Nisabagenerously bestowed upon you the measuring rod, the surveyor's gleaming line, the yardstick, and the tablets which confer wisdom.
25-39. Lipit-EctarEnlil's son, you have realised justice and righteousness. Lord, your goodness covers everything as far as the horizon. King Lipit-Ectar, counsellor with huge intelligence, who never tires of discussion, wise one whose decisions guide the people, amply wise, knowing everything in great detail! To decide justly the lawsuits of foreign countries, you recognise true and false even in people's thoughts. Lipit-Ectar, you ...... the wicked, but you also know how to save someone by commuting his death sentence; you know how to free someone from the severe punishment, from the jaws of destruction. The mighty do not commit robbery and the strong do not abuse the weak anymore: you have established justice inSumer and Akkad and made the Land feel content.
40-50. Lipit-Ectar, king of Isin, king of Sumer and Akkad, you are the tablet writer of Nibru;Lipit-Ectar, you are the constant attendant of the E-kurEnlil's house. You are the beloved one of Enlil's and Ninlil's hearts. Hero Ninurta is your mighty commissioner. Chief minister Nuska is your aid in all matters. You have been rightly chosen by Nintur as the purification priest of Kec. When in Urim, you are the youth who has the attention of Suen. You are the one to whom Enkigave the good headdress in Eridug. In UnugLipit-Ectar, you are the delight of holy Inana'sheart. In IsinNinisina set up your lofty throne-dais.
51-56. Among joyful songs of the heart, in an auspicious regnal year, the prince, the powerful prince surpassing in greatness and majesty, your father Icme-Dagan, king of the Land, made the foundations of his throne firm for you. On the orders of An and Enlil, {he} {(1 ms. has instead:) you} silenced the loud (?) strife of the foreign countries.
57-63. Lipit-EctarEnlil's son, you have made every mouth speak of your righteousness. {The tablets will forever speak your praise} {(1 ms. has instead:) May your praise never disappear from the tablets} in the e-dub-ba-a. May the scribes ...... and glorify you greatly! May eulogies of you never cease in the e-dub-ba-a! Perfect shepherd, youthful son of EnlilLipit-Ectar, be praised!

An adab to An for Lipit-Ectar (Lipit-Ectar C)

1-2. The august lord, pre-eminent, with the most complex divine powers, almighty grandfather of all the lords --
    3. barsud.
4-9. -- head high, surpassing everyone, breed-bull, who makes the seeds sprout, whose name is respected, spreading great terror, whose august commands cannot be countermanded, who is imbued with awesomeness on the mountain of pure divine powers, who has taken his seat on the great throne-dais, An, the king of the gods --
    10. cagbatuku.
11-18. -- has looked at him with long-lasting favour, has looked at prince Lipit-Ectar with favour. He has bestowed on him a long life, he has bestowed on prince Lipit-Ectar a long life. The words of what An says are firmly established; no god would oppose them. At the place where the destinies are to be decided, all the Anuna gods gather around him.
    19. cagbatuku.
20-21. He has made all the great divine powers manifest; the gods of heaven stand around him.
    22. 2nd barsud.
23-28. He has implemented their divine plans properly; the gods of the earth {submit themselves to him} {(1 ms. has instead:) sit around him}. With august and foremost (?) divine powers, great An has bestowed on Lipit-Ectar, son of Enlil, a kingship which is very precious.
    29. sa-gida.
30-31. An, the great, the great god shining forth, An, {the almighty} {(1 ms. has instead:) eminent}, is indeed the support of King Lipit-Ectar.
    32. {Its jicgijal} {(1 ms. has instead:) Its jicgijal of the sa-gida}.
33-52. In the overflowing of his heart, An has chosen him as king and blessed the royal descendant: "Lipit-Ectar, on whom I bestowed power, may you lift your head high! May you spread fearsome radiance as if you were the front of a rising tempest! May your storm cover the enemy territories, the disobedient countries! You have established justice in Sumer andAkkad, and made the Land feel content. Lipit-Ectar, son of Enlil, may you shine as brilliantly as the sunlight! May concord be created under you in the established cities, settlements and dwellings! May the black-headed people, numerous as flocks, follow the right path under you!Lipit-Ectar, even in far-away foreign countries, you will be the king! Enlil has faithfully bestowed on you the princely august throne, the eternal ornament of kingship; he has made it firm for you. May you never cease to wear the crown that Suen has placed firmly on your head! Enki has adorned you with princely divine powers. Inana escorts (?) you with the garment of princeship. The friendly guardians and the protecting genii of the E-kur stand by you. May the food offerings, wine, and milk that you bring ......! Son and creature of Enlil, may everything be pleasant for you!"
2 lines missing
    53. sa-jara.
54. May you, son of Enlil, chosen in his heart by the god imbued with awesomeness, be provided abundantly with everything!
    55. Its jicgijal.
56-58. What An says decides a good destiny; what the great An says decides a good destiny. ...... for Lipit-Ectar, son of Enlil.
    59. Its uru.
    60. An adab of An.

An adab to Ninurta for Lipit-Ectar (Lipit-Ectar D)

1-3. Hero, mightiest of the Anuna gods, who comes forth from the E-kurNinurta, LordNunamnir created you like a great storm ......, he commanded you to achieve triumphs for him.
    4. Barsud.
5-11. For you Nintur has opened wide her creative hands; she has breast-fed you from her sweet breasts; she has fed you with the milk of vigour. As if you were a spectacular wild bull, she has made your figure strong (?), she has made your limbs massive. She has fitted you out with ...... appearance, awesome radiance and heroism. Your mother, Nintur, held you by the right wrist as she led you before your father in E-kur, the august shrine. Then she said: "Decide a great fate for the son who is your avenger!"
    12. Cagbatuku.
13-15. Enlil looked at him with joy and decided his fate: "Uta-ulu, may your name be exalted throughout the extent of heaven and earth. Your awesome radiance will make all the great gods tremble with fear."
    16. 2nd barsud.
17-23. "Your roaring and commands make all the foreign countries submit. Your frightening look makes all enemies tremble! Uta-ulu, when like all the evil winds you rise to ...... like Gibil, the lord of ......, the hero;
1 line unclear
After you have completely devastated the rebellious lands, ......, all the great gods will duly praise your supremacy!" ...... your father decided your destiny.
    24. Sa-gida.
25-26. ......, make ...... hostile to him bow down for Lipit-Ectar, the son of Enlil!
    27. Jicgijal of the sa-gida.
3 lines unclear
You have counted ...... as ruin-mounds, to be mixed with dust. You have swept over ......, you obliterated it. Ninurta, hero of Enlil, as you are sitting on your throne-dais, may your spouse, the true lady Ninnibru, who embraces you, step before you daily with friendly words on behalf of Lipit-EctarUta-ulu, may you be his aid when he prays! May he be able to rely on your words, may he be peerless! May he be the king whose fate Ninurta decides, the one endowed with attractiveness! Lipit-Ectar, the prince who is a supporter of yours, the son of Enlil, has established justice in Sumer and Akkad, and made the Land feel content.
42. May the shepherd, the expert, most wise in leading, guide the people for you!
    43. Sa-jara.
44. Great hero, when for prince Lipit-Ectar you reduce to heaps the rebellious lands which are insubordinate to him, may ......!
    45. Jicgijal of the sa-jara.
46-49. Lord, mighty flood which tears out the roots of the enemy! Ninurta, mighty flood which tears out the roots of the enemy, may you put a weapon into the mighty hands of prince Lipit-Ectar which will snap his enemies in two as if they were reeds!
    50. Its uru.
    51. An adab of Ninurta.

cir-namgala to Ninisina for Lipit-Ectar (Lipit-Ectar E)

1-2. He (probably Enlil) told her, Ninisina, the great daughter of An, the great daughter-in-law, ......: "That Lipit-Ectar should be your provider -- so let it be!"
    3. Cagbatuku.
4-13. Ninisina (?) paid attention to Enlil's utterance. She answered with humility: "Father Enlil, god whose name is manifest, ......, Enlil; lord ......, your divine powers are the most ......, your instructions are the most precious (?). For the trustworthy shepherd ......, ...... Lord Lipit-Ectar
2 lines unclear
He has settled the people ......, he (?) has made the Land feel content. You looked upon him with your life-giving gaze: now decree him a true fate!"
    14. 3rd kirugu.
15. "Nunamnir, bestow upon prince Lipit-Ectar a long life of many days!"
    16. Its jicgijal.
17-24. The Great Mountain Enlil paid attention to the words spoken by Ninisina. He blessed the king and decreed his fate: "Lipit-Ectar, you whom I have called by name, shall be elevated among the people. May the living look to you as to their own fathers and mothers! May the strong one who cares for E-kur, the ensi of the august shrine, Uta-ulu, be your help on the battlefield! May he collect your enemies like swallows for you; may he spread them out like sheaves for you!"
    25. 4th kirugu.
26-27. Nunamnir, the lord whose order cannot be altered, has made the name of prince Lipit-Ectar exalted among the numerous people.
    28. Its jicgijal.
29-30. "I, Enlil, am elevated in heaven, and am the lord of all the divine powers on earth. The good fate I have decreed to Lipit-Ectar is something which can never be changed!"
    31. A cir-namgala of Ninisina.

An ua-di to Inana for Lipit-Ectar (Lipit-Ectar H)

Segment A

1-3. I will perform in song the praise of the mistress, the trustworthy lady, the noble child of theE-mah, the spouse of the king, the woman, the goddess who is worth of the ladyship, surpassing heaven and earth. I will pay her due homage.
1 line unclear
...... great divine powers ....... She cherished Lipit-Ectar, the son of Enlil. ...... pleasant ....... ...... pleasant ....... ...... searched ...... for me. ...... surpassing in joy .......
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

2 lines fragmentary
4. Inana, ...... prince Lipit-Ectar on your holy lap.
    4. Its jicgijal.
    5. An ua-di of Inana.

cir-namgala (?) to Inana for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta A)

1-15. ......, when she augustly appears, no one can keep pace with her, ...... glowing in the night, ...... with awe-inspiring splendour. The great gods are filled with fear at her ....... Her ...... utterances are as grand as those of An, and as weighty as those of EnlilInana is supreme, with multifarious divine powers surpassing the other divine ladies. She perfected the divine plans of kingship, so as to re-establish it, and she made up her mind and truly yearned to provide justice for the black-headed and to give them stable governance. From among the numerous people she summoned Ur-Ninurta to be the shepherd of living beings. She made the king whom she took by the hand humbly enter into the ...... where destinies are determined, where the good divine powers are assigned to the great gods -- the E-kur, the holy dwelling of An and Enlil that is imbued with terrifying awe. There the goddess without whom no destiny is determined in heaven or earth sits on the dais with An and Enlil, taking counsel with them.
    16. 1st kirugu.
17-26. (Inana speaks:) "Great An, your commands are great indeed: who can revoke them? Father Enlil, no one knows how to dissipate the great destinies that you determine. Both of you, bestow permanently the role of shepherd of living beings, of the numerous people, uponUr-Ninurta, the youth who knows how to carry out your orders. He has brought with him from the holy womb a knowledge of how to build homes and cities, and how to strengthen the Land. He knows how to direct all countries: let him give great commands. May his shepherd's crook make the rebel lands bow low; may he let them have stable governance. From the south to the uplands may he clamp down upon the Land like a neck-stock. May his utterances ....... May he search out food for them to eat as if for sheep, and may he get them ...... water to drink."
    27. 2nd kirugu.
28. "May Ur-Ninurta shine forth like Utu over the people for long years!"
    29. Jicgijal.
30-39. The god who made human seed come forth (An) , the father of all that is, spoke favourably to the king, determining his destiny: "Chosen cedar, ornament of the courtyard ofE-kurUr-Ninurta, may the Land refresh itself in your shade. May you be the good shepherd of all lands. May they attend as if to Utu when you deliver a just verdict. As you take your seat upon the royal dais with its firm foundations, may you hold your head high, Ur-Ninurta. May the good crown be your glory. Inspiring fear and trembling, O lion of kingship, may you wear the royal robe!"
    40. 3rd kirugu.
41-42. "May you establish the divine powers of E-anaUr-Ninurta, I am your great wall permanently and forever!"
    43. Jicgijal.
44-55. "You howl like a storm upon your enemies. May your splendour cover like a heavy raincloud the lands that are disobedient to you. Let the great sovereigns and powerful ones (?) tremble ...... like solitary reeds.
1 line fragmentary You arise like the south wind, and when you have plotted against the rebel lands, when you have taken their people prisoners, then, O Ur-Ninurta, place the yoke on their necks in Isin, your city of great divine powers." Great An, father of the gods, has determined this as a destiny forever unchangeable for Ur-Ninurta, his attentive shepherd.
    56. 4th kirugu.
57-66. The lord who has the decisions of heaven and earth in his hands, the Great MountainEnlil, has made the king's fame extend as far as the boundaries of heaven: "Ur-Ninurta! In authority and youthfulness may your neck be as fat as a wild bull's. Like the warrior Erra, ......, may my avenging son, Lord Ninurta, a furious storm against the enemy, be your helper on the battlefield, and may you put your trust in him. ...... the enemy land, and may he spread out in heaps for me ....... The holy purification rites of E-kur ......, serving daily. May your offerings on the august table in my great dining hall be everlasting. May you lift your head and raise your neck to the heavens. Life is yours, irrevocably."
    67. 5th kirugu.
68-76. The Anuna, the great gods, said "Let it be so!" to the destiny determined by great Anand by Nunamnir, the lord of all living beings. In order to strengthen the black-headed in their dwelling-places, to keep the foreign lands on the track, to put ...... the people in unison, and to make them bow down at his feet, Inana, the great daughter of Suen and Ur-Ninurta's beloved spouse, gathered together ...... all the divine powers and placed them in his hand. Together the two of them went forth joyfully from Enlil's presence to take their seats in the palace, the dwelling-place of sweet honey. ...... her king ...... does not cease, as she speaks truly to him:
    77. 6th kirugu.
78-87. "Youth with beautiful and well-formed limbs, ...... radiantly and proudly lifting his head, full of charm and beauty, fitted for lordship, worthy of the holy dais, Ur-Ninurta: I have decided to give you your precious divine powers. I called to you when you lifted your faithful gaze: you are the one whom I called by name. Great An has made you forever pre-eminent, as far as the outer limit of the mountains. To prolong your days, O youth, in E-kur Enlil has commanded my ...... holy life-giving embrace. You shall not cease to sit on ...... the dais which I care for. May the foreign lands rejoice at you, my Ur-Ninurta, as at Nanna when, admired by the Land, he appears in the holy heavens."
    88. 7th kirugu.
89. "My Ur-NinurtaEnlil has called you truly to be the shepherd of the Land."
    90. Jicgijal.
91-93. "...... my holy ......, at my good decision which cannot be changed, ...... may impressive strength be with (?) you."
1 line fragmentary
1 line fragmentary
    95. A ...... of Inana.

tigi to Enki for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta B)

1-12. Lord of complex divine powers, who establishes umderstanding, whose intentions are unfathomable, who knows everything! Enki, of broad wisdom, august ruler of the Anuna, wise one who casts spells, who provides words, who attends to decisions, who clarifies verdicts, who dispenses advice from dawn to dusk! Enki, lord of all true words, I will praise you. Your father, An the king, the lord who caused human seed to come forth and who placed all mankind on the earth, has laid upon you the guarding of the divine powers of heaven and earth, and has elevated you to be their prince. An, king of the gods, has instructed you to keep open the holy mouths of the Tigris and Euphrates, to fill them with splendour, to make the dense clouds release plentiful water and make them rain all over the fields, to make Ezina lift her head in the furrows, to make vegetation ...... in the desert, and to make orchards and gardens ripe with syrup and vines grow as tall as forests.
13-20. Enlil, the lord who creates everything, has bestowed on you his august, proud and greatly awe-inspiring name: you are the junior Enlil. Throughout heaven and earth he alone is divine, and you are his younger brother. He has placed in your hands the power like him to decide destinies of both the south and the uplands. A good decision that comes forth from your mouth is exceptionally powerful. Sa-bara (a name of Enlil as judge) , you concern yourself with the sustenance of the people who are widely settled as far as the borders of the mountains: you are their true father. Lord, all together they praise your greatness like the greatness of their protective deities.
    21. Sa-gida.
22-23. Nudimmud, let your holy word and august command be a source of honour for Ur-Ninurta, and let him have no rivals.
    24. Jicgijal.
25-34. August lord, you excel in heaven and earth, and you have made your name shine forth.Enki, you have gathered up all the divine powers that there are, and stored them in the abzu. You have made praiseworthy the divine powers, exceeding all other divine powers, of your holy dwelling which you have chosen in your heart -- the abzu, the august shrine ...... -- as well as its divine plans. Its shadow covers all lands from east to west, and its terrifying splendour rests upon the holy heavens like dense thunderclouds. It fills with terror E-kur, the holy dwelling of An and Enlil. Therein, equipped with the sceptre, you fashion the numerous seeds (?) ...... for the assigned divine powers of the great gods; to create mankind and to preserve them alive is in your power, Father Enki, when you take your seat on the dais where you decide destinies.
    35. Sa-jara.
36-47. May Ur-Ninurta, the king in whom Enlil trusts, open up your house of wisdom in which you have gathered knowledge in plenty, and then be the great ruler of the black-headed. Make terrifying splendour befitting his godhead issue from him, the lion of kingship, in everything that he does, for as long as he lives. May you present him with weighty tribute from the upper and the lower seas, and let Ur-Ninurta bring it into the glorious E-kur. May Enlil look upon him joyously, and add to his period of rule blissful days and years of joy and life. Father Enki, inspiring terrible awe, surpassing description, may the Anuna, your divine brothers, rejoice over you. Son of An, possessor of august honour, it is sweet to praise you!
    48. A tigi of Enki.

An adab to Ninurta for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta C)

1-4. Hero, terror-inspiring dragon of exceptional fearsome terror, powerful Ninurta! Rising hurricane, ......, mighty possessor of august strength, who lets no foreign land escape! Fitted for heroism from the womb, unrivalled!
    5. barsud.
6-11. You who treat as hostile the cities as well as the unsettled areas, the rebel lands --Ninurta, as you pass by, like a terrifying fierce lion (?) you make heaven and earth tremble from east to west. When in judgment, like a hero possessing great strength, you batter a rebel land, by day you thrust, by night you rear up, and you leave the rebel land lying prone. If you merely lift your gaze, you make the great hills tremble (?) together.
    12. cagbatuku.
13-15. Mighty lord, with all the qualities of Nunamnir! Support of your father! Ninurta, you are the right arm of the Great Mountain, on whom he has bestowed life. You understand how to establish and to fulfil the decisions pronounced by him.
    16. 2nd barsud.
17-23. Lord trampling underfoot all rulers, the powerful ones, ......, you do not let the evil and wicked escape, ....... The foreign land and the broad territories that you have looked upon with favour spread themselves before you in abundance. You have entrusted the various quarters of heaven and earth, with their settled peoples, to Ur-Ninurta, the youth who is all for you, the good shepherd who is attentive to you. You have made him to whom Enki has given wisdom understand how to ...... them. May you be available to make the black-headed, numerous as sheep, follow your path.
    24. sa-gida.
25. Cast down in heaps all those who are not obedient to the great hero Ur-Ninurta.
    26. Jicgijal of the sa-gida.
27-35. Lord Uta-ulu, son of Enlil, who has come forth from the hills, Ninurta! Your imposing greatness is declared in praise songs. Your authority and your powerful greatness cover the numerous people in all the lands from east to west with their tempestuous splendour. Your father who engendered you, the shepherd of the gods, Lord Nunamnir, has placed the great divine powers of heaven and earth in your hands for safe keeping, has given you valour and pre-eminence, and let you have no rivals. You are the heart's delight of Ninlil: she loves you dearly. Rejoicing in your actions, she has made you awe-inspiring.
36-46. Who like you is a god rising in glory, whose name reaches as far as the limits of heaven? You have given ...... to the just youth, who was called from among the widespread people, engendered by the Great Mountain -- Ur-Ninurta, ...... joy, to whom you have spoken favourably. On the dais ...... you have bestowed on him a lapis lazuli ....... You have added years of joy to Ur-Ninurta's reign. You have built his city amid plenty, a habitation where the people are settled. May the black-headed direct their gaze at you as at the rising Utu. When you have given him the weapon that ...... the hostile foreign lands, that makes the earth tremble, ......, you will completely devastate the populations that are disobedient to him. Uta-ulu, let Ur-Ninurta grasp (?) it in his hand.
    47. sa-jara.
48. May you be ...... a helper for the great hero Ur-Ninurta.
    49. Jicgijal of the sa-jara.
50-53. Lord, your fixing of destinies cannot be upset, and your holy word is powerful. Ninurta, lord, your fixing of destinies cannot be upset, and your holy word is powerful. Determine a good fate for Ur-Ninurta, with years of life forever unalterable as his destiny.
    54. Its uru.
    55. An adab for Ninurta. (lines 54 and 55 are written as one line in source)

An adab to Inana for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta D)

1-4. Goddess who excels the Anuna gods, who has gathered together all the divine powers! Your gaze is lordly as it surveys all the foreign lands in heaven and earth. Inana, lioness shining in the heavens, your divine powers are most complex, your cultic ordinances are unalterable, and your divine plans are influential.
    5. barsud.
6-12. Your ideas are as profound as the abzu; no one is known to have perceived them. Your actions are very great, and there is no god to rival you. You fetched your divine powers on a favourable day, and none of them escaped you. You have secured the kingship, and nothing escapes from your hand. You have equal rank with An the king, and you decide destinies with him. Your utterances are as well-established as those of Enlil. Grandiloquent Inana, you have no rival in heaven or on earth.
13-21. You cheer on the king whom the gods love: Ur-Ninurta, the youth whom you chose, in your honour an en priest. Nintur has created attractiveness for him, and has made him step forward to you for your admiration. She has confirmed his lot as favourable, and has made him ...... before you. She has elevated as a prince the ...... who is fitted for the emblem. Your holy heart has driven you towards him as if to a pleasant sweet scent. May he ...... with you on your flowery bed which is full of delight. May the attentive youth, the prince who is all for you, stand at the service of your eternal divine powers. May Ur-Ninurta make the numerous people follow the just path.
    22. sa-gida.
23. Inana, may Ur-Ninurta never cease doing so, until far-off days.
    24. Its jisgijal.
25-34. Inana, lady of heaven and of the broad earth, powerful ......, who radiates ......, who shines by night, who ...... goes forth from ......, who is diffused wide over heaven and earth. ...... may you make eminent ...... Ur-Ninurta, ...... who is the awe ...... and the joy of his mother. ...... may he lift his head high, and be their great wild bull. Make ...... bow low for him ......, so that he may clamp down upon them. Deliver them into the exalted hands of him created from good seed. Under his rule may the people rest in meadows with him as their herdsman. MayUr-Ninurta make the numerous people follow the just path.
    35. sa-jara.
36. Inana, may Ur-Ninurta prolong the days of his life in your sweet holy embrace.
    37. Its jisgijal.
38-40. Lady of the great divine powers, perfect in valour! Inana, lady of the great divine powers, perfect in valour! You have bestowed plenty and long-lasting life on Ur-Ninurta.
    41. Its uru.
    42. An adab of Inana.

An adab to An for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta E)

1-4. An the powerful, great among the gods, An the respected, brilliantly manifest god! In fixing a great fate for the king, An has laid his hand truly upon Ur-Ninurta.
    5. barsud.
6-19. As he passes, alone, as far as the border of the foreign lands, he is indeed the guardian of the Anuna. He seizes all the great divine powers, and places his feet upon the numerous divine powers. The very wise god, the prince who decides destiny, has truly spoken to him; Anhas truly spoken to Ur-Ninurta. He has made him the mightiest in the Land; An has made Ur-Ninurta the mightiest in the Land. He has bestowed upon Ur-Ninurta a royal throne on a foundation established forever; the august shepherd's crook, which gathers up the divine powers of the Land; and a just sceptre which directs the numerous people. When holy Andetermines a destiny, the gods of heaven stand by and the Anuna pay attention.
    20. cagbatuku.
21-25. In their place of assembly, they said "Let it be so!" An gave to Ur-Ninurta the building of cities, the founding of settlements, the subduing of foreign lands, and the strengthening of the foundations of the Land of Sumer; years of plenty, and a reign of long days.
    26. sa-gida.
27-44. An raised his far-reaching gaze to the good shepherd. He spoke to Ur-Ninurta, his beloved son, with kindly words: "May there be shame at your awe-inspiring splendour, while you (?) ride as if on a great storm. May you have no rival in your youthful power. May the Land remain (?) under your rule. May you make your name supreme in the foreign lands, and may they speak good of you. May the land that is of its own will unbending to you, submit to you.Ur-Ninurta, to whom I have given great power: you should trust in my name. May your words clamp down upon the wicked like a great neck-stock. May the rebel land approach at your command, and do reverence to you. In your lordliness may you hold your head high. May you be good to the people. May you be the man of justice, and may it come to your aid. You have justice that comes from the heart; you are one of Utu's retainers. May Inana, who is assuredly your beloved, provide you with long life. May the good protective deities of the en priesthood and of kingship stand faithfully at your side. My Ur-Ninurta, named with the name of Sumer! Go with your head high to the shrine of Nibru, to Dur-an-ki. Brick-built E-kur accepts your offerings: "May the awe-inspiring shepherd stand in attendance with his great food offerings for the house.""
    45. sa-jara.
46-48. "I am the only one among the gods with great divine powers. I am An the king, the only one among the gods with great divine powers. Ur-Ninurta, my utterances shall never be altered for you."
    49. Its uru.
    50. An adab of An. (lines 49 and 50 are written as one line in source)

An adab (?) to Ickur for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta F)

Segment A

1-2. Hero of abundance, joyously (?) rumbling, Father Ickur, great storm, you .......
    3. barsud
4-9. Inundation, mighty tempest, raging wind, whose noise ......, ...... in heaven and earth ......,Ickur ...... wind ......, flashing lightning, ......
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1 line fragmentary A second time he ...... a mighty tempest and a raging wind. A third time ...... a destructive wind of heaven. A fourth time he addressed (?) the dense clouds in the heavens. Fine barley stood in the fertile fields, and the corn joyously ....... Ickur organised everything; he ...... the harvest and the superior barley. He heaped up grain piles and grain stores in the fields for Ur-Ninurta. On a favourable day he sowed the seeds, he ...... the wheat. For Ur-Ninurta the son of An he sowed the seeds, ....... IckurInana and ...... life for him.
    11. sa-jara
12. Ickur ...... Ur-Ninurta, the favourite (?) of Ninlil.
    12. Its jicgijal.
14-16. Holy lord of heaven and earth, who gives life to the holy people (?), Father Ickur, holy lord of heaven and earth, who gives life to the holy people (?)! May plenty be provided for Ur-Ninurta, .......
    17. Its uru.

An adab to Ninurta for Bur-Suen (Bur-Suen A)

1-24. ......, lord, whom the Great Mountain engendered, whose magnificence has no equal.Ninurta, magnificent in heaven and earth, surpassing among the Anuna gods. ......, foremost among the gods, support of An. ...... imbued with ......, who roars like a storm, who growls in battle. ......, who butts like a huge wild bull, who destroys the fortresses of the rebel lands. ...... of Enlil: no foreign land can escape from his grasp. ...... by Nunamnir, whose words are firmly established. ......, fit for princeship, the counsellor of E-kur. ...... cannot be scattered, the neckstock of the gods.
approx. 7 lines missing
...... may ...... be his helper. ...... the son of Ickur. ......, may he provide ...... with good food. May he regulate ....... May he be the constant attendant of the E-cu-me-ca, his beloved residence. May he never cease to ...... daily his great offerings. May ...... prolong the years of abundance and a pleasant life ...... for Bur-Suen, well suited for kingship, beloved of An.
    25. Sa-gida.
26. May Ninurta be the help of Bur-Suen, who is reverent towards him.
    27. Its jicgijal.
28-46. ......, the right arm of Enlil, who destroys the rebellious foreign lands; Ninurta, the right arm of Enlil, who destroys the rebellious foreign lands. The king, whose rising is a flood no one can oppose. Ninurta, the furious storm in battle, who tramples upon the enemy. He is girded with heroism, a young man without rival. The one given superior strength by Nunamnir, who makes his father feel truly content. Your mighty commands are lofty and great. Ninurta, your mighty commands are lofty and great. ...... flattens ...... in the rebel lands, who forces the enemy to bow low. ......, who roars like a storm.
3 lines fragmentary
4 lines missing
2 lines fragmentary
    47. Sa-jara.
48. ...... whom you have called by name, Bur-Suen .......
    49. Its jicgijal.
50-52. Warrior, surpassing dragon ......; Ninurta, surpassing dragon ......, ...... Bur-Suen, whom you have truthfully chosen.
    53. Its uru.
    54. An adab of Ninurta. (lines 53 and 54 are written as one line in source)

An adab to Enlil for Bur-Suen (Bur-Suen B)

Segment A

1-13. ...... who alone surpasses heaven and earth, the exalted one, prominent among theAnuna gods, whose utterances cannot be overturned! Nunamnir, whose decisions cannot be altered, proud one imbued with terrifying awesomeness, {who alone is exalted} {(1 ms. has instead:) who alone is eminent, the foremost one} among the Great Princes, has taken his seat in the shrine of Nibru, in Dur-an-ki, in E-kur, the temple where the fates are determined, in the holy shining temple. When Mother Ninlil, who is equal in rank with the Great Mountain, embraces him ......, ...... says to ......: "...... chosen in the heart by ......."
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-8. The city, where ...... orders .......
1 line fragmentary Enlil, what you say is exalted, and there is no god who can interpret it. "I will make the fate I have determined for you even more glorious. I will make your life long-lasting. I will make your days as numerous as those of Utu." You are the god of all the foreign lands!
    9. Sa-jara.
10. You are the lord who determines the fates! Bur-Suen's royal trust is in you!
    11. Its jicgijal.
12-14. You have made justice and righteousness conspicuous, and you have made the Land feel content. Bur-Suen, may your name be a cause for rejoicing ...... daily. May you be exalted among ......; let them call you the pre-eminent lord!
    15. Its uru.
    16. An adab of Enlil. (lines 15 and 16 are written as one line in source)

A praise poem of Enlil-bani (Enlil-bani A)

1-17. Enlil-bani, wondrous king among the princes! Created by An, elevated by Enlil, like Ututhe light of all lands, born to princedom, girded with all the divine powers, watched over byEnlil and listened to by Ninlil on account of the widespread people living at the boundary of heaven and earth! Fair of ......, lordly of limb! With the staff and shepherd's crook you have settled innumerable people.
18-27. Enlil-bani, great son of Enki, {shepherd} {(1 ms. has instead:) sage} and counsellor who guides living things, who spreads broad shade over all lands, grandiloquent prince whom greatAn has summoned, the great mother Ninlil trusts in you.
28-36. Enlil-bani, you are the one who has authority. Sweet mouth, lips good with words,
2 lines missing
husband of holy InanaAsarluhi gave you wisdom.
37-48. Nisaba, Lady Nanibgal, the matriarch, the mother-in-law of Enlil, the lady ...... who creates (?) life ......, the book-keeper ......, the wise one, the holy woman ......, ...... the oracle, has placed his (?) name on the tablet of life.
49-60. She revealed counsel and response to you, granted vision to you. As your destiny she gave E-zagin, her house of wisdom, to provide counsel. In the Land you have caused order to be resplendent. Your virtue is broadcast in all lands.
61-79. Enlil-bani, having counsel and exceptional wisdom, soothing hearts and proclaiming your judgments, wise in everything,
1 line missing
...... counsellor. When you keep in order the judgment of the black-headed and render verdicts, articulate in appropriate expressions, you know how to cleanse malice. You make justice shine like gold. You obliterate injustice.
80-91. You have destroyed the hiss of hostile talkers. You know how to undo sin and its illness. You do not kill transgressors; you understand those you lead. You make words benign. Compassionate, loving the just, you cause no harm when offerings have been made (?).
92-111. Your governors suffer no injuries. Your troops triumph over hostile troops. Your weapons have no rival weapons. When you take your seat, you cause all the foreign lands to bow down. All sovereigns become allies with you and you soothe their quarrels. With numerous oxen and numerous sheep, with gold, cornelian and lapis lazuli they enter your palace; with their lips they kiss the ground before you.
112-135. Enlil-bani, king who gladdens the heart of his city, you speed offerings into Nibru. You bring the best corn into E-kic-nu-jal; daily you ensure that it does not cease. You are him whom Enlil has summoned by name; you are the property of Ninlil. As for the lands rebellious against you, Ninurta the strong hero of Enlil, in triumph has dissolved into ruins those that are hostile and are not supporters of yours, and has spread them out as heaps for you. Nuska, the lord who stocks the E-kur,
1 line missing
a favourable omen.
136-150. Dijir-mah, the ...... of the Land, fixed a destiny for your broad heart and, when your umbilical cord (?) was cut, appointed you to lordship. Nanna, the benign (?) lord, the son ofEnlil, has fixed the crown of life firmly upon your head. In the abzu Nudimmud, your divine creator, has increased abundance for you.
151-168. In the E-anaInana has fixed a rejoicing heart to be your lot and has you brought grandly into her holy bedchamber to spend the night there. The mother of the Land, Ninisina, has caused you to lay the foundations with your hands in IsinUtu, the judge, the king of heaven and earth, has confirmed for you in your hands the sceptre which brings the black-headed to justice.
1 line missing
169-177. Enlil-bani, you are the king who
1 line missing
in a favourable month, in a year of abundance, on a day of celebration and the elevation of the king, you are exalted. The four quarters of the world praise you with royal offerings.
178-184. May the wise scribe in the scribal academy, the house which advises the Land, not allow your praise to cease!

An adab to Bau for Luma (Luma A)

1-11. Child of An, he has chosen you in his holy heart in the great sky and on the great earth and made you worthy of the ladyship of the Land. Bau, child of An, he has chosen you in his holy heart in the great sky and on the great earth and made you worthy of the ladyship of the Land. Enlil has looked at you with favour, young woman, Mother Bau, from the shining E-kur, and made you eminently fit for Lord Ninjirsu. The Great Mountain Enlil has looked at you with favour, young woman, Mother Bau, from the shining E-kur and made you eminently fit for LordNinjirsu.
12-21. In the E-tar-sirsir, founded for you by An, you decide the fate of all the countries; you, my lady, render verdicts and decree judgments. Bau, in the E-tar-sirsir, founded for you by An, you decide the fate of all the countries; you, Bau, render verdicts and decree judgments. The ...... protective genius directs your black-headed people before you in your courtyard in Iri-kug.Bau, the ...... protective genius directs your black-headed people before you in your courtyard in Iri-kug.
22-30. My lady, what you say is firmly grounded; Bau, what you say is firmly grounded. It makes the king ruling in the land of Lagac, in your holy dwelling place of the pure divine powers, extremely happy; my lady, it makes the king extremely happy. Bau, it makes the king ruling in the land of Lagac, in your holy dwelling place of the pure divine powers, extremely happy; Bau, it makes Luma extremely happy, he salutes your holy words.
    31. This is the sa-gida.
32-33. Lady whose horns are perfect (?), Bau, nobody can learn what you are; child of An, with ...... An, grandiloquent one.
    34. Jicgijal.
35-50. My lady, what you say is trustworthy, your lofty words are enduring. Bau, what you say is trustworthy, your lofty words are enduring. Your holy words are devoted to the god, they are as clear as daylight for the king. Bau, your holy words are devoted to the god, they are as clear as daylight for the king, Luma. Your joyous countenance is as clear as daylight for the king; Bau, your joyous countenance is as clear as daylight for the king, Luma. Your words, which ...... the pleasant place, are as clear as daylight for the king; Bau, your words, which ...... the pleasant place, are as clear as daylight for the king, Luma.
51-57. You have given a lofty name to Luma, the king ...... by An, you have spoken to him with friendly words. Bau, you have given a lofty name to Luma, the king ...... by An, you have spoken to him with friendly words. Lady who loves his city, you have made him pre-eminent;Bau, lady who loves his city, you have made him pre-eminent. In the holy place you have treated the king graciously.
    58. An adab of Bau.

tigi to Bau for Gudea (Gudea A)

1-8. My lady, gracious woman, child of holy An, adorned with attractiveness, Enlil's beloved one, who is imbued with great fearsomeness and issues from the interior of heaven, the cherished lady of the gods. Bau, gracious woman, child of holy An, adorned with attractiveness, Enlil's beloved one, who is imbued with great fearsomeness and issues from the midst of heaven, the cherished lady of the gods.
9-16. My lady, you have brought the divine powers from the interior of heaven. Your own father, An, the king, has presented you with perfect divine powers, so you inspire respect among the Anuna gods. Bau, you have brought the divine powers from the midst of heaven. Your own father, An the king, has presented you with perfect divine powers, so you inspire respect among the Anuna gods.
17-24. After you had chosen the shepherd in the assembly for his attractiveness, you recognised him in ......, his lofty place, gave him ......, and ....... Bau, after you had chosenGudea for his attractiveness in the divine assembly, you recognised him in ......, his lofty place, gave him ......, and .......
    25. The sa-gida.
26-33. My lady, imbued with great fearsomeness, ......, Lord Ninjirsu has looked at you approvingly. He ...... you with allure and has made your ...... table in the E-tar-sirsir lavishly famous. Bau, imbued with great fearsomeness, ......, Lord Ninjirsu has looked at you approvingly. He ...... you with allure and has made your ...... table in the E-tar-sirsir lavishly famous.
34-39. You are the lady who renders verdicts, who decrees judgments and ....... You are the righteous one among the gods, the wife of the warrior. Bau, you are cherished in the heaven and on the earth. Bau, you are the lady who renders verdicts, who decrees judgments and ....... You are the righteous one among the gods, the wife of the warrior. Bau, you are cherished in heaven and on earth.
40-45. My lady, you have looked up in the divine assembly and ...... him (?) with charms. You have chosen with your heart a worthy man, the true shepherd Gudea. Mother Bau, he will duly praise you in your city, LagacBau, you have looked up in the divine assembly and ...... him (?) with charms. You have chosen with your heart a worthy man, the true shepherd, Gudea. Mother Bau, he will duly praise you in your city, Lagac!
    46. The sa-jara.
    47. A tigi of Bau.

An adab to Nanna for Gungunum (Gungunum A)

Segment A

1 line missing
...... of the gods, ...... light! Attractive great ......, ...... radiance!
    4. Barsud.
5-12. ...... in princeship. Ruler, leader of the Anuna deities, prince of the just decision, LordAcimbabbarAn and Enlil have made you perfect for the sky. Beloved of the king, making the good crown sparkle, coming forth on high, you come forth like bright sunlight, whether at noon or in the night. Youthful Suen, lord, ...... son of the Great Mountain and born of Ninlil, given a good destiny by his grandparents Enki and Ninki -- they have given ...... to him, the just lord of the sky.
    13. Cagbatuku.
14-18. ......, you care for them! ......, beloved ......, on the great dais .......
2 lines fragmentary

Segment B

unknown no. of lines missing
1 line fragmentary Gungunum ...... share. May ...... restore your city for you. The ......, the prince (?), the king ...... has no rival. May he bring back for you the scattered people of Sumerand Akkad. Making manifest ...... and perfection, may he lift his head high. May he prolong life and bounty for him (i.e. for the king) , may he create life for him. His golden emblem is truly outstanding and its form is praiseworthy. He has ...... you to continue the offerings to FatherEnlil -- may his days be prolonged for you.
    10. Sa-jara.
11-13. In your Urim, the ancient city, the princely land, the city of the great divine powers, in your E-kic-nu-jal which light does not enter, the house which never diminishes, mayGungunum whom you have chosen attain a life of many days.
    14. Its uru.
    15. An adab of Nanna. (lines 14 and 15 are written as one line in source)

A hymn to Nanna for Gungunum (Gungunum B)

Segment A

unknown no. of lines missing
5 lines fragmentary

Segment B

unknown no. of lines missing
1 line fragmentary In the whole heaven and on the whole earth Acimbabbar has made ...... great (?). The respected one, the singular dragon, the god made manifest, ......, the flourishing one, the lord who ...... the moonlight -- supporting you, youthful Gungunum ....... The lord, the good wild bull, the first-born son of Enlil ......, the youthful Suen who listens to prayers ......, has made prince Gungunum's reign long ....... When my king stands in the sky ...... beauty. When youthful Suen stands in the sky ...... beauty. The splendid son of Nunamnir .......

Segment C

unknown no. of lines missing
Your holy purification rites ......, the rituals (?) ....... The crescent moon fixing the months .......Suen, radiance ....... ...... in the pure sky, beauty ....... In the Land ...... for you.
1 line fragmentary

Segment D

unknown no. of lines missing
7 lines fragmentary or missing

A praise poem of Sin-iddinam (Sin-iddinam A)

unknown no. of lines missing
1-4. ...... who respects ....... Sin-iddinam ...... his departing boat. He provided flour, gold and grain, befitting the great lady. ...... this choice (?) grain, ...... the lapis lazuli E-kur.
5-10A. He transported this cargo to the Quay of Life, the quay of Urim. Joyously he brought it into the majestic house, the house of SuenNanna was delighted with the king, and Ningal...... to him. Nanna was delighted with Sin-iddinam, and Ningal ...... to him. The Anuna, the great gods, blessed him. He had brought to complete perfection the plenitude, the pure first-fruit offerings, the first-fruit offerings of the new year. {(1 ms. adds 1 line:) He had transported this cargo to the Quay of Life, the quay of Urim.}
11-13. Suen put in order the food offerings and, after he had taken them to Nibru, {(1 ms. adds 1 line:) and had brought them into the E-kur, the house of Enlil,} Enlil, delighted with the food offerings, fixed a good destiny. His own mother, the great lady Ninlil, expressed deserved affection.
13A-18. {(1 ms. adds 1 line:Suen addressed Enlil and Ninlil.} He prayed to them to determine an eternal destiny for Sin-iddinam: "May the life of the humble shepherd whom you favourably address ....... May the life of Sin-iddinam whom you favourably address ....... As a just destiny, may a life into the distant future be determined for him (?) in destiny. May he be allotted long-lasting life."
19-25. "As I bring this choice grain to the lapis lazuli E-kur for you, may he hasten (?) ...... thick bread ...... like this threshed (?) grain. Let us give him years of favour, days of life and months of success. In his palace you (?) will bring to him (?) in perfection what pleases the spirit and gladdens the heart. May you be the gift of life for Sin-iddinam, who discourses (?) pleasingly! May the royal throne rise high and endure eternally! Forever make foreign lands submit to his great name!"

Sin-iddinam and Ickur (Sin-iddinam E)

1-8. When Ickur -- the lord, the storm, the ...... lion, the great storm of heaven and earth, confident in his majesty, the foremost, the advocate, the son of An, whose head is clothed in power, the fearsome chief lord, the great storm that has no rival ......, who masses the clouds -- rushes within the storm, the earth trembles before him.
9-18. A majestic wind bellowing in the broad heavens, whose thunder signifies abundance -- when he utters his cries, the Land and the great mountains are fearful. Great hero, holding the shepherd's crook in his hand and clasping authority at his side -- when he roars over the sea and covers the Land with radiance, huge hailstones ...... and slanting (?) rain, ...... they set up ...... for him.
2 lines missing
...... like a reed (?), on their own accord at his presence they (?) lift ...... to him.
24-32. He surveys these numerous people -- the lord of prosperity who makes celebration plentiful, who gives sustenance to the Land, the merciful prince whose solicitude is kind, the protector of Larsam, the helper of Sin-iddinam on the battlefield, who stands in combat with the troops at his side, the great lord, the canal administrator of An and Enlil, whose destiny has no equal!
33-56. Sin-iddinam -- the mighty man, the humble prince who respects Enlil; approved with a "let it be so!" by the E-kur; the young man given a propitious name by Nanna; the provider ofUrim, the king of Larsam, the king of Sumer and Akkad, given broad wisdom and surpassing intelligence by Nudimmud, granted a good reign, a long life and unending abundance by Ickur, his god; who puts in order the divine plans of Eridug, who makes perfect offerings to the gods; the wise one who has restored the ancient divine powers, ...... who has favourably identified his numerous people -- put in place a majestic throne, ...... surpassing in form, for his lord, for his god.
57-67. Made grandly from ...... and refined silver, ...... of the beautiful heavens,
approx. 4 lines missing
befitting his size and well-suited to running (?) -- with jubilation he finished the work.
68-74. At that time he grandly seated Ickur, his god, on his throne of glory. Then he made its form surpassing for ever. He sought out its majestic divine plans and divine powers.
75-85. By the throne he ...... two great wild bulls, below (?) on the right and the left, butting the king's enemies.
1 line fragmentary The Anuna gods in abundance ...... stand beside him ...... the horizon (?). He ...... that statue and ...... on its lap. He .......
3 lines missing

A hymn to Numucda for Sin-iqicam (Sin-iqicam A)

1-11. Exalted lord, for whom a favourable destiny was determined while he was still in the good womb! Numucda, exalted lord, for whom a favourable destiny was determined while he was still in the good womb! Ningal formed ...... the holy seed ...... engendered by Suen. Born amid plenty in the holy mountains, eating fruits from a green garden, named with a good name by An and Enlil, carefully cherished by the great lady NinlilNumucda, son of the prince, whose appearance is full of awe-inspiring radiance! Great wild bull battering the enemy country, great lord Numucda!
    12. cagbatuku. (lines 11 and 12 are written as one line in source and indented)
13-23. Snarling lion fiercely poised for the fight, ...... snake spitting roaring at the enemy, great dragon ...... holy incantations, whose knees never cease from running! Fearsome flood which no one can withstand, overflowing high water engulfing the banks!
1 line unclear
God, creative (?) personage who has no rival, foremost in heroism, who can rival you?Numucda, your face is that of a lion, and you have a muzzle like that of a fearsome muchuc.
    24. 2nd (?) cagbatuku. (lines 23 and 24 are written as one line in source and indented)
25-32. Your arm is a battle net in (?) the land of those who do not practise agriculture; your claws are the claws of an eagle, grasping the wicked. No one dare oppose your authority. Your greatness and magnitude, surpassing all praise, and your utterances which cannot be dismissed
1 line unclear
My god, hand over to the king the disobedient lands! Numucda, hand over to prince Sin-iqicamthe disobedient lands!
    33. Sa-gida of the jicgijal.
34-41. Warrior, powerful in strength, who perfectly controls the complex divine powers! WarriorNumucda, powerful in strength, who perfectly controls the complex divine powers! God with the limbs of a bison, decorous to behold, like your father Suen you love to bestow life. Choosing truth and annihilating wickedness, in E-kic-nu-jal, the holy and princely dwelling, your divine powers are most precious divine powers, and your purification rites are resplendent. Numucda, hero, powerful in strength, who perfectly controls the complex divine powers!
42-56. Nunamnir, the lord who determines the destinies, has made your name august throughout the wide extent of foreign lands. He has assigned as a cult place for you the city of abundance, founded in a favourable place: Kazallu, the mountain of plenty. By his unchangeable command he has ordered the fashioning of Kun-satu, your lordly dais. FatherEnlil, the good shepherd who loves your plans, has desired to make its forgotten lay-out visible again, and to restore its abandoned cities; he has ordered prince Sin-iqicam to accomplish it, and he has made (?) your cities and settlements peaceful dwelling places. He has dredged your canals, and cleared up the levees and irrigation ditches, so that abundant water will never be lacking there. He has put in your ...... and made manifest all that is proper.
57-60. Regard with favour his commendable prayers! Regard Prince Sin-iqicam with favour! May the king's joyous days be prolonged, O Numucda!

A prayer to Enlil for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin A)

1-13. May Enlil, king of heaven and earth, whose utterances are trusty and whose words are ......, ...... the shepherd Rim-Sin, ...... my king ....... May he who gives him life-giving (?) food-offerings in Nibru stand in prayer before him. May Enlil bestow upon him grain, the benefit of mankind. May he pass his time in joy in the ...... of his country. They will ...... Rim-Sin my king. May he strengthen for him his royal throne and extend his reign. May he decree his sceptre for the south and the uplands. May he make the king's inferiors bow down before him. The offerings of Rim-Sin my king, small or great, at Nibru in the E-kur ....... Syrup shall drip like ghee from its fingers. I am as the son of one man, honey and ghee. My king, let offerings ...... in my joy. They give me silver .......
1 line fragmentary I am like ...... a man's son.
1 line unclear
......, may he ...... you. Alone (?) Rim-Sin, my king, ...... like syrup and ghee.
1 line unclear
...... Enlil, his Great Mountain, in accordance with your name may Rim-Sin be your Great Mountain. May Ninurta declare ...... life for you, and may Ninnibru, the lady who founds cities, ......, enclose you mercifully and kindly ...... to protect your life. May Nincubur, ...... whomNanna declared (?), ...... good fortune on your head, and declare life for you.
1 line unclear

A hymn to Haia for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin B)

1-8. Lord, perfect in august wisdom and recognised for his mighty counsel, Haia, who holds the great tablets, who enriches the deep wisdom! Accountant of Hal-an-kug, having the final overview of the arts of Nisaba's house of wisdom; palace archivist of heaven and earth, who keeps count of every single assignment, who holds a holy reed-stylus and covers the great tablets of destiny with writing! Wise one, who prompts holy An with words and attention at the appropriate times; seal-holder of Father Enlil! He who brings forth the holy objects from the treasure-house of E-kur; ornament of the abzu shrine, wearing his hair loose for LordNudimmud!
9-20. Haia, linen-clad priest of E-unir, who stocks the holy uzga precinct; learned scholar of the shrine E-kic-nu-jal, whose august name is great, whose mind is discerning; who dwells in the great dining-hall alongside the maiden Ningal! Fair of features, beloved spouse of Nun-bar-ce-gunu and augustly renowned father-in-law of Father Enlil, the Great Mountain; junior administrator, possessor of wisdom, acknowledged in heaven and earth, who receives the tribute for the gods, the abundance of mountains and seas! Interpreter of the obscurity ofEnlil's (?) words, skilful one who steers the august princely divine powers, with ...... girt at his side! Formed (?) with a broad heart, holding in his hands the holy divine plans of the temple ofEridugHaia, who wears the ceremonial robe during pure lustrations of the engurIndagara, administrator who performs the opening of the mouth for the gods in the heavens and in the underworld, and who is versed in the meaning of obscure tablets; craftsman of the great gods!
21-28. He who fixes the standards on their pegs, planner (?) who artfully excavates (?) the soil of the Land, who decorates the floor and makes the dining-hall attractive for Ancar and the Great Mountain! Tall and with head high, he whose utterances from the abzu shrine are favourable, who carefully holds the pure white loaves of the house of the gods! Kusu andIndagara, without whom heaven would not be pure nor earth bright, continual providers of the great meals of An and Enlil in their grand dining-hall! He who gazes upon the holy precinct, upon Lord Nudimmud; he who holds the holy bronze vessels, who makes hearts rejoice and soothes spirits!
29-38. My king, I shall praise your eminence in song! Haia, I will declare your greatness perpetually! Who among the gods is fitted like you for the holy divine powers? Your beloved spouse is the maiden Nisaba, the great queen of queens. Ninlil, who was born of her holy womb, the august wife of Nunamnir, sits with her on the dais of E-kur with head raised high, uniquely entitled to behave as queen of the gods, the peerless goddess. In the abzu shrine,Enki has bestowed his incantations of life on you, great breed-bull, who are recognised for your right understanding, who constantly care for the gods, Haia, you who operate effectively the assigning of divine powers, who mark out the cult places.
39-42. You appoint the high priest for the jipar and install him there as its caretaker. You make the shepherd of the Land hold in his hands the august sceptre until distant days. Haia, you are the god of the Land who gives ear to the prayers of all the people. You make the king hold the widespread people in his hands for the great gods.
43-48. When Father Enki comes forth from the abzu, he assigns (?) its greatness to you, Haia. You cause the people who are in its midst to lift their necks towards heaven; you make its population pass their days in rejoicing. You keep all its people forever contented. You establish festivals in the houses of the great gods; you spread splendour.
49-58. Leader, leader (?) of the gods, complete the great fates of the people. Look favourably upon the king with your gracious gaze that is full of life. Duly grant a joyous reign of long days to prince Rim-Sin, marking its years on the tablet of life, forever unalterable. May An and Enlillove the shepherd Rim-Sin in the office of high priest. The singers will make your praise resound sweetly in their mouths; Haia, the singers will make your praise resound sweetly in their mouths. Lord of heaven and earth, king of the abzu, its praise is august. Father Enki, king of the abzu, your praise is sweet.
    58. Its uru.
59. Haia, god of the Land, who loves the words "Give me life!", extend your broad arms round prince Rim-Sin.
    60. Its jicgijal.

A prayer to An for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin C)

1-10. Shepherd, called by name, for whom holy An has determined in heaven a great destiny!Rim-Sin, called by name, for whom holy An has determined in heaven a great destiny! Prince who achieved kingship when still in the true womb, you grandly exercise lordship over the numerous people. In Larsam, the ...... mountain befitting the princely divine powers, you are truly called to be shepherd of Sumer and Akkad. Great An, august in heaven and earth, lord who is wise in everything, father of the gods, has determined to fix the destinies for that place, never interrupting the uttering of weighty commands, ...... in the pure interior of heaven.
11-28. Prince Rim-Sin, you are the shepherd, the desire of his heart. May great An manifest brilliantly his heart's love for you; may he bless you for your justice. May An in his profound heart make the days of your life abundant for you, and give you kingship over the widespread lands until distant days. With his holy words may he determine for you a destiny of life, and with a wholly unalterable command give you long life in addition. May he fix the holy headdress on your head, and seat you grandly on the throne of life. May he hand over to you the sceptre of justice, and suspend by your side the staff which strengthens the Land. May he make you grasp the shepherd's crook that causes the people to multiply. May he open for you the breasts of the brilliant heavens, and cause the rain to rain for you. From the heart of heaven may he assemble for you years of abundance and days of plenty. May he make splendid radiance and heart's joy for your days, and place in your hands an agreeable reign of justice. May the great An forever be the protector of your kingship! Rim-Sin, you are my king!
    29. 28 lines. A prayer to An.

A prayer to Nanna for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin D)

1-13. Rim-Sin, king of abundance, august doyen of rulers, may right and justice be your helpers. May they make a good ...... for you. May they make ...... for you. Rim-Sin, named with a name by An and Enlil, when you enter the Great Gate, the gate of Urim, may the favourable protective god and the protective goddess of peace, gatekeepers of the Great Gate, shine upon you ....... May they bring you back an answer of life and peace ...... to your greeting which they bring before Nanna and Ningal.
14-30. May they cause a good ...... that brings happiness, a mood of encouragement, to issue for you from within the E-kic-nu-jal. May the gods of life of the Great Gate open the doors for you. May the gods of peace, guardians of the Great Gate, rejoice at your presence, and may their features light up at you. May they ...... their beards ...... for you. When you enter the Gate of Urim, the Gate of Splendour, ...... the brickwork of Urim. ...... the Gate of Urim. ...... the Great Gate. May ...... be your interpreter (?). ...... the Great Gate. May they speak to you ....... May they cause ...... for you with joyous hearts.
31-48. May they set favourable signs and encouraging words before you. May they cause you to place your feet in holy places, places of life. O Rim-Sin, pre-eminent prince of the foreign lands and of the Land of Sumer! -- in the Du-barag-gal-mah, the habitation of Urim, mayNijerim-cu-tabbi in the Du-barag-gal-mah, may Nijerim-cu-urur in the Du-barag-gal-mah, mayDugab-cu-gigi in the Du-barag-gal-mah, may Dugab-cu-tabbi in the Du-barag-gal-mah -- may they, the standing gods of the Great Gate and the benevolent gods of entering, stand at your right and left to assure you a destiny of life until distant days. May they bring your greeting toNanna and Ningal. May they cause you to have a favourable sign permanently by your side and to receive offerings (?) favourable for you. Rim-Sin, you are my king!
    49. A prayer to the gods of peace on entering the Great Gate.

A prayer to Nanna for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin E)

1-7. ......, who is fitted for holy lustration rites, Rim-Sin, purification priest of An, who is fitted for pure prayers rites, whom you summoned from the holy womb ......, has been elevated to lordship over the Land; he has been installed as shepherd over the black-headed. The staff which strengthens the Land has been placed in his hand. The shepherd's crook which guides the living people has been attached at his side. As he steps forward before you, he is lavishly supplied with everything that he offers with his pure hands.
8-20. Your attentive youth, your beloved king, the good shepherd Rim-Sin, who determines what should be brought as offerings for his life, joyfully pours out offerings for you in the holy royal cultic locations which are perfect for the cultic vessels: sweet-smelling milk and grain, rich produce of the Land, riches of the meadows, unending abundance, alcoholic drink, glistening wine, very sweet emmer beer fermented with pure substances, pure ...... powerful beer made doubly strong with wine, a drink for your lordship; double-strength beer, superior beer, befitting your holy hands, pale honey exported from the mountains, which you have specifically requested, butter from holy cows, ghee as is proper for you as prince; pressed oil, best oil of the first pressing, and yellow cream, the pride of the cow-pen, for the holy abode of your godhead.
21-26. Accept from him with your joyful heart pure food to eat as food, and pure water to drink as water: offerings made for you. Grant his prayer: you are indeed respected. When he humbly speaks fair words to you, speak so that he may live. Guide him correctly at the holy lordly cultic locations, at the august lordly cultic locations. Greet him as he comes to perform his cultic functions.
27-37. May his kingship exist forever in your presence. May he be the first of the Land, called (?) lord and prince. Following your commands he shall be as unshakeable as heaven and earth; may he be ...... over the numerous people. May the mother goddesses among the gods attend to his utterances; may they sit in silence before that which he says, and bring restorative life. May he create heart's joy for the population, and be the good provider for their days. May the terrifying splendour that he wears cover like a heavy raincloud the king who is hated by him. May all the best what he has be brought here as their offerings.
38-52. The good shepherd Rim-Sin looks to you as to his personal god. Grant him ...... a life that he loves, and bestow joy on him. May you renew it like the daylight. As he prays to you, attend to his ....... When he speaks most fair words to you, sustain his life power for him. May he be respected ......, and have no rivals. As he makes supplication to you, make his days long. In the ...... of life, ...... the power of kingship. May his correct words be ever ....... May he create heart's joy in his ....... ...... make the restorative ...... rest upon him, the lion of lordship. When he beseeches you, let his exterior (?) ...... shine. Give him ...... life ....... May you bring ...... for his life with your holy words. Hear him favourably as he lifts his hands in prayer, and decide a good destiny for him.
53-69. As his life ......, so may it delight his land. Cast the four quarters at his feet, and let him be their ruler. Reclining in meadows in his own land, may he pass his days joyously with you ....... In the palace, lengthen the days and reign of Rim-Sin, your compliant king who is there for you; whose name you, Acimbabbar, have named, ...... life. ...... the august good headdress. ...... due praise for his life. ...... the throne, and may the land be safe. May satisfaction and joy fill his heart. May ...... be good for his ....... Place in his hand the sceptre of justice; may the numerous people be bound (?) to it. Shining brightly, the constant ...... in his ....... Confer on him the benefit of months of delight and joy, and bestow on him numerous years as infinite in number as the stars in the lapis-lazuli coloured heavens. In his kingship may he enjoy a happy reign forever.
70-85. May you preserve the king, the good provider. May you preserve Rim-Sin, the good provider. May his reign be a source of delight to you. Lengthen the days of his life, and give him kingship over the restored land. For him gladden the heart of the land, for him make the roads of the land passable. For him make the Land speak with a single voice. May you preserve alive Rim-Sin, your shepherd with the compliant heart. May his canals bring water for him, and may barley grow for him in the fields. May the orchards and gardens bring forth syrup and wine for him, and may the marshes deliver fish and fowl for him in abundance. May the cattle-pens and sheepfolds teem with animals, and may rain from the heavens, whose waters are sporadic, be regular for him. May the palace be filled with long life. O Rim-Sin, you are my king!

A prayer to Nanna for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin F)

1-12. Rim-Sin, king with princely divine powers, leader with all the divine powers, raising high your princely head! The abzu is the august holy shrine of the E-kic-nu-jal, a great vastness in depth and breadth, the foundation of the innermost holy pure buildings, with a pleasant odour like a forest of aromatic cedars and hachur trees. It forms the foundations (?) of the temple, within the temple, a protection for the temple; the terrifying splendour of the temple, a great corner, a holy corner within the solid interior. The design of the doorway is a magic bond: a solar disc at whose top is a standard representing a rapacious eagle, violently seizing stags which turn to the left and right. Gods stand guard over the doorway.
13-27. In this place, you see numerous tall birch trees. The door frame, the architrave, the lock, the fence (?) around the threshold, the door-leaves, the bolt, the bar of the temple, the supporting wall of the temple terrace, foundation of the innermost holy pure buildings -- all these are of very holy reeds, golden yellow or silver white. Beside the marsh of the abzu of theE-kic-nu-jal, in the holy enclosure where cattle mill about, for the many lustrous ...... calves to receive their presents, the ...... with their calves stand before you in the sacred ....... You see the old reeds, the old reeds in the water meadows ......, the old lying reeds, the upright reeds ...... well-established in these fields. Within the marsh of the abzu of the E-kic-nu-jal, the holy lagoon, the reedbeds in the holy water, you see the ...... reeds growing.
28-38. Within the temple is the gateway of the great august sanctuary: endowed with abundant charms like a fine woman whose head is nobly raised high, whose attraction radiates as if with the maturity of fruit, with abundant charms, lovable, but imposing in splendour like the hills. In the midst, at the sides and in the four corners are august protective goddesses, foundations (?) of the statues. Taking turns of office on the day of the new moon, the protective god and the protective goddess of the temple, the serving deities, inhabitants of the temple, as guardians of the outer gateway and of the god's pedestal, can be seen sweeping the ground of the building from the base of the enclosure wall, in accordance with the sublime purification rites of the temple.
39-46. Its ...... is an august protective goddess who indeed brings butter, cheese and loaves for you. May the serving deities, the protective goddesses, the good mother goddesses, receive favourable offerings (?) from you for their attention to the temple, so that when you light the wood of the heaped high censers, Nanna and Ningal accept your offering, and so that they pray for you with their holy words. O Rim-Sin, you are my king!

A prayer to Nanna for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin G)

1-10. May Lord Nanna, king of heaven and earth, your good protective deity, accept the holy food offerings that you prepare, and the holy pure drink offerings that you proffer with holy hands; the sacrifices that you bring, what you say in your heart, what you utter out loud, your reverent gestures and your holy hands raised in prayer. May the august queen Ningal, your queen of favourable signs, accept them also. O king, they who have suppressed famine, the great gods Nanna and Ningal, have conferred abundance on you, King Rim-Sin, in the temple of the gods.
11-21. O king named with a name by Enlil, the destiny of whose reign is abundance, a time of richness and years of happiness! May a destiny of stability and a destiny of abundance be your lot. O king, day and night, even at dead of night, time shall pass for you in endless abundance, and be agreeable and stable for you. O king, since you have offered your food offerings first offered in the abzu; O king, since you have offered your food offerings afterwards in the great courtyard, there shall be no end to the abundance. O king, the temple shall be well-organised for you. Rim-Sin, king of Urim, has restored the august divine powers of the Ki-ur.
22-38. May Nanna, the king of heaven and earth, fit perfectly onto your head the legitimate august headdress of kingship. May the august queen Ningal, who has saved you from famine thanks to her benignity, let you live (?) an agreeable life for these days. As you receive from her holy hands the great splendour of kingship, may she place the august sceptre of heaven and earth in your hands like a ceremonial robe. Rim-Sin, king of the Ki-ur, endowed with abundance, constant attendant! O king, may the Tigris bring you abundance, and may the upper (?) Nun canal be filled for you with flowing water in its full flood. May the Nun canal, the good Nun canal, the life-bringing canal of the Land, bring you fish and fowl; from the ocean, the wide sea, from the standing reservoirs, may it bring an unending supply of creatures for your kingship. In the wide open spaces of the wide desert, the four-footed animals ....... May water levels rise for you in the irrigation ditches, with their levees, and the water-channels.
39-51. May there be life for you, and may there be a favourable response to your prayers. May there be joy for you, and may there be favourable signs for you. May your heart be satisfied, may your body be satisfied; may your mood and your definite signs from the gods be good. May there be favourable omens in the heart of Nanna and Ningal, and a destiny of life be granted for ever. Rim-Sin, seemly king, who holds abundance in his hands from the great gods, may the country be stable for you, and may the foundations of the country be secure for you. May Nanna, king of heaven and earth, cause the Land to respond to you with a single voice. Rim-Sin, you are my king!

An adab to Inana for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin H)

Segment A

1-5. ...... beloved of An ......
1 line fragmentary Nintur is delighted at your creation, and has determined a great destiny for you. She has made your brow attractive, ....... Your limbs ......, your form spectacular.
    6. barsud.
7-12. You have been decreed femininity, you are full of charm, Inana, glory of the pure heavens, fitted to be a queen,
4 lines fragmentary or unclear
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

2 lines fragmentary You have perfected the just, and made them speak with one voice; may you exercise your role as shepherd for years of abundance and sweet days of rejoicing. Rim-Sin, you have perfected the just, and made them speak with one voice; may you exercise your role as shepherd for years of abundance and sweet days of rejoicing.
    7. sa-jara.
8-12. Inana, out of the goodness of your heart make Rim-Sin's good (?) renown a long-lasting renown. Mistress, supremely august, sparkling (?) in the heavens! Inana, Mistress, supremely august, sparkling (?) in the heavens! Speaking kindly, extending your charms, ...... great mother goddesses, grant life to Rim-Sin.
    13. Its jic-gi-jal.
    14. An adab of Inana.

An excerpt from a prayer for Rim-Sin

1-9. O An, strengthen the foundations of the throne of life. Rim-Sin, may your name be called by a name of life; may he look upon you with favourable eyes, and pay attention to you.
1 line unclear
May he determine a destiny of life as a fate for you. Rim-Sin, may you be beloved of An, and may your kingship endure forever. Great An, make him shepherd of the numerous people.

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