Annunaki Video Proof

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Psalms to The Annunaki II

A praise poem of Hammu-rabi (Hammu-rabi A)

Segment A

unknown no. of lines missing
1 line fragmentary ...... acting as its lord ......
7 lines fragmentary ...... the black-headed ....... ...... the Euphrates ....... ...... the Tigris ....... ...... on the banks of the Irnina watercourse ....... King Hammu-rabi ...... Gibil (the god of fire) . Enlil....... Enki ...... heroism. Suen .......
18-24. Utu the sorcerer ......
1 line fragmentary ...... his favourite ....... Ickur ...... heroism. Marduk ...... strength (?). Inana...... divine powers. ...... reverent ......
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

5 fragmentary lines
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

1 line fragmentary ...... humanity .......
5 lines fragmentary ...... the Great Mountain .......
1 line fragmentary ...... the divine powers of kingship .......
1 line fragmentary ...... Enlil .......
1 line fragmentary ...... acting as its lord (?).
3 lines fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment D

1 line fragmentary ...... Enki ....... ...... emerging from the Land. ...... befitting divinity .......
3 lines fragmentary ...... joyous ....... ...... praising with their songs ....... ...... your statue shall not be brought in ......
2 lines fragmentary ...... formed your heart for Enlil (?). ...... enter ....... ...... precious destinies .......
2 lines fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment E

4 fragmentary lines
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment F

1 line fragmentary ...... its prince (?) Marduk who ....... ...... curse ....... ...... great wrath ......Marduk ....... ...... midst of the great gods ......
1 line fragmentary ...... weapon .......
1 line fragmentary ...... brickwork (?) .......
9 lines fragmentary ...... portion .......
1 line fragmentary ...... the black-headed .......
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

A prayer to Enki for Hammu-rabi (Hammu-rabi B)

1-13. May Lugal-Cubur place on your head the desert crown of kingship! May Enki, the lord of life, ...... life, and in the E-unir, the house of the plans of heaven and earth which rides upon all the divine powers, may he cover your priestly headdress in awe and splendour! May he make the divine powers of kingship resplendent for you, and fit you up forever with the plans appropriate to the rank of en priest! May he gently recite for you live-giving incantations, bestowing in addition a long-lived destiny; may the uttering of your name delight Enki as much as the uttering of his own name! May he reward you with wisdom and intelligence! May your royal name be as something unchangeable! May Father Enki prolong the years of your life, and may he grant you lordship over every one of the foreign lands. O Hammu-rabi, my king!

A praise poem of Hammu-rabi (Hammu-rabi C)

1-7. Enki has esteemed him truly in the shrine, the august place -- the king who loves purification rites and is well-suited to the pure divine powers, the king who is skilled in the precious plans, who is reverent, eloquent and deft (?), the shepherd, favourite of LordNunamnir and beloved of Mother Ninlil, who ...... great food offerings in E-kur, who delights (?) the great prince Enki, ......, who is cherished by holy Damgalnuna: the good shepherd Hammu-rabi.
8-14. The king has ...... everything in the shrine E-kic-nu-jalHammu-rabi, whose ....... Daily he ...... Nanna and Ningal. The king whose joy is ...... has restored the purification rites, plans and divine powers ....... He will stand there before you ......, O youth Suen, fulfilling ...... all your requirements.

A prayer to Asarluhi for Hammu-rabi (Hammu-rabi D)

unknown no. of lines missing
1 line fragmentary ...... the reverent one, who takes care ......,
1 line fragmentary (The gods are addressed:) "Give him the sceptre ......! ...... the name ofBabylon, the city of lordship! Make the king pre-eminent in the world ......!"
7. O Asarluhi, ...... destiny for my Hammu-rabi!
8-13. AnEnlil and Enki ...... with him. When they had decided ......, all the great gods together ...... joyfully to Marduk. (Marduk speaks to the great gods:) "You have ...... the shepherd of your hearts to exercise the lordship in the Land. Determine his destiny grandly, ...... with your holy mouths. Appoint ...... your word ...... for him, the indefatigable shepherd."
14-25. (The great gods speak:) "We name him king in the four quarters of the world .......Hammu-rabi, humble prince acceptable to the gods, ...... our word, we grant you authority over the black-headed; may your name ...... the limits of heaven ......! ...... the inhabitants of the Land, keeping in order ......! May your reign endure ......, may it ...... a shining barge! May your shepherding ...... be firm, and may the people ...... in the pastures! Peerless king, your roar of triumph is like Ickur, covering ......! Your mouth is the fiery god of fire, ...... below and in the uplands ....... May youthful Utu be your helper, ....... May he always go at your right side and favour you. ...... in your ......, Erra ....... Hammu-rabi, you should put your trust in our august commands, ......."
26-37. Hammu-rabi ...... the command of An and Enlil, ...... of heaven and earth, ...... throughout the world ....... An and Enlil ...... to the king. Among the great gods, Asarluhi ....... InBabylon, the city, the precinct, the pure dwelling ....... ...... foundation, the great dais, the beloved and august dwelling, in joy ....... ...... the noble son of the gods, ...... royal name, ...... they firmly spoke their consent to him. When they ......, they ...... the power of Enlil over the numerous people. ...... they manifested his destiny, ...... the life of the Land. They magnifiedHammu-rabi, their benign shepherd, and ...... over all the black-headed. ...... him whom Enkihas ...... his favour in the Land,
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

A prayer for Hammu-rabi (Hammu-rabi E)

37 lines missing
1 line fragmentary ...... raised his head high. ...... before him ...... rejoiced at him. ...... embraced him. Your ...... has determined the destiny. May you be their ......, exercising lordship over them. May ...... which has been bestowed on you never cease. You are well-suited for ......, and may its time be prolonged for you. A destiny has been determined for you and you have been called by name; may you have no rival!

A prayer to Inana for Hammu-rabi (Hammu-rabi F)

1-2. Lady who perfects the august divine powers, ...... his destiny grandly! O Inana, to whomAn has ...... manliness in heaven and earth!
3-10. Foremost among the gods, manifest, ...... his destiny! Inana, without whom An and Enlilcannot make a decision in the Land, proud one among the Anuna gods, ...... self-esteem and ......! Inana, good wild cow of the great princes, respected among ladies ......, your greatness shines forth to heaven and earth, your divine powers are ...... powers. When you speak it is the command of An, ...... named by An ....... Your divinity is pre-eminent in the throne-hall (?), your great ways are ....... With An, you give judgment on earth; with Enlil .......
11-12. You behave as a lady among living creatures, you ...... the dais; you ...... great ritual ordinances and commands in the abzu shrine.
13-19. Without you, no king is ...... as shepherd over the Land. An and Enlil ...... at your command for the king. By your command, heaven and earth ....... An and Enlil ...... the destiny which has been determined for you, Hammu-rabi, king ....... In the four quarters of the world ...... the ordinances; ...... a time of abundance, a year of plenty, ...... life.
20. Hammu-rabi .......
unknown no. of lines missing

Samsu-iluna and Inana (Samsu-iluna A)

(Provisional translation: the language of this composition is extremely obscure and almost all the translation is very uncertain)
1-8. The ruddy countenance, the great knife of masculinity, looked at him with joyful eye and shining brow. She conferred attractiveness on his beauty. She made charm approach the colourful statue. She erected the statue for him against (?) the opposing side. She took its precious form to her heart (?). With overflowing heart, she ....... Inana blessed the king in words:
9-15. "Lord, your destiny is a good one, and will delight the beloved. Samsu-iluna, to choose the colourful ......, I will establish, benevolently according to my sight, and lasting for ever, and will fix (?) for you a joyous celebration of incantation rituals (?). I will fight off (?) the people of the other side for you. Samsu-iluna, it is your power to possess strength, lord of all people! You are ...... your handsome hero, you keep watch."
16-22. Standing joyfully beside the king, she granted a good destiny to the people for the sake of the king. She gave them great beasts, and male and female protective deities, to make their companions (?) powerful, and to send running those on that side, on the opposing side. Inanatook up her position at the right-hand side, while Samsu-iluna stood at their left-hand.
23-25. They played (?) with golden jugs of milk; they made sweet the songs of incantation (?). They tormented those on the opposing side, the other side.
26-30. (The protective goddesses speak:) "We are the beneficent protective goddesses ofInana. We are the raised band (?) of Samsu-iluna. You are on the opposing side ....... The celebration of incantation rituals is not perfect. I will recite a pilipili." ...... statue ...... is not.
unknown no. of lines missing

A prayer for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna B)

unknown no. of lines missing
Life ....... Life ....... Life ....... ...... of your name ....... ...... holy life ....... Enki ....... Prince Samsu-iluna, ....... ...... terrifying splendour which spreads far and wide. Enki ...... your throne, and ...... bestow on you a sceptre of long years and days; may he ...... your crown ...... like Utu.
12-19. May your kingship be as stable as heaven and earth! You are king of numerous lands and peoples! You are the people's good shepherd! You are the herdsman of the settled people! When like Utu you impart just verdicts, ...... justice, ...... you call by name ......, then you, Samsu-iluna, shall be the king of the eloquent words of Utu, and you shall be the foremost of kings.
20-32. When like a raging storm you batter the foreign lands that are hostile to you, may your head be raised high, O king; may your head be raised high, O Samsu-iluna! In Babylon, the city of the divine powers of Suen, may you let your cleverness shine like the sun! May Marduk, the god who created you, lift your head high in the midst of lords and princes! On the field of battle, of mêlée and conflict, may he never stray from your side! May he be your helper with weapons, may he cause you to excel until distant days! May An, king of the gods, make your life last until distant days! May Enlil, king of the foreign lands, who confirms your words, make your words weighty! May Inana, the great queen of heaven, grasp you firmly with her holy word! May Enki deliver numerous people into your hands! May Asari, the great ruler of theabzu, who provides advice for all the foreign lands, the lordly one of Eridug, the god who in his ...... calls all the ...... with a good name -- may he be your great princely strength!
33-39. May Namma, the mother who ...... the house, place water in your mouth at the ...... of the Land! May Damgalnuna, the great lady of Eridug, when she intercedes joyfully in the good bedchamber,
1 line unclear
pray on your behalf for days of plenty and days ...... from her husband. May the ...... deity, the protective goddess of the abzu, be your source of good omens ...... for ever and ever! OSamsu-iluna, my king!

A prayer for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna C)

1-10. Lord, may you confirm your royal position by taking your seat on the throne, the lofty dais! Samsu-iluna, may you confirm your royal position by taking your seat on the throne, the lofty dais! May you strengthen the foundations of your throne by grasping the shepherd's crook of lordship! May you bring to perfect completion the princely divine powers by inspiring awe in the holy place, the pure place! When you ...... on the holy royal dais, may you lift your head high in a lordly manner!
11-17. When you are imbued with the terrifying splendour of royalty, ...... shining like the sun! When you perfectly wield the august divine powers, the great divine powers, may you be cloaked as if with a mantle in the great awesomeness of royalty! When you come forth in brilliance like the shining day, may An and Enlil determine a great destiny for you! When you appear like Nanna over the Land, may the great prince Enki pray on your behalf in his overflowing heart!
18-24. May your headdress sparkle over the Land like Utu! May your sceptre correctly guide the numerous people! May Suen let you control the living beings! With your shepherd's crook may you lead Sumer and Akkad as if you were their mother and father! May the widespread people, the people whom you have united, pray to you as you shine like the Barge of Heaven! May you be the god of the foreign lands that are settled together!
25-40. When you come forth like Utu, joy ......, and their gaze is fixed as if on their own parents. When you feed them lavishly, may their lives ......! When you generously give them drink, ......! May the black-headed people ...... cool themselves in your shade! Your shepherdship .......
1 line fragmentary
2 lines missing
May ...... be praised! May your royal ...... be forever stable! May you be ......! May you be ......! May you shine ......! O Samsu-iluna, my king!

A prayer for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna D)

1. He causes brilliance, he ...... from his holy heart.
unknown no. of lines missing

A prayer for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna E)

1-12. My ...... of eternal fame, head lifted high in princely worth, ...... who loves righteousness and truth, ...... named with an august name, for whom Enlil ...... has determined a great destiny, and Ninlil ......! The valiant Ninurta is your helper. In the E-kurNuska the august minister of Enlil, the assembly leader of all lands, is your foremost palace superintendent. Throughout your life, may you carry your neck high; in princely manner may you lift your head high! -- Prolong the days of his life for Samsu-iluna, of princely worth!
13-29. May An, king of the gods, look upon you favourably; the great and august An, the father of the gods, he with the splendid crown, full of great and august radiance, ...... your royal throne whose branches and sprouts ...... as wide as the sky. May he bestow upon you, during the days of your long life, the power to make decisions ......, to direct ......, to serve as the provider of the black-headed creatures in all their multitude! May Enlil, ......, the king of all countries, protect you ...... command. May he ...... for you the city of your country. May he make firm for you the foundation of your country. May Ninlil, the queen of deities, joyfully ...... for you, and may she look upon you with shining face; may she who takes counsel ...... withEnlil, and who cares for ......, ...... her favourable word.
30-46. May Ninurta, the strong warrior of Enlil, the lord of decisions, whose august commands are as weighty as those of An and Enlil, he of lordly character, terrifying splendour and heroism, who resists the forceful, the strong shepherd (?) who crushes the evil and wicked -- may he spread out in heaps for you the inhabitants of the cities which you hate, and may he deliver your enemies into your hands! May Nuska, the august minister of Enlil, let you enter brick-built E-kur joyfully with your offerings, and escort you before the shining faces of Enliland Ninlil; in Babylon, the city of heroes, may he make firm for you the foundation of your kingship. The august command ...... Enlil ....... ......, may ...... be their king! ......, may he ...... a place for you! ......, like the light born monthly in the pure sky. ......, and may you too grow throughout your life like a fresh fruit, O Samsu-iluna, my king!

A hymn to Enlil for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna F)

Segment A

1-8. O king, foremost one of An, chosen in his holy heart, Samsu-iluna, king, foremost one ofAn, chosen in his holy heart, ...... rites ...... august, ......, joyful, supreme, assiduous, with head high on the gold-decorated throne of ...... kingship, who sits majestically ...... in its midst in heroic strength, Samsu-ilunaAn, the mighty king of heaven, the august judge, has assigned you a great destiny, and has made you to pass your life with a secure crown.
9-17. He is the man to whom Enlil has given ...... and the shepherdship over the widespread people, the beloved (?) shepherd of Nibru, the constant servant of E-kur; he is the trustworthy farmer of the house of Asalim, who takes care that provisions do not cease in E-saj-ila. For you to exercise your divine powers of shepherdship in the Land, Enlil has placed the foreign lands at your feet. Obedient to Utu, beloved (?) of InanaSamsu-iluna, the king whose fate is never altered by Enlil, my king, at the command uttered by EnlilEnki and AsalimZababa,Lugal-gu-dua, the king who builds temples, ...... the rebel lands ......
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-9. Ickur, the net of the foreign lands ...... made the foreign countries praise him duly, and made the mighty ...... manifest. Samsu-iluna, the good hero, lordly one of his Land, has wisely co-ordinated decisions for the Land. From the banks of the Tigris and the banks of theEuphrates, to the shores of the sea ...... and the banks of its rivers, men ...... Samsu-iluna. InE-kur, the house of Enlil, ...... he has taken his seat on his dais of joy. Enlil, it is sweet to praise you. Enlil, give my king a brilliant destiny and years of life! Grant him as a gift a life of long days!

A prayer for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna G)

1-6. He greeted {EnkiAsalim and the son of Eridug} {(an Akkadian gloss has:EaMardukand Asalluha}, the great gods, {while sitting majestically on the golden throne of kingship with head high in heroic strength in its midst} {(an Akkadian gloss has:) on your golden throne of kingship, whose head is raised high in the strength of your heroism, may you sit majestically,Samsu-iluna, double king}, the king of Urim and king of Larsam, the king of Sumer and Akkad.

A hymn to Enlil for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna H)

1-2. ...... offerings ......, he brought (?) them into E-kur.
3-8. In the E-kur, the house of EnlilSamsu-iluna, the mighty king {whose ...... awesomeness covers all people} {(an Akkadian gloss has:) whose splendour covers all people} {
1 line unclear
} {(an Akkadian gloss has:) reach ......}
3 lines fragmentary
9-13. {
1 line fragmentary} {(an Akkadian gloss has:) by saving .......} The foreign lands ...... {has wisely (?) made decisions (?)} {(an Akkadian gloss has:) ......; who has inflicted defeat ...... on all hostile lands}. {Samsu-iluna, the good hero, lordly one of his Land} {(an Akkadian gloss has:Samsu-iluna, the good hero, lordly one of his land}! O Samsu-iluna, it is sweet to praise you!

A hymn to Marduk for Abi-Ecuh (Abi-Ecuh A)

1-6. King who gathers up the divine powers of heaven and earth, foremost son of Enki,Marduk, mighty lord, perfect hero, foremost of the Great Princes (a name for the Igigi gods) , strong one of the Anuna, the great gods who have given him justice and judgment! Great prince, descendant of holy An, lord who decides destinies, who has everything in his grasp (?), wise, august knower of hearts, whose divinity is manifest, who shows concern for all that he looks upon! Your ancestor An, king of the gods, has made your lordship effective against the armies of heaven and earth.
7-10. He has given you the supervision of great august commands of heaven and earth, he has bound to your hand the shepherd's crook that curbs the foreign lands, he has made you excel among the great gods, and in addition has given you, to control them, the royal sceptre and the ritual ordinances of the gods. Enlil has fixed as your destiny kingship over the totality of heaven and earth and has relieved you of any rivals; he has made you eminent among theAnuna, and has bestowed on you the exercise of domination.
    11. 1st kirugu.
12. Marduk, in all quarters of the heavens they have made shine forth like Utu the lordship of prince Abi-Ecuh, the beloved son of your heart, and have relieved him of any rivals.
    13. Jicgijal.
14. The lordship of the hero standing in all his strength upon this august pedestal is indeed eminent in heaven and earth. The lordship of Marduk standing in all his strength upon this august pedestal, is indeed eminent in heaven and earth.

A praise poem of Abi-Ecuh (Abi-Ecuh B)

Segment A

1-6. On a shining day may ...... for you! On a bright day may your heart ......! The bright day when Utu the judge ....... ...... his pleasure, his fulfilment. ...... the staff of An, in heaven and earth. ...... Marduk .......
approx. 4 lines missing

Segment B

1-14. There .......
2 lines fragmentary Before Utu and Nance ....... Before Abi-Ecuh .......
1 line unclear
...... your divinity ....... ...... your lot. The door ...... to the house ....... ...... day and night ....... ...... from the mouth, its tongue ....... Your personal god ...... like life. Your protective goddess ...... life. ...... life ...... prayer.
15-30. In those days, in those far-off years ...... The holy hand ...... his protective goddess .......Nisaba, the lady of Erec, ....... ...... a jar in which there was barley. Walking ...... ...... on roads and routes ....... ...... words which he had uttered, ways ....... ...... a hired worker, like a midwife, a female weaver ....... ...... who spoke to Utu ......, ...... who spoke to Nanna ....... He who enters a house ....... ...... small and great ....... ...... sitting on his chair, lying on his bed,
1 line unclear
...... your ways, your personal god ...... ...... years of life, months of peace in a place of contentment.

A hymn to Marduk for a king

1-13. May Marduk grant life! May he make your ...... full! May Marduk decree life for you! May he prolong your life, and may he let you keep it for everlasting days! May you live, and may you have peace! May it last forever! May life be your lot, and may a life of contentment be your share! When you lie down to sleep, may your dreams be propitious, and when you rise, may your omens be favourable! Wherever you walk, may you be established in peace!
14-29. May the life of my king be pleasant in the eyes of An, father of the gods! May he let you wear your royal ...... in the Land! May your ...... throne be ...... until distant days! ......, may it last forever, and may life be your lot! May Aya ...... life, ...... your strength!
1 line unclear
May it be your lot to be a god, eating food and {...... peaceful water} {(1 ms. has instead:) drinking water ......} of long life! May a divine command bestow life on you! May you live, and may you have peace! May it last forever and may life be your lot! May a life of contentment be your share! When you lie down to sleep, may your dreams be propitious, and when you rise, may your omens be favourable! Wherever you walk, may you be established in peace! May you live for everlasting days ......!

A praise poem of Anam (Anam A)

1-11. Anam, lord, ......, ......, perfect in your broad wisdom, ......, who preserves Nibru, who prevents the city from having ......! Sweet breeze (?) of his city, father of the region of Unug, judge who ...... in his verdicts, reverent ......, who fears An and Inana! Who cherishes E-ana, who is happy there ...... in friendly words! Mighty ......, heart's desire of Inana, who reveres the ...... of the Land, ...... with head high, en priest of Inana, ......, all-knowing!
12-25. ......, who batters the wrathful, ......, endowed with good looks, ...... who is fearsome; watching ......, richly endowed with charms, you are ......, foremost of the troops. Nanaya, ...... the mother of all, ...... she who exists for luxury, ...... a great destiny ....... ......, the queen, ......, restoring the destroyed E-me-urur and building the ...... which were abandoned, has created the ...... which had not been built up since ancient days. ......, you fix the rules.
26-37. ......, excelling in the Land, you pray justly ...... in its fine ....... Standing steadfastly in prayer ......, you determine food offerings. And you, ......, lady, great goddess who goes by one's side, have determined a great destiny until distant times for him who has set up permanent statues in E-ana and E-me-urur, ...... for the man whose destiny will not be spoiled,
1 line unclear
The lady, the nurse Nanaya, who stands there like a great wall at the door of E-ana, has decreed throughout heaven and earth that ...... and should spend long days in heartfelt joy; and she has fixed life, progeny and luxury as your lot.
38-41. You are grandly there for Enlil! As befits your calling as lord, you have freed from Unugand its settlements, and released to Nibru, the citizens of Nibru, slaves and slavegirls, who have much .......

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