Annunaki Video Proof

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Letters I

Letter from Aradju to Culgi about Apillaca

1-2. Say to my lord: this is what Aradju, your servant, says:
3-8. You instructed me, as I was taking the direct route to Subir, to secure your provincial taxes, to inform myself precisely as to the state of the territory, and to ensure its obedience by taking counsel with (?) Apillaca, the 'Sage of the Assembly', so that he could thus return the people of Subir to their customary way of speaking (?).
9-11. But when I arrived at the palace gate, no one enquired after the well-being of my lord. No one rose from their seat before me, or bowed down. {(1 ms. adds:) They intimidated me.}
12-18. {When I came nearer} {(1 ms. has instead:) ...... carries ......} -- well, your wayside hostel where carding-combs (?) and lances inlaid with gold, silver, cornelian and lapis lazuli have been set up, covers an area of one hectare! Apillaca himself is decked out in {gold and lapis lazuli} {(1 ms. has instead:) lapis lazuli, gold, silver and cornelian}, and he sits on a raised throne furnished with a rich raiment. His feet rest upon a golden footstool. He would not remove his feet in my presence!
19-21. To his right and left he had ...... soldiers (?) stationed, five thousand at each side. He placed at their disposal six fattened oxen and {60} {(1 ms. has instead:) 20} fattened {sheep} {(1 ms. has instead:) rams} for a meal. He assumed the right to perform my lord's lustration rites.
22-25. After a close interrogation at the gate, nobody even bade me enter. When I finally entered, someone brought me a throne with studs plated with red gold and told me: "Sit down!" I replied: "I am here to present the instructions of my king. Therefore I will not sit down!""
26-28. They brought (?) me {two fattened oxen} {(1 ms. has instead:) one fattened ox} and {20} {(the same ms. has instead:) 6} fattened sheep to my table. Then because, without ......, my lord's soldiers overturned my table, I became frightened and my flesh crept.
29-34. In the month Ezen-Ninazu, after {the 15th day} {(1 ms. has instead:) five days had passed}, my lord gave me his instructions. {By the first day} {(2 mss. have instead:) after one day had passed} of the month U-bigu, I {sent to you} {(1 ms. has instead:) I sent to my lord ......} a messenger. Now it is {midday} {(1 ms. has instead:) mid-month} {(1 other ms. has instead:) the day did not ......}, ...... approached. May my lord know!

Letter from Culgi to Aradju about Apillaca

1-2. Say to Aradju: this is what Culgi, your lord, says:
3-5. The man to whom I have sent you is not your subordinate -- he will not {accept} {(1 ms. has instead:) change} orders from your hand! How can you ignore what he himself has done too, and that it is indeed so?
6-15. As I myself ordered, you were to secure the provinces, and to correctly guide the people and {make them obedient} {(2 mss. have instead:) secure the foundations of the provinces}. When you approach the cities of the provinces, inform yourself precisely of their intentions, and inform yourself of the words of their dignitaries. Let my roar {be emitted over all the lands} {(1 ms. has instead:) fill all the lands} {(1 ms. has instead:) cover all the lands}. Let my powerful arm, my heroic arm, fall upon all the lands. Let my storm {cover} {(1 ms. has instead:) be released over} the Land. Make the ...... disappear into the desert, and the robbers into the fields! Until you reach Apillaca, my 'Sage of the Assembly', ......! Let .......
16-17. That was how I had instructed you. Why have you not acted as I ordered you?
18-26. If I do not make my 'Sage of the Assembly' feel just as important as I am, if he does not sit on a throne on a dais, furnished with a high-quality cloth cover (?), if his feet do not rest on a golden footstool, if he is not allowed by his own highest authority both to appoint and then to remove a governor from his function as governor, an official {from his charge} {(some mss. have instead:) from his function as official} {(1 ms. has instead:) from an official}, if he does not kill or blind anyone, if he does not elevate his favourite over others -- how else can he secure the provinces?
27-28. If you truly love me, you will not bear him a grudge!
29-30. You are important, {but you do not even know your own soldiers} {(1 ms. has instead:) and you even know the soldiers that are at Apillaca's disposal}. Your eyes have learnt something about {these men} {(some mss. have instead:Apillaca's men}, and about {Apillaca's heroism} {(some mss. have instead:) my heroism}.
31-35. If {you, Aradju, are indeed my servant} {(some mss. have instead:) you, Aradju andApillaca, are indeed my servants}, you should both pay attention (?) to my written communications. Come to an understanding, you two! Secure the foundations of the provinces! It is urgent!

Letter from Aradju to Culgi about irrigation work

1-2. Say to my lord: thus says Aradju, your servant:
3-6. My lord, you have given me instructions about every matter, from the sea and the land ofDilmun, {from the salt waters and the borders of the land of the Martu} {(some mss. have instead:) to the salt waters and the borders of the land of the Martu}, {to} {(1 ms. has instead:) from} the {side (?)} {(1 ms. has instead:) borders (?)} of Simurrum and {the territory of ......} {(1 ms. has instead:) the territory of Subir}:
7-11. Their various cities and {all their environs} {(1 ms. has instead:) their troops}, their canals, fields, arable tracts and their embankments and ditches,
1 line unclear
All the cities are listening to my lord.
1 line unclear
12-14. I have established strong guards for their fortresses, and I have made all their troops submit.
1 line unclear
15-22. I have drained the arable tracts when they were flooded. I have ...... when their embankments were leaky (?). I have ...... their fields and reedbeds. ...... bowing their heads .......
4 lines fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Letter from Aradju to Culgi about the country

Segment A

1-2. Say to my lord: This is what Aradju, your servant, says:
3-7. My lord, the vast territory which has been given to you as booty has been made obedient: it is of one mind. The people, abundant as vegetation, belong to Culgi, shepherd of the reliable word. You are the god of mankind, in the south and the highlands. They keep their gaze fixed on you.
8-15. The widespread people, abundant as vegetation, say: "Hail, my lord!", from the floodingTigris and Euphrates to the Tigris ....... ...... will rise. ...... put aside. ...... I (?) will make. ...... which is esteemed (?). When I have filled (?) ......,
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1 line fragmentary ...... which he obtained (?), I am .......
1 line fragmentary ...... the citizens of the territory of Gutium, ......, Mari and Rapiqum, who will listen at all times, are before me. Whatever you say, my lord, I will do.

Letter from Aradju to Culgi about Aba-indasa's missing troops

1-2. Say to my lord: this is what Aradju, your servant, says:
3-4. Aba-indasa, the captain of the royal pledged troops, has sent you ....... May my lord take note most carefully concerning this matter.
5-10. When I had set my sights towards Zimudar, I was levying troops for the expedition, my lord; but when Aba-indasa had inspected the troops, 2000 men of those troops were missing. They were not ......, nor ....... They have ...... the fortress, my lord, they have taken .......
11-15. ...... offence .......
2 lines fragmentary Whatever you say, my lord! May my lord know!

Letter from Aradju to Culgi about the fortress Igi-hursaja

Segment A

1-2. Say to my lord: This is what Aradju, your servant, says:
3-4. My lord, your word is the word of An, it ....... Your decreed destiny has been bestowed on you as on a god.
5-9. As to the fortification which my lord sent me back to, the work on it has been put into effect. The approach of the enemy is kept at a distance from the Land. My lord continues to maintain his sublime reputation in the south and the uplands, from the rising to the setting sun, as far as the borders of the entire Land. {The rebellious (?) Martu have turned back ......} {(an Akkadian gloss has instead:) The totality ......}.
10-12. {Kurgamabi} {(an Akkadian gloss has instead:Kunci-matum} ...... to Culgi. The fortressIgi-hursaja ....... And who will rival him ......?
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-3. {......} {(an Akkadian gloss has instead:) The letter of} my lord ....... Whatever ......, my lord, ....... My lord should ......!

Letter from Culgi to Aradju about Aba-indasa's letter

Version A

1-2. Say to Aradju: This is what your lord Culgi says:
3-9. Because Aba-indasa, the captain of the pledged troops, had sent a letter concerning ......, he (?) indeed insisted on clamping down heavily, when you have borne (?) the offence. Why do they (?) let him rise up from among their troops and make him enter ...... of my guard? Carry (?) it (?), and have your heart bear (?) the offence, ...... the enemy has departed, and then return him to (?) their troops!
10-17. From my own ......, ...... the fortress .......
approx. 2 lines fragmentary I had set up ....... ...... the fortress ......, you knew (?) ....... ...... sending my letter by his hand (?), ...... return him (?) to their troops!
18-22. ...... when you have made good by appointing (?) ......, ...... you ...... ruin ......! ...... was set, it was ...... for you. In a safe place where ...... before you, you should take your seat on a throne. This is urgent!

Version B

unknown no. of lines missing
1 line fragmentary ...... Ur-Namma, my own father, ...... the fortress ....... ...... I have set up for their ....... From ...... the fortress ....... After ...... my letter, return ...... to their troops!
8-10. May ...... not ruin their city! Its pride ...... for their troops. ......, may you ...... on a throne.

Letter from Puzur-Culgi to Culgi about the advance of the enemy

1-3. Say to my lord: this is what {Puzur-Culgi} {(1 ms. has instead:Puzur-Marduk} {(1 other ms. has instead:Puzur-Numucda}, the commander of the fortress Igi-hursaja, your servant, says:
4-8. All the {gold and silver} {(1 ms. has instead:) gold and lapis lazuli} {(1 other ms. has instead:) silver and gold} that my lord has been fashioning for the {(1 ms. adds:) great} gods -- is it not for his own life? For {the life} {(1 ms. has instead:) the well-being} of the troops and his land, my king has built the great fortress Igi-hursaja for the people of his land, because of the wicked enemy.
9-11. And now the enemy troops have risen up. {One} {(1 ms. has instead:) ......} man who had fled from me has been brought back. Having been caught, he has given me evidence of this, and {went ahead} {(1 ms. has instead:) "...... go!", and I (?) went}.
12-14. I am also well-informed about the oracular signs concerning the enemy: the enemy has replenished his strength for battle. However, my strength is limited. I cannot strengthen the fortress further or {guard it} {(1 ms. has instead:) guard the cities (?)} against him.
15-22. As for the sector (?) of {Cu-Numucda} {(1 ms. has instead:Cu-Marduk} {(1 other ms. has instead:Puzur-Numucda}, the ruler of Jirilumtura: five nindan lengths of it are cut off. As for the sector (?) of Lugal-melem, the manager of the {Cegceg watercourse} {(1 ms. has instead:) city of ...... (the correct form of this name is not known)}: {40} {(1 ms. has instead:) 25} {(1 other ms. has instead:) 30} {(1 further ms. has instead:) 45 (?)} nindan lengths of ...... on top of it are no longer fixed. As for the sector (?) of Ka-kugani, the ruler of the territory ofMurub: 45 nindan lengths were destroyed when the opposite side was captured. As for the sector (?) of Takil-ilicu, the {canal inspector} {(1 ms. has instead:) ruler} of the Ab-gal and Me-Enlila watercourses: 50 nindan lengths of the edge have been removed, and in the middle of it they collapsed.
23-25. Moreover it is not {established} {(1 ms. has instead:) stated} {(1 other ms. has instead:) known} when the enemy will pitch camp. {Once the enemy is camped I will replenish my powers} {(1 ms. has instead:) The enemy will replenish his strength for battle}. {( 1 ms. adds:) I will fortify ...... and .......} His troops are camped among the hills.
26-29. If my lord agrees, {may he send to me speedily} {(1 ms. has instead:) ......, let there be available} 7,200 soldiers as workmen who will carry baskets for me. {May he send to me speedily} {(1 ms. has instead:) May there come, at my disposal,} 70 {Cimackian attendants ......} {(1 ms. has instead:) ......} {(1 other ms. has instead:) ......}.
30-31. {The enemy has devised their plans concerning this: "I will resettle them"} {(1 ms. has instead:) The enemy has devised his plans and has resettled the people} {(1 other ms. has instead:) Plans concerning me have been devised: "I will resettle them"}. May it be known that, by night or by day the enemy's sins are forever grave.
32-34. I am the loyal servant of my lord Culgi. {(1 ms. adds:) ...... which is not negligent.} Let this not be the death of me! May my lord know! {(1 ms. adds:) It is urgent!}

Letter from Culgi to Puzur-Culgi about the fortress Igi-hursaja

Version A

Segment A

1-3. Say to Puzur-Culgi, the commander ......: this is what Culgi, your lord, says:
4-8. When I had ...... the fortress Igi-hursaja, and An and Enlil had ...... supreme rule over all the foreign lands and the widespread people, the cities and the Land ......, and the people of the widespread Land lay .......
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1. They should mobilise all these cities.
2-6. When the master-builder (?) has taken up the work concerned, he is to re-establish securely any place where the fortification has fallen into ruins. Let him reinforce and also rebuild it. The neglected work load is to be completed within one month; I shall be questioning him about this work.
7-11. ...... the Tidnum have returned (?) from their mountain land. I am therefore setting over you Lu-Nanna, the ruler of the province of Zimudar, together with his troops (?). There is for you ...... together with his ....... There is not for him .......
1 line fragmentary
13-14. May ...... be sent when (?) ...... is completed.
15-17. Should Lu-Nanna, the ruler of the province of Zimudar, together with his troops, abandon you, then you and Aradju {should not turn aside} {(1 ms. has instead:) should not feel constrained (?)}.
18-21. The orders are rigorous: you should not neglect your work load. They are to proceed with the building work by night and in the heat of noon. You will not be sleeping during the night or in the heat of noon! You should know this! It is urgent!

Version B (from Susa)

1-2. Say to Puzur-Numucda: this is what Culgi, your lord, says:
3-7. When I had built the great fortress Igi-hursaja and An and Enlil had given to me the ...... over all the foreign lands and the widespread people, each of their towns and all their provinces, and the people of the widespread Land lay in green meadows. I made them rest (?) in spacious habitations, in peaceful dwelling places.
8-13. As for their men and women: the man among them goes wherever he pleases, and the woman with (?) spindle and hair clasp goes wherever she pleases. After they had set up stock-pens in the vastness of the desert, and established their tents and camps, the workmen and the labourers spend the days in the fields.
14-15. In order that the ruler and the general manager can build everything for you concerning the fortress, carry out this work on the fortress now. The reputation of this fortress shall not be diminished.
16-19. By consulting omens and according to my heart's desire (?) I have benefited (?) the life of the troops and the province ....... Now the troops have arrived. As for the work on this fortress, the men are to proceed with the building work on it.
20-22. Now I have sent Aradju to you. Let the ruler and the general manager bring these men. They are to mobilise all the settlements.
23-27. The master builder (?) has taken up his work. Where substantial work has been neglected, let him return to it. He is to reinforce and rebuild it. He is to complete the fortress within one month. Let him not question this assignment.
28-30. May Lu-Nanna, the ruler of the province of Zimudar, go to join his troops. He certainly has flour provisions (?) with him. He should not be deterred by hardship.
31. When the fortress is completed, a letter from the two of you should reach me (?).
32-36. When you have seen for yourselves, let Lu-Nanna, the ruler of the province of Zimudar, proceed to his troops. You and Aradju should not delay them! Let the building work proceed both by night and by the noonday heat. Your (?) orders are rigorous, and you should not give up this work load. It is urgent!

Letter from Culgi to Puzur-Culgi about waterways

1-2. Say to Puzur-Culgi, commander of the fortress Igi-hursaja: this is what Culgi, your lord, says:
3-5. {Where} {(1 ms. has instead:) when} I had built the great fortress Igi-hursaja, the ...... not come out. The ...... cannot drink water, {because of a breach (?) in (?) the Tigris andEuphrates} {(1 ms. has instead:) ...... together with the Euphrates}.
6-9. In order that ...... should lie down, in order that ...... should be absolutely clean, in order that ...... should be put (?) ......,
1 line missing
10-14. I will make ...... change ....... After sending you back ......, I (?) instructed you ....... I (?) have built there (?) ....... They returned (?) .......
15-16. May ...... be taken up. May he rebuild .......
17-22. ...... is sending to me ....... I will ask you (?) ....... ...... of Zimudar shall indeed come to you .......
1 line fragmentary ...... was taken (?).
23-28. ...... be sent. I (?) know very well ....... ...... abandon you (?). Should ...... take ......, you both ....... It is urgent!

Letter from Aradju (?) to Culgi about bandits and Apillaca

unknown no. of lines missing
1-7. The men (?) started irrigation work (?) on the watercourses, {...... the watercourses ......} {(1 ms. has instead:) and dug and cleaned them out thoroughly}. These bandits and brigands applied their hoes to levelling the desert completely. As for their men and their women {(1 ms. adds:) ...... the road (?) ......}: the man among them goes wherever he pleases, {the woman among them} {(1 ms. has instead:) the woman}, holding a spindle and hair clasp in her hand, {goes (?)} {(1 ms. has instead:) ......} {(1 other ms. has instead:) going} the way of her choice. In the vastness of the desert {they set up} {(1 ms. has instead:) they knock up} animal pens, and {after setting up their tents and camps} {(1 ms. has instead:) they lie in (?) green meadows in their (?) tents and camps}, their workers and agricultural labourers spend the day together on the fields.
8-14. I have not neglected the instructions of my lord Culgi: both at night and in the noonday heat I ...... my neck; I ...... the workload (?) concerned. Since his childhood, Apillaca {has ......} {(1 ms. has instead:) has not ......}. A man such as he knows my heart, as your eyes {know} {(1 ms. has instead:) have seen}. My lord, with the open eye of a god, {...... to (?) an evildoer ......} {(1 ms. has instead:) you (?) know the evildoer}. While the great ...... official of all the foreign lands surpasses ......, my lord, you (?) surpass all great things, ...... an equal.
15-20. {The report is returned (?) ......;} {(1 ms. has instead:) Whatever statements have been made ......,} your matter is an important matter, and your affairs are great affairs. His pleasant words are in your heart, ....... They (?) are the people. Your eyes ....... How could I bear a grudge? I am securing the foundations of the province, and making it obedient. My lord, no king can rival you; let your heart be glad!

Letter from Ur-DUN to Culgi about Apillaca

1-2. Say to my lord: this is what the merchant Ur-DUN, your servant, says:
3-9. My lord gave me silver and sent me to a distant land in order to purchase cedar resin. After I had entered the land and had purchased cedar resin, Apillaca, the 'Sage of the Assembly', sent men to me and they took away my goods.
10-16. When I arrived at his palace gate, no one enquired about my business. Aradju, your servant, and Babati, the archivist, had gone from Zimudar to Simurrum and had learnt ...... and their messengers .......
17-18. ...... of my lord ....... Being in a weak (?) position, I was not able to ...... their illegal seizure.
19-20. He has given you a report, lord. Whatever you say, my lord!

Letter from Culgi (?) to Aradju about troops

1-2. To Aradju ......: ...... Culgi (?) ......:
2 lines fragmentary As regards your concern ....... May ....... For their troops ...... not .......
1 line fragmentary Their troops .......

Letter from Culgi to Icbi-Erra about the purchase of grain

1-2. Say to Icbi-Erra: this is what Culgi, your lord, says:
3-5. You have made me so happy with the news and everything. Who could give me a house-born slave such as you are? Who has such a capable man, so beneficial to his lord?
6-7. Now, no sign can confirm (?) anything of what I have been sending to you, but I have sent it to you anyway (?).
8-11. I had Babati, the archivist -- who is to me a grandfather, an advisor of longstanding, who knows how to give advice -- send you 600 talents of silver and 600 talents of gold, which I had delivered (?) to you because (?) of the taking of ...... from my troops.
12-14. I have also sent you intelligence information (?) about the troops. Pass it on to Babati, and do whatever he wishes, lest his heart suddenly turns to hatred!
15-17. You are to receive the gold and silver from him, and purchase grain everywhere according to (?) whatever exchange rate they will take from you. May your ...... nothing at all.
18-19. From today (?), you are my son who makes me happy. The cities of (?) the province (?), the land of the MartuElam -- all of them I have placed before you: you are just as important as I am.
20-22. So sit before them on a throne on a golden dais ......! Let their messengers prostrate themselves in front of you! May your ...... at its rear; do not ...... at all!
23-27. Remove (?) a governor -- appoint a governor! Appoint a commander! Designate a captain-general! Certainly you should put a man to death, a man who has killed: blind the man who has killed! Build your house of manhood (?) for an attendant who has been favourably looked upon (?)! Make sure your recompense is great!
28-29. Now, you should not suddenly alter your word (?) about all that I have been sending to you.

Letter from Carrum-bani to Cu-Suen about keeping the Martu at bay

1-2. Say to Cu-Suen, my lord: this is what Carrum-bani, the 'Sage of the Assembly', your servant, says:
3-8. You sent me a message ordering me to work on the construction of the great fortificationMuriq-Tidnim. {You presented yourself before me} {(1 ms. has instead:) A messenger presented himself before me}, announcing: "The Martu have invaded the land." {You instructed me} {(1 ms. has instead:) You have imposed on me as a task (?)} to build the fortification, so as to cut off their route; also, that no breaches of the Tigris or the Euphratesshould cover the fields with water.
9-11. When I was setting out, their ...... from the bank of the Ab-gal watercourse to the province of Zimudar.
12-16. When I was constructing this fortification to the length of 26 danna, and had reached the area between the two mountain ranges, I was informed of the Martu camping within the mountain ranges because (?) of my building work. Simurrum had come to their assistance. So I set off to the area between the mountain ranges of Ebih in order to engage in military action.
17-18. But as far as I can say, I have not seen (?) troops carrying baskets. In order to engage in military action, I went (?) to their .......
19-21. If my lord agrees, may he provide me with additional workmen and set the wages (?) for me. ...... did not succeed ...... tribute of the provinces (?).
22-26. I sent a messenger to the province of Murub: the attitude (?) of the province has altered. I will not neglect to build the fortification -- in fact I am building and engaging in military action at the same time. After all, as 'Sage of the Assembly' I descend (?) from a great lineage! I have been advised that the attitude (?) of the province has not altered.
27-30. At the time I sent my messenger to you, I sent another messenger, after him, to {Lu-Nanna} {(1 ms. has instead:Lu-Enki}, the ruler of the province of Zimudar. He has sent you 7200 workers.
31-33. Basket men are available; however, men fit to engage in military action are limited. If my lord should arrange the dismissal of the workers ready to work, let me pursue military action together with them, when I have removed (?) them.
34-38. The dignitaries of your provinces are sending a man to them. They have presented themselves before me, announcing: "As far as we are concerned, we are unable to guard all the cities. But how exactly will any troops be given to you?" My messenger has been sent to them (?).
39-43. Once my lord has given me instructions, I will repeatedly return to (?) work at nightfall and at midnight, as well as engaging in military action. I stand at the disposal of the fame and word of my lord, and so I (?) will bring weapons to bear. No strength has yet been displayed (?), nor any firmness shown (?) by means of weapons. Let the storm cover (?) all the lands! May my lord know!

Letter from Cu-Suen to Carrum-bani about digging a trench

1-2. Say to Carrum-bani: this is what Cu-Suen, your lord, says:
3-6. The messenger whom you have sent to me ....... ...... you do not exceed ...... my instructions, as I ordered you.
1 line unclear
As for myself, whatever you say to me .......
7-14. When you went into the province -- who but you (?) has approached the province? Spending the night ....... When their dignitaries have ...... their words, if ......
1 line unclear
Their dignitaries should stand by you in (?) their quarters. When their ...... have been cast away, they themselves ...... the province.
15-20. If ...... officials should pass by (?),
1 line unclear
By (?) placing the enemy, their cities, their borders ......, until {they come down} {(1 ms. has instead:) they come out from their fortress}, they must not overturn it!
21-22. When their men had killed, {their women} {(1 ms. has instead:) their soldiers} passed (?) through your cities of the province; it was not .......
23-24. That was how I instructed you. Why did you not act as I ordered you?
25-27. You were not empowered to kill anyone, to blind (?) people or to destroy cities; but I gave you authority to do so.
28-30. When my father Culgi built the fortress ......, it was not you people who were involved -- and my throne is not the throne of Culgi!
31-34. Concerning Lu-Enki, the ruler of the province of Zimudar, he should come to you, and should bring with him 60 troops. Let them be sent together with .......
35-36. ......, the archivist, made ...... limited (?). According to the instructions that have been given to him, he should build that fortress.
37-38. And as for you, with the soldiers who are under your authority, get the trench dug!
39-42. So as not to change the attitude of the province, you people are not to release the workers while the land has not yet been secured.
43-45. Let messengers bring me news about those eastern provinces. This is urgent!

Letter from Icbi-Erra to Ibbi-Suen about the purchase of grain

1-2. Say to Ibbi-Suen, my lord: this is what Icbi-Erra, your servant, says:
3-6. You ordered me to travel to Isin and Kazallu to purchase grain. With grain reaching the exchange rate of one shekel of silver per gur, 20 talents of silver have been invested for {the purchase} {(2 mss. have instead:) ......} of grain.
7-12. I heard news that the hostile Martu have entered inside your territories. {I entered with 72,000 gur of grain} {(1 ms. has instead:) 72,000 gur of grain was brought} -- the entire amount of grain -- inside Isin. Now I have let the Martu, all of them, penetrate inside the Land, and one by one I have seized all the fortifications therein. Because of the Martu, {I am unable to hand over} {(2 mss. have instead:) I am unable to make ......} this grain for threshing. They are stronger than me, while I am condemned to sitting around.
13-16. Let my lord repair 600 {barges} {(2 mss. have instead:) boats} of 120 gur draught each; 72 solid boats, 20 ......, 30 ......, placing (?) 50 ...... and 60 (?) boat doors on the boats (?), may he also ...... all the boats.
17-21. {Let them bring it up} {(1 ms. has instead:) May he make them go out} by water, along the Kura and the Palictum watercourses, to the grain heaps (?) that are spread out. And I myself intend to {go (?)} {(1 ms. has instead:) come out} and meet them (?). The place there where the boats moor will be under my responsibility. Let them load up huge amounts of grain (?), the entire amount of grain; it should reach (?) you.
22-23. If you have not got enough grain, I myself shall have grain brought in to you.
24-28. My lord has become distressed about the battles in Elam. But the Elamites' grain rations have quickly been exhausted, so do not slacken your forces! Do not fall head first into their slavery, nor follow at their heels!
29-30. I have at my disposal enough grain to meet the needs of your palace and of {all the cities} {(1 ms. has instead:) all your cities} for 15 years.
31-33. {That I should guard for you} {(2 mss. have instead:) To guard} {(1 ms. adds:) the city of} Isin, and Nibru: {let it be my responsibility.} {(1 ms. has instead:) my lord, is this my responsibility?} My lord should know this! (end of shorter version)
34-37. My lord, I am without fear! I will not delay (?); I will not ...... in their midst. Each one ofIsin's and Nibru's gods may search there for faces (?); I have indeed looked for them. Their widespread people, their population ......, huge ......, are indeed healthy; the true seed is {indeed great there} {(1 ms. has instead:) precious}.
38-41. Urim, your holy city, rivalling heaven and earth, whose great prince you are ......, of which the appearance is precious, which dispenses the divine powers and makes the foundations (?) and the plans firm both in the south and in the uplands, will surely escape from the grasp and will cry .......
42-45. Elam, a raging dog, a destroyer, will not defile E-kic-nu-jal, the sanctuary which covers heaven and earth, which has no ....... Its protective spirits shall not be split apart! My lord: the loudest roarer (?), the runner, has taken flight (?)!
46-51. May AnEnlil and Enki, who have loved Ibbi-Suen from the womb, look upon him approvingly. ...... is indeed placed there; they have changed (?) their appearance. With the ...... and (?) the city-gates of Urim opening, they cry "Aee!" If ...... says, "Who is my lord?" -- You are the king to whom Enlil has given ...... no rival!
52-55. Your heart should not fret over this, ......! For ...... has avenged (?) ......; he has made its foundations firm for you. Let your heart be glad over ...... and (?) its seed. As long as my lord is alive, he will exercise kingship over Urim.
56-58. Do not suddenly reject anything that is sent as a message (?) to my lord! Before Utu, I will not change my word (?).

Letter from Ibbi-Suen to Icbi-Erra about his bad conduct

1-2. Say to Icbi-Erra: this is what your lord (?), Ibbi-Suen, says:
3-10. As long as Enlil was my lord (?), what course were you following? And is this how you alter your word? Today Enlil detests me, he detests his son Suen (the principal deity of Urim) , and is handing Urim over to the enemy. Its central part (?) is gone, the enemy has risen up, and all the lands are thrown into disarray. But on the day when Enlil turns again towards his son Suen, you and your word will be marked out!
11-13. You have received 20 talents of silver to purchase grain. You purchase it at the price of one shekel of silver per 2 gur of grain, but in dealing with me, you fix the price at one shekel of silver per 1 gur of grain!
14-18. How could you allow Puzur-Numucda, the commander of the fortress Igi-hursaja, to let the hostile Martu penetrate into my Land? Until now (?) he has not (?) sent to you word (?) about engaging in battle. There are puny men in the Land! Why has he not (?) faced theMartu?

Letter from Puzur-Culgi to Ibbi-Suen about Icbi-Erra's claim on Isin

1-3. Say to Ibbi-Suen, my lord: this is what Puzur-Culgi, the governor of Kazallu, your servant, says:
4-6. A messenger of Icbi-Erra came to me. He presented himself before me announcing: "Icbi-Erra, my lord, sends you a message:"
7-14. " "Enlil, my lord, has ...... the shepherdship of the land. Enlil has told me to bring beforeNinisina the cities, deities and troops of the region of the TigrisEuphratesAb-gal and Me-Enlila watercourses, from the province of Hamazi {to the sea of Magan} {(1 ms. has instead:) and from the ...... of Magan}, so as to make Isin the storehouse of Enlil, to make it famous, and {to make those regions its spoils of war and to make Isin's citizens occupy their cities} {(1 ms. has instead:) to make Isin's citizens occupy the cities as spoils of war.}""
15-17. " "Why do you oppose (?) me? {I swear by the name of my lord Enlil and by Dagan, my personal god} {(2 mss. have instead:) I swear by the name of Dagan, my personal god}, that I will indeed get hold of Kazallu!""
18-25. " "The cities and the province which Enlil has promised me {I want to build up} {(1 ms. has instead:) I want to place} within Isin in their ....... I want to perform at their ecec festivals. I want to install my statues, my emblems, my en priests {(2 mss. add:) and lumah priests} andnindijir priestesses in their jipar shrines. Before Enlil, within the E-kur, before Nanna, within theE-kic-nu-jal, the ...... shall speak their prayers.""
26-29. " "And as for you, {I want to remove} {(2 mss. have instead:) ...... eradicate} from within his country the man in whom you placed your trust! I want to rebuild the fortification of Isin and name it Idil-pacunu!""
30-32. Just as he said he would, he has rebuilt the fortification of Isin and named it Idil-pacunu.
33-34. He has captured Nibru and installed {his garrison} {(1 ms. has instead:) set guards} there. Also he has captured Nijdugani, the chief administrator {of Nibru} {(1 ms. has instead:) at Nibru}.
35-36. He {has imprisoned} {(1 ms. has instead:) made a prisoner of} Zinnum, the governor {ofSubir} {(1 ms. has instead:) of Kic}. He has plundered Hamazi.
37-42. He has made {Nur-ahi} {(2 mss. have instead:Nur-Ea}, the governor of EcnunnaCu-Enlil, the governor of Kic, and {Puzur-Tutu} {(1 ms. has instead:Puzur-Marduk}, the governor of Bad-ziaba, return to their posts. At his cry of victory the land ...... is covered (?) like a .......Icbi-Erra is constantly at the head of (?) his soldiers!
43-48. Just as he said he would, he has captured the regions of the TigrisEuphratesAb-galand Me-Enlila watercourses. He has made Iddin enter Malgium (?). {Opposing} {(1 ms. has instead:) hating} Girbubu, the governor of Jirikal, he {cut off his strap} {(2 mss. have instead:) he removed his barley stores (?)} and captured him. {His cry of victory lies heavily upon us (?)} {(1 ms. has instead:) ...... he named ......}.
49-53. Now Icbi-Erra is looking in my direction. I have no ally, nobody with whom I can align myself. Since he has not yet been able to get me in his grasp, let me come to you when he falls upon me. My lord should know this!

Letter from Ibbi-Suen to Puzur-Culgi hoping for Icbi-Erra's downfall

Version A

1-3. Say to {Puzur-Culgi} {(2 mss. have instead:Puzur-Numucda}, the governor of Kazallu: this is what Ibbi-Suen, your lord, says:
4-5. When I had chosen for you ...... from among the troops, they were at your disposal, as governor of Kazallu. But as in my own case, are not {your troops} {(1 ms. has instead:) your people} proof (?) of your importance?
6-9. Why have you sent me somebody saying: "Icbi-Erra has got his eyes upon me -- so let me come to you when he falls upon me"?
10-14. How come you did not know how long it would take to make Icbi-Erra return to the mountain lands? Why have you and Girbubu, the governor of Jirikal, not confronted him with the troops which you had at hand? How could you allow (?) him to restore (?) ......?
15-19. Today (?) Enlil loathes Sumer and has elevated to the shepherdship of the Land an ape which has {descended} {(2 mss. have instead:) come forth} from those mountain lands. {Now Enlil has given kingship to a dishonest man, {a seller of} {(1 ms. has instead:) who values} asafoetida} {(1 ms. has instead:) At this moment Enlil ...... to somebody who sells asafoetida, a peripatetic criminal} -- to Icbi-Erra, who is not of Sumerian origin.
20-24. See, the assembly where the gods are and Sumer itself have been dispersed! FatherEnlil, whose words prevail (?), said: "Until the enemy has been expelled (?) from UrimIcbi-Erra, the man from Mari, will tear out Urim's foundations. He will indeed measure out Sumerlike grain." He has spoken just so.
25-28. Even though you were installed as governors of the various ...... the others will defect toIcbi-Erra, in accordance with Enlil's word. Should you hand over your city to the enemy like your companions, {Icbi-Erra will not recognise you as his faithful and agreeable servant.} {(1 ms. has instead:) will Icbi-Erra recognise you as his faithful and agreeable servant?}
29-34. May it now be brought about (?) that good words should be restored and treason extinguished. Let Icbi-Erra (?) participate in the harvest among the people there; but you yourself, {do not turn back} {(1 ms. has instead:) do not harvest}, and do not come to me! His grasp should not get hold of the city! This man from Mari, with the understanding of a dog, should not exercise lordship!
35-38. {Now Enlil, my helper, has made the Martu rise from their mountain lands} {(1 ms. has instead:) Now Enlil has ...... the Tidnum as ...... from their mountain lands}. They will repelElam and seize Icbi-Erra. To regain the Land will indeed make our might known in all the foreign lands. It is urgent! {Do not be neglectful} {(1 ms. has instead:) Do not all give up}!

Version B

unknown no. of lines missing
1-4. ...... sent ......:
1 line missing
...... come (?). ...... they stood .......
5-8. How come you did not know ...... to make ...... return to the mountain lands? ...... of Jirikal, they had ......, they have not confronted him. How could you allow him (?) to ......?
9-13. ...... detests ....... After (?) he has elevated ...... to the shepherdship of the Land. ...... has given kingship to ...... asafoetida ......, who is .......
14-19. After ...... has been dispersed,
3 lines missing
Enlil spoke thus: "...... will ......."
1 line fragmentary He (?) will defect to Icbi-Erra ....... So long as ...... has indeed not been handed over to (?) the enemy, will Icbi-Erra himself (?) recognise ......?
24-35. You ....... ...... he (?) destroyed (?) for you.
1 line fragmentary ...... he (?) overturns (?) there. ...... returning (?) ....... ...... in my having ....... I (?) had in mind ....... ...... was set there in prosperity. ...... is supreme over ......, after I (?) have made ...... there. I will seize him with my own hands .......
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

Letter from Aba-indasa to Culgi about his neglect

1-8. Say to my lord, and repeat to my kid of the mountains, with beautiful horns; to my horse of the mountains, with an eagle's claws; my date-palm, growing on untouched ground and with fresh (?) dates hanging from it: this is what the captain of pledged {troops} {(2 mss. have instead:) soldiers}, Aba-indasa -- who, by means of prayers for his king, greatly pleases his king's heart -- your servant, says:
9-10. You are mighty, {my lord; I will follow you} {(1 ms. has instead:) let me be your soldier}! {Let me be the courier of your business} {(1 ms. has instead:) I will stand (?) before him attentively}!
11-13. When a boat is available, I will steer (?) with the rudder; {when water is available} {(1 ms. has instead:) when a father is available}, I will plunge in; {(2 mss. add:) when a son is available, I will thresh (?);} {(1 ms. adds:) ...... I will make ...... shiny;} when wind is available, {I will winnow} {(1 ms. has instead:) I will ......}.
14-15. I am a scribe and I write on stelae. {(2 ms. add:) ...... business concerning the troops.} I will ...... business which has been neglected in the assembly, when it ....... {(1 ms. adds:) ...... business which makes good ...... equal.}
16-19. But like a tree planted in riverine thickets, I am bowed down in dirt. They have bound a rope around my hands, on my chair where they have tied me. In my city, where I would wear clean clothes, I am clothed instead in mourning dress. When I wash away clods of soil, dust still gets into my eyes.
20-23. Dogs devour corpses, lifting their chests. When dragons kill, what is left from their mouths is put aside. Fire consumes reedbeds even though they have waterways. Utu, who eats butter, who eats cream, nevertheless touches the table of the poor. {(1 ms. adds:) Grant me my life and hold my hands! I am a son of a widow, and I have no one to take care of me.}
24. As for me, when will the heart of Culgi, my lord, be restored to me? {(1 ms. adds:) May my lord attend to me and restore me to my mother.}

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